Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 5th December 2010 ~ Second Sunday of Advent We are current// celebrating the Seasonof Advent and a New Church Year ~ a time of new hope, an opportunity to change for the better. Weprepare in joyful expectation for the coming of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. A Date for your Diarv. The Christmas Communal Service of Reconciliation / Penitential Rite for all parish areas will take place in Dromahair Church on Tuesday 21st December at 8.00pm. And an EcumenicalChristmas Carol Service will be held in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair on Sunday 19th December at 7.00pm. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Next Wednesday 3* December 2O1O is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a Holv Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated on the Feast Day itself ~ in the evening ~ in each church area. Killargue ~ 7.00pm; Newtownmanor ~ 7.00pm: Dromahair ~ 8.00pm. [B] Those on the Lists for the Dead are remembered at masses during December. Do make an effort to attend some Masses to remember deceased family, friends and neighbours. [C] A ChristianPerspective on Ireland Today: Baroness Nuala O'Loan's lecture which was cancelled last Monday due to bad weather will be re-scheduled for the Pastoral Centre, Cavan in Spring. [D] First Friday: Visitation continues this week. All concerned will be contacted beforehand. [E] Weremember: Marie Dolan, Drumlease, Dromahair whose funeral took place on Thursday 25th November & Tony Martin (brother of Madeline Me Dermott, Railway Cottage, Drumlease, Dromahair) who died on Thursday 25® November & Dermot Hughes, Dublin ( brother of Isabelle Connolly) who died recently. Mav they rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday ~ Feast of the Immaculate Conception ~ B.OOpmr. Friday 8.00pm; Saturday ~ Do This in Memory of Me Programme ~ Mass for the First Communion Children of Drumlease N.S., their families and friends ~ 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for:Cassie and Sean Me Morrow, Anniversary Mass Sunday 5th December at 11.15am. Jeremiah & Margaret McSharry, Stonepark and deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Tuesday 7th December at 9.30am. Paddy Downey, Main St., Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Wednesday 8th December at 8.00pm. Terence & Catherine O'Brien, New York and Bernie McTernan, Naas, Anniversary Mass Friday 10th December at 8.00pm. James, Sarah & Aidan Clancy, Aughameelta, Anniversary Mass Sunday 12th December at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for December: Readers: Fiona O' Loughlin. Collectors: Josie Torsney, James Creed, Patrick Me Goldrick & Padraig O' Rourke. Altar Society: Ann Me Loughlin & Ella Toolan. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Wednesday ~Feast of the Immaculate Conception ~ 7.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:Patrick Feehily, Cornalaughta, Anniversary Mass Sunday 5th December at 10.00am. Mary Kate & Patrick Me Ternan, Moragh, Anniversary Mass Wednesday8th December at 7.00pm. Patsy Devaney, Corrycullen, Anniversary Mass Sunday 12th December at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace, 3. Liturgy for December: Reader: Philomena Dolan. Collectors: John Logue. Altar Society: Margaret Feehily & Mary Keegan. ST. BRIGIP'S CHUR( 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Wednesday ~ Feast of the Immaculate Conception ~ 7.OOonr. Friday 7.00pm Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 7.00pm 2. Pray for:Eddie & Mary Me Partlin, Slieveanard, Anniversary Mass Saturday Evening 4th December at 7.00pm. Dora & Francis Me Goey, Annaghboy, Anniversary Mass Monday 6th December at 7.00pm. Joe, Mary & Jim Boles, Killargue and John & Mary Boles, Killargue, Cloonaquin & Lincolnshire, Anniversary Mass Wednesday 8th December at 7.00pm. John Pat Lynch, Anniversary Mass Friday 10th December at 7.00pm. Margaret & John James Kelly, Lisgorman, Anniversary Mass Saturday 11th December at 7.00pm. Mav they rest in peace 3. Eucharistic Devotion: Each Tuesday evening in Killargue Church from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. 4. Liturgy for December: Readers: Gerard Me Loughlin & Laurene Walpole. Collectors: Pakie Me Goey, Francis Gallagher, Jimmy Harkin & Joe Walpole. Altar Society: Patricia Harkin & Carmel Loughlin. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Listen to Ocean FM on Monday for information and developments. 2. Progressive 25 Card - Game ~ Newtownmanor Hall ~ every Friday night at 9.00pm. New faces - young and old - most welcome. Come along for great fun! 3. Medjugorje 2011 -30th Anniversary Special Offer: 1st May 2011 ~ €449 if paid in full by 15th December 2010; 18th September 2011 ~ €449 if paid in full by 15th December 2010. Includes flights, bus and accommodation in Darko House for 1 week. Contact Ann Kellv: 086 1505298. 4. Christmas Cards by the Children of Leckaun N.S. will go on sale this Sunday 5th December after 10.00am Mass in Newtownmanor Church. Price: €5 for 6 cards and €10 for 12 cards. All proceeds go to Leckaun N.S. Parents'Association. 5. St. Phelim's Nursing Home: The Annual Christmas party takes place on Wednesday 8th December 2010. Dinner at 2.00pm. Music and entertainment at 4.30pm. All welcome. Thanks to all who contributed to the Sunday Offertory Collections and the Dues during 2010. Offertory Collection = Day - to - Day upkeep of each church, repair and refurbishment of parish buildings, churches and the running expenses of the relevant parish area during the year. Dues = Support and upkeep of the priests of the parish during the year. Tax Relief for Donations to Eligible Charities and Approved Bodies Under this Tax Relief Scheme our parish is eligible to daim back a percentage of the tax paid by parishioners on their church contributions: all collections and dues. If you are a PAYE worker and contribute to your parish, please take home a copy of the CHY2 Cert ~ white Revenue Form ~ which youll find at the back of your church. Fill in the relevant sections according to the instructions in the letter from the parish which accompanies it ~ a vellow page. Please return immediately as indicated. Thanks for your help and continuing generosity! Any tax repaid by Revenue goes to Parish Funds and not to the priests. Our local Food - Stores have served us well during this unexpectedly bad weather ~ when travel was not possible. We should support them coming up to Christmas and during the time ahead, so that they will be there for us all in the future. They need some support at least from all of us! A kind deed a day, like little drops of rain, makes a miqhtv oceanand a gracious world.