Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143/ Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~Newtownmanor Sunday 6th October 2013 ~ 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today, Sunday 7th October 2013, has been designated Day for Life and is celebrated in Ireland, Enaland, Scotland & Wales. It is a day dedicated to raisi ng awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage, Thet heme for the year is Care for Life: It's Worth It See www.catho or www.dayforlife.ora or www.chooselife2013.le As Christians we need to show our care for and closeness to those who, for whatever reason, believe their own lives are no longer worth while and are tempted to give up on life itself. Be Missionaryles of Goo s love, tenderness ana mercy! Pope rrancis. Advance Notice ~ Change of Mass times for Late Autumn / Winter 2013 & Early Spring 2014. The Saturday evening Vigil Mass in Killargue will revert to the earlier time of 7.00pm on and from Saturday 26th October 2013. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] World Mission Day will be celebrated this year on Sunday 20th October. You are asked to remember the Missions in the coming weeks. The final Special Collection of the year 2013 ~ for the Missions ~ is due on Sunday 2QP The money raised is made available to the neediest and the youngest Mission Churches & Communities. TB1 Annual Special Kilmore Diocesan Co/lection for Christians in the Holv Land. Dromahair ~€565 [€510]/ Killargue -€300 [€285]; Newtownmanor ~€205 [€231]. Total ~ €1,070 [€1,026]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [C] Pope's Collection 2013: Dromahair - €545 [€ 565]; Killamue ~ €330 [€370]; Newtownmanor ~ €195 [€255] Total " €1,070 [€1,190]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [D] Killargue Apostolic Society ~ Annual Display of Work & Collection: In Killargue Church after Mass on Saturday 12th October 2013. Your support is appreciated! [E] Why not take part in the Beginning Experience ^ a special programme helping separated and widowed people make a new beginning in life? There will be an open Information Evening on Tuesday 8th October at 8,00pm in St. Michael's Family Life Centre, Church Hill. Sliao. Contact Frances at 086 - 2574038 or Pat at 086 - 3750531. [F] The Kilmore Diocesan neology Course ~ In Service Training for Priests takes place during the coming week. [G] First Friday Visitation continues on Monday & Friday of the coming week. All will be contacted beforehand. [H] Pro- Life National Conference 2013: Saturday 12th October, Alexander Hotel Dublin 2, from 1.30pm - 4.30pm. [I] Weremember: Rachel Moloney (sister of Gillian Twigg, Mullagh) whose death has occurred in Sawston, Cambridgeshire, England. Funeral service in Drumlease Parish Church on Saturday 19th October at 2.00pm. May she rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday9.30am; Saturday 11.00am «««N.B.: Sunday ~ 11.15am. 2. Pray for: - Brigid and Sheila Me Gowan, Main St., Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 6th October at 11.15am. Winnie McNama, Mass Monday 701 October at 9.30am. Mel Farrell, Drumlease, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Saturday 12th October at 11.00am<«««««««N.B. Michael James Bird, Banagher, Fivemilebourne, Anniversary Mass Sunday 13th October at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for October: Reader: Susan Kivlehan. Collectors: Charlie McGowan, Micheal McGoldrick & Sean McGoldrick. Altar Society: Ann O'Rourke & Breda Sweeney. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am 2. Pray for:- Sr. Mary Pio Healy, Knock & Fawnlion, Rvemileboume, Anniversary Mass Sunday 6th October at 10.00am John Loughlin, Pulboy, Anniversary Mass Sunday 13th October at 10.00am. May they nest in peace! 3. Liturgy for October: Reader: Padraig McGoldrick. Collectors: Tommy McGourty. Altar Society: Philomena Doian & Margaret Banks. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Vigil Mass ~ Saturday Evening ~ 8.00pm 2. Pray for:- Rose Me Morrow and Deceased of the Me Morrow Family, Cunnion, Mass Saturday 5th October at 8.00pm. John (Sonny) Flanagan, John McTernan & deceased of Flanagan Family, Mass Monday 7th October at 7.00pm. John, Sheila, Cathal & Nathy Cawley & Ann Henry, Ballinacarrow, Mass Saturday 12th October at 8.00pm. May they nest in peace! 3. EucharisticAdoration: Kiliargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. First Tuesdaytf every month. 4. Liturgy for October: Readers: Bridget Fitzpatrick & Bernadette Feeney. Coliectors: Patrick Shanley & Pauric Cullen, Altar Society: Bridget Fitzpatrick & Mary Cullen. 5. On & from 26th October 2013 the Saturday Vmil Mass will revert to the earlier time of 7.00pm - until Summer Time. 6. Kiliargue Apostolic Society ~ Annual display of Work & Collection: Saturday evening 12* October after Vigil Mass. Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. AH houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is muchappreciated! 2. Social Dancing ~ Blue Devon, Dromahair: Lessons every Thursday at 8.30pm with dance teacher Frank from Swinford. Enjoy the exercise and fun learning the quick step, waltz, jive and much more. 3. Guitar Classes ~ Newtownmanor Hall: Saturdays at 10.30am for beginners & improvers. Contact Catherine at 087- 2518011. For Guitar Lessons in Manorhamilton contact Larry at 086 - 6053838. 4. Classes in the Depot: For Karate on Monday & Friday ring Michael at 087 - 9011233; for Aerobics & Boxercise on Mondays with Sue ring 086 - 2542505; for Parent & Toddler Group on Tuesday mornings ring Sandy at 086 - 6070745. And why not join the Wednesday Club ~ The Active Age Group for the Over 50's (men too) by telephoning Ofwen at 086 - 6669530 For AED Training contact Tommy at 086 - 3365753 & for B - Sharp Guitar lessons ring John at 086 -1529429. 5. The Wednesday Club ~ Active Age, Dromahair ~ at 10.30am on Wednesdays in the Depot. All over 50's ~ including men ~ most welcome. Telephone: Olwen at 086 6669530 for further information. 6. Niall Mellon Township Trust: Pauric McGoldrick wishes to thank sincerely all who supported his recent fundraising events. 7. CURA ~ Crisis Pregnancy Support & Counselling Services: Contact: 1 - 850 622 626 Web Site: The E-mail address is curacaresbcuraJe 8. Mind Your Head: ift\\s is a study being conducted by St. Angela's College, Sligo which aims to find out more about the mental health needs of young people aged between 12 and 25 in Leitrim & West Cavan, Young people and those directly involved with young people ~ parents, teachers, youth workers ~ are invited to take part. Check out the website: You can also contact Evelyn McManus at 071 9135615. E-mail: 9. Community Alert: Annual General Meeting in The Depot, Dromahair on Wednesday 9th October at 8.30pm. All welcome! 10. Kiliargue Development Association ~ Community Audit: This Audit is to establish what people would like to see happening in their community and members of the Development Association will be calling to all households with a questionnaire. Your co- operation, help and support would be greatly appreciated. Bringing Theology Home Study Theology by Distance Learning with the Priory Institute, Tallaght and seriously engage in the Christian Faith. Earn an Honours Degree, Ordinary Degree, Higher Certificate or Diploma. Phone the Director, John Littleton on 014048124. E-mail: Web: You'll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind. /v/x/