Parish of Drumlease (Dromahaire - KHlagrue - Newtownmanor) Child Protection Code of Conduct The Parish of Drumlease is committed to 1. Young people and adults working on behalf of the church will be treated and will treat each other with courtesy, respect and dignity at all times. 2. Young people will not be permitted to consume alcohol, smoke or take non-prescriptive drugs while participating in activities, in keeping with civil law both in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland. 3. Appropriate supervision ratios* of adults working on behalf of the church to young people while maintaining the practice of ensuring that no young person is left alone with an adult working on behalf of the church. Children will not travel alone in cars etc. with an adult working on behalf of the church. This will apply to diocesan and parish based activities or away trips eg. retreats, pilgrimages. £ I 4. Care will be taken to ensure that when working with mixed gender groups, adults O I working on behalf of the church of appropriate gender will work in pairs. • ^^^™ V I 5. That adults working on behalf of the church will not consume alcohol, smoke <£ I or take non-prescriptive drugs while having responsibility for or in the presence o I of young people. 5 6. Bad language or offensive comments will not be permitted by young people or adults working on behalf of the church. 7. Young people or adults working on behalf of the church will not engage in rough play with other young people or infringe on personal boundaries whereby physical integrity is compromised. 8. Adults working on behalf of the church will not undertake any task of a personal nature with / for young people except in cases of medical necessity when the welfare of the young person depends on it. 9. Adults working on behalf of the church will always engage with young people in an open and transparent manner and care will be taken not to show favouritism. 10. There will be clearly designated adults working on behalf of the church within each group with whom young people can speak about their experience and raise concerns if necessary. 11. The diocese will have a designated person assigned to whose immediate attention all concerns and /or complaints can be brought. 12.The designated person will respond promptly to all concerns and liaise with the appropriate civil and church authorities. 13.A disciplinary code of conduct and appropriate sanctions should be agreed in consultation with adults working on behalf of the church and with young people. 14. Inappropriate use of videos, dvds, cameras, land line phones, mobile phones and picture mobile phones will not be allowed by adults working on behalf of the church and young people while participating in church activities. All mobile phones will be kept on silent or turned off during church activities. A> O 15. Adults working on behalf of the church and young people must refrain from inappropriate use or damage to property and must at all times endeavour to treat property with respect. o o 16. Clear procedures will be followed when taking young people away on day trips, residential trips and pilgrimages. 17. Adults working on behalf of the church and young people must adhere to the computer policy. 18. Reviewing this code of conduct periodically. * See Child Protection Procedures. Parish of Drumlease, May 2008