LECTURE Bishop Donal Murray Taste the New Wine Rediscovering Vatican II' Tuesday February 26th 7.45pm Bishop Donal Murray was Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin from 1982 to 1996 and then Bishop of Limerick until 2009. He lectured in Moral Theology in Mater Dei Institute and in Holy Cross College from 1969 to 1982. His most recent publication 'Keeping Open the Door of Faith' is a personal reflection on the 5 themes of the Vatican Council and their implications for today's world. Bishop Murray will speak for about 35 minutes followed by group discussion and a question and answer session. Light refreshments will be served. Subscription €5 New Pastoral Councils - Meeting for Chairpersons and Secretaries New Pastoral Councils were put in place in each of the parishes during 2012. Training for these Councils took place at a Pastoral Area level during November and December. As a follow on to this training two meetings for chairpersons and secretaries will take place during February. This session will contain input on the role of the officers and the executive, some input on preparing for and conducting meetings, and a look at the new standing orders and the constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council. First meeting: Thursday February 7th at 8.15pm in the sacristy of St. Clare's Church, Manorhamilton for the chairpersons and secretaries of the Pastoral Councils in the Manorhamilton Deanery. Second meeting: Monday, February 11th, in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan, at 8pm for the chairpersons and secretaries in the Cavan, Ballinamore and Bailieborough Deaneries. "EA3 Of *!•*!;; Certificate in Studies in the Catechism In his Apostolic Letter to announce the Year of Faith, 'Porto Fidei', Pope Benedict highlighted the importance of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the effort to help adults rediscover and study the fundamental content of the faith. He says that in the Catechism "we see the wealth of teaching that the Church has received, safeguarded and proposed in her two thousand years of history ... in this year then it will serve as a tool providing real support for the faith, especially for those concerned with the formation of Christians". There is a clear need in our cultural context today to have committed and mature Christians who are confident in speaking about their faith and who are a resource for catechesis and other forms of faith development among children, adolescents and adults. This certificate in studies in the catechism, designed and accredited by the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, is a very useful educational tool to help adults learn the fundamental basics of their faith in a relaxed and supportive environment. The certificate course will begin this year in the Kilmore Diocese and will be delivered in two centres The Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan, and in Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim. It is open to anyone aged 18 years and over. It does not require any previous third level experience or qualification but will require a willingness to spend at least 40 minutes a day, five days a week, reading and studying various texts. Each student will need to bring a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and a Jerusalem Bible to each session. Course notes will be provided to each participant. Catechisms are available to order from Veritas, Monaghan (04784077). The list price is €16.95 but a 10% discount is available if you mention that you are doing the course through the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre. The course lasts three years and is divided into six units: (1) Faith and Revelation (2) The Creed (3) Liturgy and Sacrament (4) Introduction to Morality (5) The Ten Commandments (6) Prayer. Each unit will take twelve sessions to complete and will involve the completion of a short assignment. Two units will be studied per year. The following are the dates for the first unit: Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Cavan - Thursday's - February 14th, 21st, 28th, March 7th, 14th, 21st, April 18th, 25th, May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd. Manorhamilton - Wednesday Nights - February 20th, 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th, April 10th, 17th, 24th, May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd. An information night for those interested in the course will be held in The Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan, on Wednesday, January 30th at 8pm and in the sacristy of St. Clare's Church, Manorhamilton on Thursday, January 31st, at 7.30pm. The application form for the course is available to download from the Diocesan Pastoral Centre website www.kilmoredpc.ie . For more information please call Fr. Michael Router at 049-4375004 or email mrouter!5(5)gmail.com . Diocesan Assembly 2014 Listening Survey The Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Kilmore Priests Council have decided that a Diocesan Assembly will be held on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of October 2014. Part of the purpose of Assembly is to gather the priests and people together to plan for a future that will be very different. The most noticeable change that will occur in the coming decade will be the fall in the numbers of priests from the diocese working in the diocese. At present there are just less than seventy priests under the retirement age of 75 working across 35 parishes. In 2020 it is expected that this number will be approximately 41 with only three under the age of 50. This will have implications in terms of the services provided, co-responsibility, youth ministry, adult faith development, and mission/outreach. It is hoped at this stage that the Assembly will involve different and varied workshops with a number of key speakers, plenary sessions to look at the implications of change and the challenge posed by falling levels of faith and practice, a prayer space at the venue and a special celebration of the Eucharist in the Cathedral on the Saturday evening. The venues for the Assembly will be the Diocesan Pastoral Centre and the new St. Patrick's College, Cavan. Planning for the Assembly is at a very early stage but the process leading up to October 2014 will be as important as the event itself. The Assembly Steering Committee is hoping to organise a number of focus group style listening sessions with various groups around the diocese in the coming months. The feedback from these sessions will inform consultation with the Parish Pastoral Councils in the Autumn. The Assembly Steering Committee will work in conjunction with the Diocesan Focus Group to train facilitators for this listening survey. Further details will be circulated to parishes in the near future. Anyone interested in helping to facilitate this listening survey is asked to attend a meeting in the Pastoral Centre, Cavan on Monday February 4th at 7.30pm. Music Ministry Paul Flynn is available to