Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 4th May 2008 Ascension of the Lord and World Communications Dav Today we celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord. On one level it means saying farewell but in reality it is about a new way of the Lord being present to us and within us by the Power of the Holy Spirit. For this we say thanks at our Mass today. Important reminder for all those receivina Confirmation on Sunday 11th May 2OO8 at 3.OQpm. There will be a practice in Drumkeeran Church on Thursday fP May at 8.00pm The young people receiving the Sacrament, a parent and the sponsor are expected to be present The Saturday Evening Vigil Mass in Killargue has reverted to the later time of 8.00pm from this Saturday. 3rd May 2008. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Evening of Reflection and Formation for Eucharistic Ministers: The Depot, Dromahair at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th May 2008. Facilitator: Fr. Gerry Kearns. Details: 071 - 9164181. [B] The Annual Collection in the parish for Diocesan Sen/ices / Vocation Sunday was due last Sunday 271* April 2OO8. Please bring in your contribution next week ~if possible! You will find the special red Diocesan Services Collection Envelope between your April & May Dues envelopes. You will also find a letter from Bishop Leo explaining the need for this collection and the uses to which it is put ~ the only collection held each year to meet a great variety of Diocesan & National Church commitments. In the Diocese, it funds the Adult Religious Programme, Youth Ministry, Accord & Vocations and, nationally, it helps the Church fund CURA and the Episcopal Commissions looking after Emigrants, Prisoners Overseas, Education, Peace & Justice, Ecumenism, Liturgy and the Press and Information Office. This adds up to well over €120,000 per year for our Diocese alone. Each parish is levied by Kilmore Diocese in accordance with its population ~ a contribution of €4 per head this year for every man, woman and child in the 3 parish areas ~ a total of €12 for a household of three. Do vour best to make vour family contribution in accordance with these guidelines. Thanks! [C] First Friday: Visitation of remaining parishioners who are sick and housebound will take place in the Killargue area on Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th May. [D] We remember: Teresa Harkin, Drumkeel, Killargue whose funeral took place on Saturday 26th April; John P. (Sonny) Reynolds, Carr/ckfad whose funeral also took place on Saturday 26th April in Newtownmanor & Michael Me Morrow, formerly of Cunnion, Killargue [ brother of Rose Me Morrow, Killargue ] who died recently in London. May they rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8,00pm; Sunday11.15am 2. Pray for.Myles Meehan, Killananima & Maura & Frances, Anniversary Mass Sunday 4th May at 11.15am. May Kelly, Anniversary Mass Tuesday 6th May at 9.30am. Cahal Sharkey, St Joseph's, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 11th May at 11.15am. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for May: Readers: Sarah Haddow & Martin Dolan. Collectors: John Me Morrow, Kevin Me Go Id rick & Tommy Sweeney. Altar Society: Chris Me Goldrick. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. PrayfoK- Patrick & Mary Loughlin, Gortnaskeagh and deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 4th May at 10.00am. Michael Mullaney, Riverstown & Pullboy, Month's Memory Mass Sunday 11th May at 10.00am. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for May: Readers: Leckaun National School Children. Collectors: Hubert Loughlin & Paul McDermott. Altar Society: Bernadette Banks & Mai Devaney. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Via// Mass 8.00pm; 2. Pray for.Mary Alice & John Thomas Feely, Tullywillian & deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Saturday 3rd May at 8.00pm. Deceased members of the Me Tiernan Family, Gurteen, Killargue, Anniversary Mass Saturday 10th May at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for May: Readers: John Me Morrow, Mai Gallagher, Seamus Reynolds & Paddy Fahy. Altar Society: Patsy Me Goey & Bernadette Feeney. Community Notices. 1. Support your Local Bingo every Monday night in the Abbey Manor Hotel & 9.00pm sharp. 2. Red Rooster Blues: Little John Nee will be performing his new one-act play in Killargue Community Centre on Saturday 31st May 2008. Doors open 8.30pm. This comedy forms part of a full evening of entertainment which includes buffet supper, glass of wine or soft drink and traditional music provided by local musicians. All this and a raffle too included in the ticket price. For tickets contact: Ed Connick at 071 - 9134840 or Patti Reynolds at Killargue Post Office. 3. Yoga Classes at Ard NaHoo: Yoga for pregnancy ~ Mondays 7.30pm -9.00pm;Beginners Yoga ~ Tuesdays from 6.00pm -7.15pm & Continuers Yoga from 7.30pm -9.00pm;Mother & Baby Yoga ~ Wednesday 10.30am -11.30am. Details from 071-9134939 or 4 Change of Times ~ Tennis in Killargue: Coaching sessions are now held each Wednesday from 5.45pm - 6.45pm & from 6.45pm - 7.45pm.. The fee is €5 payable at the Court before each session. To attend the sessions, Club Membership must be obtained. Membership renewal / application forms available from Killargue Post Office or club officers present at the court each Wednesday. Please return these forms immediately. 5 Manorhamilton Citizens' Information Service: Thursday 2.00- 4.00pm & Friday 10.30am 1.30pm. E -mail: Tel: 071 9820845. Free - phone 1 800 72 72 72 A Date for your Diary The National Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine for Grandparents will take place this year on Sunday September 14th 2008. Ceremonies start at 2.00pm. This is a nice opportunity for grandchildren and grandparents to enjoy a special occasion together. More details later. Say not that you know another entirety, untit you have divided an inheritance with him.