Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr, John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 2nd March 2014 ~ The Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. This Wednesday, 5th March 2014 is Ash Wednesday and a Dav of Fast and Abstinence There will be an early morning Mass in Dromahair Church at 7,00am and Kiilargue Church at 8.00am with distribution of ashes. See Note [A] below for further Mass times. We regret that due to circumstances it is not possible to provide evening Masses in all three churches. General / Church Notices. [A] Wednesday next 5th March 2014 is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Season of Lent It is also a Day of Fast andAbstinence.. Mass Times for Ash Wednesday are as follows: Dromahair ~ 7.00am & 8.00pm; Killamue ~ 8.00am; Newtownmanor ~ 11.00am. Trocaire Boxes will be available at the back of vour church on Ash Wednesday. [B] Would you like to climb Croagh Patrick, get a bit of exercise while taking part in a good humoured parish pilgrimage? It is proposed to run this event on Bank Holiday Monday, 5th May 2014. If you are interested please give your name to Frances in the Post Office. Tel 071 - 9164106, Names must be in by Wednesday 6th April. [C] Parish Pastoral Council: Next meeting at 9.00pm. Thursday 6th March 2014, in the Depot. [D] It is hoped to run ajseries of 3 Inspirational Talks in the parish for Lent ~ one in each church. On Tuesday 18th March at 7.00pm, Fr. Brian Shortfall will celebrate Mass and speak in St. Brigid's Church, Killargue. And on Thursday 27th!March at 8.00pm, Shane Martin will give a lecture in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair. Fr. Brian brings a positive outlook and a spirituality that enriches. His theme is: Tired of all the bad news. Shane Martin aligns himself to the School of Positive Psychology, seeking to build on a person's strengths. He is focused on keeping people resilient during life's challenges and crises. And he shares a positive Christian outlook too. Details of the talk in Newtownmanor have not yet been finalized. But it is hoped it will go ahead! [E] Drumlease N.S. Board of Management: Next Meeting Tuesday 4th March at 8.00pm [F] Friday next is the First Friday. Visitation will begin on Friday and continue the following week. All concerned will be contacted before a visit takes place. [G] Ceremony of Light & Commitment ~for Confirmation Classes in Drumlease N.S. ALeckaun N.S. on Saturday 8th March at 8.15pm in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair. All candidates, parents and are asked to attend. Sponsors too. Other family members also welcome. Please be seated by 8,00pm. [H] We remember: Nan O'Rourke, Market St. Dromahair whose funeral took place on Saturday 1st March & Winnie Brady, Belcoo (mother-in-law of Regina McGowan, Church Rd, Dromahair) whose funeral took place last Sunday. Mav they rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday9.30am; Wednesday ~ Ash Wednesday ~ 7.00am & 8.00pm; Fr/&?/8.00pm; .a//Mfayll.l5anu 2. Prav for: - Special Intention, Mass Sunday 2nd March at 11.15am. Cathal Branley, Mass Monday 3rd March at 9.30am. Deceased of The Hannon Family, Killavoggy, Mass Wednesday 5th March at 8.00pm. Sarah Brennan, Shriff, Months Memory Mass Friday 7th March at 8.00pm. Jarlath Conry, Carrickacroghery, Annlv Mass Sunday 9m March at 11.15am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for March: Readers: Sadie & Marie Foley; Collectors: Micheal McGoldrick, Tommy Dolan, Frank McGowan & Bernadette Conlon. Altar Society: Betty Purvis & Susan Kivlehan. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Wednesday ~ Ash Wednesday ~ 11.00am; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for: Grainne Kelly, Magurk, Sligo and Belfast, Anniversary Mass Sunday 2nd March at 10.00am. All the deceased of the parish and St. Felfms', Mass Wednesday 5th March at 11.00am, Michael Cunningham, Dundrum & Fawnlion, Mass Sunday 9th March at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for March: Reader: Volunteer needed. Collectors: Seamus Fowley. Altar Society: Bernadette & Hazel Boylan. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 7.00pm; Wednesday ~ Ash Wednesday ~ 8.00am; Saturday Evening ** Vigil Mass ** 7.00pm. 2. Pray for:- Deceased of the Bird Family, Anniversary Mass Saturday 1st March at 7.00pm. Patrick & Margaret O'Hara, Shanacranaghy & Pat Kerins, Soxline, Mass Saturday 8th March at 7.00pm. Mav they rest in peace. 3. Eucharistic Adoration; Killargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. 4. Liturgy for March: Readers: Carmel Loughlin. Collectors: Dessie Hannon, Vincent Feeney & Hughie Harte. Altar Society: Mary Harte & Breege O'Hagan. ICommunity Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is muchappreciated 2. County Leitrim ~ Draft Development Plan 2015 - 2021: The Plan is on public display from 31st January - 11* April 2014. Written submissions and observations are welcome and should be addressed to the Planning Department of Leitrim Co. Council at Aras an Chontae, Carrick-on-Shannon. The documents can be viewed at E-mail: 3. Progressive 25 Card Game ~ Newtownmanor Hall: Every Friday night at 9.00pm. New faces, young and old, are most welcome. Come along for a night of good fun. 4. Leitrim Co. Council ~ modification of Waste Collection Plan: It has been decided to defer the full implementation of the Pav bv Weight System until 1st August 2014. In the interim, a Dual System will operate. You can use Pav bv Weight or use the existing Tag System until 31st July 2014. Please contact vour Waste Collector for further information. i 5. Lough Gill Players, Dromahair are delighted to be back in the Manor this year with the comedy I Do NotLfke Thee Dr. Fe/L directed by Gerard McKenna. The company takes the stage in Newtownmanor Hall on Saturday8th & Sunday 9th March at 8.30pm sharp. There is a new car-park at Newtownmanor Hall so lots of parking spaces are available. Proceeds go to Newtownmanor Community Development and the Lough Gill Players. 6. During Masses, Baptisms or any Church Ceremonies, you are asked not to leave any valuables in your car. Handbags should never be left on seats. There are people going round at the moment very willing to break into your car and share your property without your permission. 7. IFA Protest in Dublin on Tuesday 4th March. This is an important gathering for farmers producing weanlings for Autumn sale, Free bus. Contact 087-7960914 8. Irish Pilgrimage Trust ~ Caring for Special Needs Children: The Killargue Collection on 22nd February raised €132. Thanks. 9. AGM Newtownmanor Development: At 8.00pm on Tuesday 4th March. All members should attend. New faces most welcome. 10. Pancakes for Charitv: On Shrove Tuesday, 4th March, Drumlease N.S. are makingand selling pancakes in aid of the National Children's Hospital, Tallaght. €2 per pancake. Toppings free. Everyone welcome from 10.00am. This event is organized by the Confirmation Class and the Parent's Association. 11. Drumlease N.S. Enrolment 2014: Packs for new pupils starting in September 2014 are now available from the school office. Ring: 071 9164586 for details. Parish Timetable 2014. Confirmation ~ Drumlease N.S. & Leckaun N.S. Saturday 12th April 2014 at 12.00 noon in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair with Bishop Leo O' Reilly. First Communion Drumiease N.S. ~ Saturday 17th May 2014 at 11.00am in St Patrick's Church, Dromahair. Leckaun N.S. ~ Saturday 7th June 2014 at 11.30am in the Church of Maty, Mother of God, in Newtownmanor. Visitation and Blessing of Graves Killargue & Cloonlougher ~ Sunday 29th June 2014 Newtownmanor ~ Sunday 3rd August 2014.