assist choirs and cantors in the diocese during the coming year. He can be contacted through the Centre. Rates for parish visits are €40 per hour. Safeguarding Children Since November 2012, and over the coming months, the newly appointed Parish Safeguarding Children Representatives and newly appointed Parish Pastoral Council chairs will attend training in safeguarding children. The safeguarding reps will then hold information sessions in their parish for leaders, volunteers and parents of children involved in activities. There are thirty four newly appointed Safeguarding Reps and twenty one newly appointed Pastoral Council chairs. Twenty three safeguarding reps are continuing in their second term of office. Training and updating in safeguarding children is on-going in the diocese for all safeguarding personnel i.e. clergy, parish safeguarding reps, parish pastoral council chairs, parish recruitment committees, pastoral assistants, permanent deacons, diocesan advisors, diocesan safeguarding children committee, care persons & advisers, pastoral centre team, and Lourdes pilgrimage leaders. The annual diocesan safeguarding children conference will take place on Thursday 23rd May 2013. The diocesan safeguarding children policy manual and the diocesan safeguarding children newsletter can be downloaded from www.kilmorediocese.ie Diocesan Coordinator: Contact: Suzie Duffy, Kilmore Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan. Phone: 049- 4375004 ext 105. e-mail: safeguardingchildren@kilmorediocese.ie Designated Persons: Delegates appointed by the Bishop to receive any Complaint of Child Abuse by Church Personnel. Suzie Duffy, Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan, Co. Cavan. Tel. 049 - 4375004, ext 105. Email: safeguardingchildren(S)kilmorediocese.ie Fr. Sean Mawn, Parochial House, Ballinaglera, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Tel. 071 - 9643014. Towards Healing: Counselling & Support for Survivors of Abuse: Republic of Ireland - Freephone 1800 303416. Northern Ireland Freephone 0800 0963315. E-mail: info@towardshealing.ie Website: www.towardshealing.ie Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre Phone: 049-4375004 Fax: 049-4327497 E-mail: pastoralcentre@kilmorediocese.ie Website: www.kilmoredpc.ie Room Hire for Meetings and Conferences Drumlane Conference Room Day—€115 Half Day-€70 Night-€60 Creevalee Conference Room Day-€100 Half Day-€55 Night-€45 Medium Meeting Rooms Day-€80 Half Day-€45 Night-€35 Small Meeting Rooms Day—€60 Half Day—€40 Night—€30 Catering: Tea/Coffee and Biscuits €2 per head. Lunches available for groups of 10 to 60. Sandwiches and finger food also available for groups up to 150. All food must be booked at least five days in advance. Youth Ministry - Clare Coyle Tel: 0494375004 Ext 107 The John Paul II & Papal Cross Award: Kilmore Diocese held its first Pope John Paul II Award Ceremony on the 18th of October 2012 in the Pastoral Centre. 18 Young people from all around the diocese were presented with their medals and certificates on the day by Bishop Leo 0' Reilly and by representatives of the Knights of Columbanus. The Award has three strands: parish involvement, social awareness and a presentation. There are three Awards available to achieve: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Through the award young people will be enabled to take an active part in the life of their Church, in the life of their community and society. They also become more aware of the teaching role of the Catholic Church in the world. A number of Young People who have received their Gold Award have decided to continue their Parish and Community work to achieve the Papal Cross Award. Parish Pastoral Council Youth Officers: An Information night for Parish Pastoral Council Youth Officers will take place in two venues in the Diocese during the month of February. Tullamore JPPC National Youth Conference: This event will take place on Sat. 23rd February 2013. The day is organised by Tullamore Junior Parish Pastoral Council and takes place in St. Mary's Youth and Community Centre, Tullamore. The conference includes: live music, inspirational speakers and more than 30 workshops for participants. Young people from Kilmore Diocese will attend the day. Knock Summer Youth Festival: The annual Knock Summer Youth Festival will take place in Knock this summer. Youth from Kilmore Diocese will attend the weekend event. youthministry@kilmorediocese.ie Lectio Divina The two Latin words 'Lectio Divina' mean 'sacred reading7 and they remind us that this is an ancient method of reading the Bible that goes back to the first thousand years of Christianity. Lectio Divina has been rediscovered in our own time as people are learning to use the method for personal reflection or in small groups. To mark the year of faith and to promote the use of Lectio Divina in parishes throughout the diocese the Pastoral Centre are organising information nights in each of the deaneries during the coming year. The next information night will be in Bailieborough Deanery on Monday April 8th at 8pm (Venue TBC). Those interested in setting up a Lectio Divina group in their own parish are invited to attend. Ongoing support is available through the Diocesan Pastoral Centre to new groups. Lenten Prayer Initiative Resources are available to help people gather to pray in homes or parish rooms during the seasons of Lent. These resources, called 'Taking Our Hearts to the Lord' /nclude a prayer service for each week of the season, a gospel passage and a pre-prepared reflection on the gospel. The booklets are available through the Diocesan Pastoral Centre. They cost €5 each. The gospel reflection inserts are available free on request by email to mrouterl5@gmail.com Croi Nua The Emmaus team have produced a new programme of spiritual renewal specifically developed for the people of Ireland. The programme consists of a series of small group gatherings based on reflective reading, group sharing and prayer. More information is available from the Pastoral Centre Pilgrimage to Lough Derg St Patrick's Purgatory is a unique pilgrimage site in a small lake in County Donegal. The pilgrimage there dates back to the very early days of Christianity. This is the 'Year of Faith' and as one of the events to mark the year the Pastoral Centre is organising a one day diocesan pilgrimage to Lough Derg on Tuesday, August 27th. It's an opportunity to join thousands of pilgrims who go to the island and in doing so experience something unique and authentic which helps them to get in touch with themselves and get to know God a little better. The traditional three day pilgrimage remains very much at the heart of the island and will run from the 31st May to the 15th August. In addition to that there are many other opportunities to experience Lough Derg such as Day Retreats Faith-Based Seminars, and Family Focused Events. Download a copy of the 2013 Season Guide now from www.loughderg.org which contains all the information you will need to plan your visit.