Parish Website: Me Tiernan ~071-9164143/ Fr. JohnSexton Dromahair ~ Killargue ~Newtownmanor Sunday 7th April 2O13 ~ The Second Sunday of Easter ~ Divine Mercv Sunday ihanae of Mass Time ~ Killaroue From and including this Saturday 6th April, the Saturday Evening Viail Mass will be at ILfiflBOI [GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES, [A] Trocaire 1; Thanks to all who brought in their Trocaire Box/Envelope already or contributed to the Special Trocaire Collection on Easter Sunday. If you have a Trocaire Box at home, please bring it In next Sunday. Do put your name on the box and change coins into notes if possible. Please! Trocaire 2: If you have not already made a contribution, it is still most welcome and badly needed. There is a special Trocaire Offertory Envelope dated Holy Thursday and for most people this is the easiest way to make your contribution. There are also Trocaire Packs at the back of your church and each one contains a dedicated envelope. Please place your envelope in the Offertory Collection Basket today or next Sunday. FBI Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishop Leo OTteiiiy from 27th May -1st June 2013. Hotel Pilgrims: €690/ €705 for flight & accommodation. Contact Me Ginnity Travel at 049 - 4331811 Assisted Pilgrims: Stay in Accueil, Notre Dame ~ Cost €530. Apply to Fr. Kevin Fay: 049 - 4330018 or 087 - 8579968 Please let anyone who is HI and who might like to go to Lourdes know the details. Some help is available. [C] ACCORD First Tuesday tf every month. 4. Liturgy for April: Readers: Dolan family & Flanagan family. Collectors: Joe McTernan, PJ. Feeney, Joe Sheridan & Joe Harkin. Altar Society: Marie Sheridan & Martina Hannon. IV A* IV fV fVIWIVIVIV ICommunity Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is 2. Newtownmanor Hall ~ Progressive 25 Card Game every Friday night at 9.00pm. All welcome. 3. Parents' Association ~ Drumlease N.S. Cake Sale: Sunday 21st April from 10am - 1.00pm in the Depot. Donations welcome. 4. Bloom Flower Show Day Trip, Phoenix Park ~ Saturday 1st June: Limited number of seats still available. Bus leaving Dromahair at 8.00am, Ballinagar at 8.15am via Drumkeeran. Cdst €64 includes ~ Return Bus Fare, breakfast en route, entry to Bloom & 4 course dinner in Carrfck-on~Shannon on return. Enquires / Bookings with full price to Mary on 086 8039065 before May3rd. 5. Killargue Tennis & Basketball Club: Tennis Coaching starts again on Thursday 11th April and will continue each Thursday until September. One hour coaching session ~ €5 per child. Coach: Kenn Bates. There is an annual dub membership fee of €25 per family. Adult coaching sessions are also offered in blocks of 6 consecutive weeks. Total cost €60 for the full block. For details or to book contact Janice at 087 - 2147453. 6. Guitar Lessons will soon be starting In Newtownmanor Hall. Limited places. Contact Catherine on 087 - 2518011. 7. The Depot, Dromahair: Office open every morning *> except Thursday ~ for typing, photocopying, faxing and internet access. There are also On - Going Classes in The Depot: Karate on Monday & Friday; Boxerclse & Aerobics on Monday & Thursday; Parent & Toddler Group on Tuesday & The Wednesday dub ** Active Age on Wednesday morning. See notice-board outside Depot or call 071- 9134986. E-mail: 8. Local Garda Services: Members of An Garda Siochana will be in attendance in the Depot, Dromahair on Monday evening, 8th April, from 4.00pm - 5.00pm. Normal business ~ such as form filling & passport applications ~ will be transacted. It is hoped to provide this service generally on Mondays but sometimes there may be exceptions. 9. Pro - Life Campaign Organizational Meeting: The Landmark Hotel, Carrick - on - Shannon this Monday evening 8th April at 8.00pm. Pro - Life organizers are looking for parish representatives. Wduld you like to volunteer? Ring 087 - 266 8702 or contact your parish. Blessing and Visitation of Graves 2013, Killaroue & Cloonlouqher: Sunday 30th June 2013; Newtownmanor; Sunday 11th August 2013 Thanks to everyone who took part in the Thanks to the Organists, Musical Directors, Choir, Servers, Sacristans, Altar Societies, Eucharistic Ministers, All who prepared ttie churches, Also Readers, Collectors, All who helped in the Presentation of the Liturgy or assisted in any way during the Holy Week & Easter. Mite Bufochas and Beannacht De! Oh! Give me Faith that I may be alive when April's ecstasy dances in every white - thorn tree. Patrick Kavanaoh. A* 4V«V