Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr.John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 1st June 2014 ~ The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord World Communications Day, Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. We celebrate our own salvation too, for where Jesus, the Head of the Church has gone, We, his Body, are called to follow. Today is also World Communications Day. We pray for ail who work in Communications & the Media. Maythey be dedicated to the truth and objectivity. Family &Youth Mass in Dromahair Church This morning, Sunday 1st June 2014 at 11.15am we celebrate a Family & Youth Massin iir Church. This is also a Special Mass for all those sitting Examinations and their families. The Mass in Killaraue Church this Saturday Evening, 31st May, is also a special Mass for all Examination Students & their Families. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and all tafdng part on Saturday evening in Killargue and Sunday morning in Dromahair. CHURCH NOTICES. i [A] Did you forget? Tie Special Annual Diocesan Vocations A Support Services Collection was due last Sunday 1 th May2014. You can still bring it in next Sunday. Your contribution is needed and much appreciated. You will find the pink Diocesan Services Collection Envelope between your April & May Dues Envelopes. You will also 3nd a flyer in your Dues Pack detailing the uses to which this Collection is put. You may of course use an ordinary envelope maridng it Diocesan Services** if you haven't a dedicated envelope! [B] Trocalre 2014s Any further contributions? Thanks to all who have contributed so far. [C] Getting married in 2014 or 2015? ContactACCORD for your Pr^Mamage Application Form. Courses should be undertaken at least 6 months or preferably one year before your marria^, ACCORD also offers Marriage & Relationship Counselling in strict confidence. To book your ^re-Marriage Course or speak with a Counsellor, please contact Anne ot Grainne on 049 -4375004. E -mail: Covanaccord(S) Information onother Accord Centres can beobtained from: Cer^i office: 01-5053112. [D] Witness to Hope: Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock onSunday 15th June led by Bishop Leo O' Reilly. Ceremonies begin at 2.3Qpm. Bishop Leo has asked for more support for ftis pilgrimage which has been dwindling in recem years. It is a great opportunity for family groups to visit this special place of prayer and celebrate with people from around the Diocese and from aroundthe country. Do thiHc about it! [E] Next Parish Pastoral Council Meeting: Tuesday 10th June at 9.00pm in the Depot. This is a very important meeting and a full attendance is requested. [F] First Communion for the Second Class in Leckaun N.S. will be celebrated next Saturday 7th June at 11.30am in Newtownmanor Chyrch. Congratulations to all the young people ceiebratinq this special event. A special thankyou to Ms. Cria Dolan. their dass teacher and to all the Staff of Leckaun N.S. [G] Formation Evening for Current & New Ministers of the Eucharist: St. Aidan's Church, Ballaghmeehan, Rossinver Tuesday 3rd June 2014 from 7.30pm -9.30pm, Fr. Enda Murphy, Director of Pastoral Services will be there. [H] Weremember: Nancy Cullen, Trim (sister of John Redmond, Market St., whose death took place on Friday; Michael John Harte, late of Fawn (brother of Patricia Kelly, Dromahair) whose funeral takes place in ^ Worthing, England on Friday 6th June & Barry Sweeney, Ardakipbeg, whose funeral took place on Friday 23 May, May he rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass; Monday 11.30am: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday - 11.15am. 2. Pray for: All the Faithful Departed & St. Felim's Society, Mass Wednesday 4th June at 9.30am. Beryl & Michael McGoldrick, Kiimore, Fivemilebourne, Anniversary Mass Friday 6th June at S.OOpm. Benny & Ita Winston, The Line, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 8th June at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for June: Reader: Volunteer Needed. Collectors: Joseph Me Goldrick. Altar Society: Josephine & Orla Harvey CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOP, NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for Michael Darcy, Luglustrane and his parents, John & Mary, Anniversary Mass Sunday 1st June at 10.00am. Michael Cunningham, Fawnlion, his son Michael, Dundrum & Molly Cunningham, Mass Sunday 8th June at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace 3-Liturgy for June: Reader: Sarah Comiskey & Gary Comiskey. Collectors: Michael Comiskey & Liam Martin. Altar Society: Hilary McDermott ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday Vigil Mass 8.00pm. Vigil Mass for Examination Students & their Families, tonight Saturday 31st May, at S.OOpm. 2. Prav for Thomas McGuinness, Lisgorman, Anniversary Mass Saturday 7th June at S.OOpm. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Killargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. 4. Liturgy for June: Readers: Bridget Fitzpatrick. Collectors: Micheal Donaghue & Joseph Giblin. Altar Society: Bridle Boles. 5. Killargue Apostolic Society: Cake Sale & Raffle this Saturday evening 31st May after 8.00pm Mass. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Bingo every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. AH houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated 2. Dromahair Community Playschool Ltd ~ Now enrolling for 1st September 2014: Accepting Children for ECCE (free year) & Children from 2yrs lOmonths. Open Day: Monday 9th June from 1.00pm - 2.00pm. Contact Teresa at 087 - 6436362. 3. St. Patrick's GAA Club ~ Fundraising Weekend, 7th & 8th June ~ for training gear for Men's Senior Teams: Car Wash in the Park on both days, 9.00am- S.OOpm & Car Boot Sale also in the Park on Sunday 8th June from 9.00am - 3.00pm. Anyone wishing to participate in the Car Boot Sale can do so for €10. Tea, Coffee and refreshments available in the Pavilion. 4. Fundraisina Cycle to Climb Challenge ~ from Dromahair to Knocknarea and back " on Saturday 7th June, starting from the Park at 10.00am. Anyone wishing to take part can sign up the morning of the event between 9.00am and 10.00am. No fixed fee but donations welcome. Money raised goes to the NationalLearning Networks Special Olympics, Manorhamilton. Further details from Conor Kelly at 087 2205622. 5. Kiilenummery Churchyard Restoration Committee: Table Quiz in the Blue Devon on Saturday 7th June at 9.30pm. 6. Jobs Fair 2014. Employers in Leitrim and surrounding counties now recruiting. Come along to the Jobs Fair in the Landmark Hotel, Thursday 5th June from 3.00pm - 7.00pm. Free admission. Details from Nicola at 071 9620450. Web: www. 7. Cemetery Mass