Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131, Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor On the Feast of the Epiphany we celebrate the revelation of who Christ is. The visit of the Three Wise Men ~ The Maoi~ reminds us that Jesus came to save all nations and to bring God's love to the entire World. II three parish areas <» particularly those who helped in such a variety of ways, cared for each church, contributed financially, took up collections, were active In the altar society, gave contributions for flowers, did beautiful floral arrangements, took part in the Liturgy, sang In the choir and provided musical accompaniment, our soloists and instrumentalists ~ for vour generosity and support throughout the year. [A] We wish all our Parishioners in Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor, those who joined the parish this year, attend our churches from adjoining parishes, those home on holidays, all our visitors and friends, Greetings and good wishes to our neighbours in Drumlease Parish Church. Ath -bhliain faolshe&n isfaoimhatee daoibh go l&r! Happy New Year! Bonne Annfe! Gluckllches NeujahH Felix Ano Nuevo! Gelukklg Nieuwjaarl SzcZesliwego Nowego Roku! [B] Given below are the amounts from the Mission Sunday Collection held at the end of October 2012. Dromahair ~ €770 (€700); Killargue ~ €535 (€535); Newtownmanor ~ €305 (€350). Total A* € 1,610(€1,585). Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [C] ACCORD: Getting Married in 2013? Dont forget to arrange your Pre-Marriage Course in good time ~ preferably up to a year before your wedding. To book your course or speak to a Counsellor ring 049- 4375004. E-mail: cavanaccord@eircom. net Course dates for 2013 are on your church notice - board. [D] Visitation of Sick a Housebound will begin this Monday 7th January 2012. [E] Weremember: James (Jimmy) Gilhooly, Usacoghall, Drumkeeran [ brother-in-law of Sean Johnston, Dromahair] whose funeral took place on Friday & Sr. Kate Me Barren, Mercy Convent, Enniskillen [Sister of Bridget Fitzpatrick, Killargue & Philomena Clancy, Dromahair] whose death occurred on Friday 28th December 2012. rast in SLMD iAIR. . Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday ~$3Q*m-t Friday ~ see K\\\argue; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:- Michael Kiernan, Mass Monday 7* January at 9.30am. Sr. Kate McBarron, Mass Tuesday 8* January at 9.30am. Maty Loughliiv Drumlease, Mass Sunday 13th January at 11.15am. Mav they rest in oeace! 3, Liturgy for January: Bgsd&s: Mary Brodic a Paul Jordan; Collector?: Tommy Smith; Magu 1. Mass: Sunday ~IQ.QQam. 2. Pray fon^ Joseph ft Brigid Darcy, Moneyduff, Mass Sunday 6th January at 10.00am. All the Faithful Departed, Mass Sunday 13th January at 10.00am. 3. Liturgy for January: Reader: Sarah ComSskey. Collectors: Jim Banks. Attar Society: Kathleen Me Goldrick ft Mary Fowley, ,00pm; Saturday ~ VSall Mags ~ 7.00pm. 2. Pray for:- Alphonsus and Elizabeth Lynch, Dublin, Anniversary Mass Saturday 5th January at 7.00pm. Kitty & Jim McTeigue, Larkfield, Anniversary Mass Friday 11* January at 7.00pm. Sr. Kate McBarron, Enniskillen & Florida, Mass Saturday 12th January at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace! 3. Eucharfstic continues as usual in Killargue on evenings from 7pm - 8pm. *st Tuesday tf every month. 4. Liturgy for Januarys Readers: Shane Cullen & Josie Feeney; Collectors: Mary McGovern, Brian Dolan & Tommy Gallagher; Altar Society: Tess Walpole & Aine McMorrow. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Resumes this Monday 7* January 2013 at 9.00pm in the Blue Devon. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. Ail lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. Ail houses €100 and last game €200. 2. Newtownmanor Hall ~ Progressive 25 Card Game every Friday night at 9.00pm. All welcome. 3. Drumlease N.S. & Leckaun N.S. re-open on Monday 7th January 2013. 4. Pllf rimape to Fatima *v 2™* to 9th October 2013:7 nights in Santo Amaro Hotel. Spiritual Director: Fr Vincent Connaughton. €739 fully inclusive. Contact Ann Kelly 086 -1505298 for details. Pilgrimage to Mediuoorie ~ 24th April 2013 at €639 per person inclusive & 18th September 2013 at €689 per person inclusive. Graded reductions for early bookings. Contact Ann Kelly at 071 - 64296 or 086 -1505298. 5. Did you get a Parish Calendar for 2013? Extra Calendars are now available at the back of your church. Feel free to take one! Thanks to all who •ibuted to the Sunday •il.L-LlA'1* Collections, various other Church Collections and the Dues rfurtna 2O12. Offertory Collection = Day-to-Day upkeep of each Church, repair & refurbishment of parish buildings, churches and the The Offertory Collection also makes a maior contribution in topping up the shortfall in the Diocesan Services Collection from the parish, = Support and up-keep of priests in the parish and Diocese. Would you like to understand your faith better? Why not take part in a course that gives a serious presentation for adults of a living faith for today. The Maryvale Institute ~ under the auspices of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre ~ is hosting a Certificate Course In Studies on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The course will also be hosted in Manorhamifton ~ probably on Wednesday nights ~ if sufficient interest (15+) is show. Why not take part during this Year of Faith? Further details are available on the yellow hand ~ out at the back of your church. Please take one! Drop in your name, address and telephone number to the Parochial House or send them by post. The deadline for applications is Sunday 13th January. A Sunday School class had just been told the parable of the Prodigal Son. Now, said the Sunday School teacher, who was not glad to hear of the Prodigal Son's return? Please, Sir, replied one little boy, the fatted calf! An old lady was posting a gift of a Bible to a relative. The post office clerk examined the heavy parcel and enquired if it contained anything breakable. Nothing, the old lady replied, but the Ten Commandments. ************************ God promises a safe landing but not a calm voyage. Bulgarian proverb.