Parish Website; Fr. John Me Tieraan -071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071- 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killarsue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 7* June 2015 ~ Feast of Corpus Christ! ~ The Body & Blood of the Lord. CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Relics of St. Oliver Plunkett will visit the Chapel of Kiimore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan, this Tuesday 9th June 2015. There will be an opportunity for Confession several times during the day and Mass will be celebrated at 1.15pm, 5.45pm & 8.00pm. Petitions may be sent to the Pastoral Centre c/o The Oliver Plunkett Novena. For further details, see the poster on your church notice - board. [B] The Collection for the Kiimore Mission to Nigeria and SIA ~ Supporting the Irish Abroad ~ raised the following amounts: Dromahair ~ €880 [€970]; Kiilaraue ~ €660 [€520] & Newtownmanor ~ €570 [€548]. Total ~ €2,110 [€2,038]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [C] Kiimore Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund 2015; Dromahair ~ €415; Killargue ~ €305; Newtownmanor ~ €220. Total: €940. Thank you for your generosity. [D] The Knock Pilgrimage Season continues until Sunday 11th October. Public Ceremonies on Sundays are as follows: Anointing of the Sick ~ 2.30pm; Con-celebrated Mass followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary Procession to the Shrine & Blessing of Religious Objects ~ 3.00pm. For details of week - day Ceremonies consult the poster which was put on your church notice - board this weekend. [E] Congratulations to the young people from Leckaun N.S. who celebrated their First Holy Communion in Newtownmaor Church yesterday, Saturday 6th June. Please remember them all in your prayers. A special word of thanks to their class teacher, Ms. Orla Dolan and all the Staff of Leckaun N.S. for their unfailing dedication and commitment. [F] Fr. Felim Kelly, who served as a priest in Newtownmanor for several years, will celebrate his Golden Jubilee with Mass in St. Mary's Church, Castlerahan, Ballyjamesduff, on Thursday 25th June at 8.00pm followed by light refreshments and a chat in the Community Centre afterwards. All welcome. [G] First Friday Visitation: It is hoped to resume First Friday Visitation soon but it will have to be spread over a few weeks. All will be contacted beforehand. [H] Weremember: Teddy O' Loughlin, Cleen, Dromahair, whose death took place on Friday 5th June. Reposing at his home today, Sunday, from 2.00pm - 10.00pm. Funeral Mass at 2.30pm on Monday in St. Mary's Church, Killenummery. Burial in Creevelea Abbey New Cemetery. May he rest in peace. The New Diocesan Pastoral Plan 2015 - 2020 Will be launched at a special concelebrated Mass in Derrylin Church, Co. Fermanagh at 3.00pm today, Sunday 7th June. Bishop Leo O'Reilly will be the chief celebrant. You are asked to pray for the success of the plan, developed as a result of the Diocesan Assembly in October 2014. Ceremonies can be accessed on the Internet via by typing Derrylin into the search bar. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am; Tuesday - see Killargue; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday Mass at 11.15am. 2. Pray for: Deceased of the area ~ especially those who have no one to pray for them, Mass Sunday 7th June at 11.15am. Deceased of the Egan family, Kiicoosey, Anniversary Mass Monday 8th June at 9.30am. Kevin O'Brien, Cartron Point, Sligo & Drumkeel, Killargue Mass Friday 12th June at 8.00pm. Sheila Armstrong, Drumtease Rd., Dromahair, Month's Memory Mass, Sunday 14* June at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for June: Readers: Volunteers needed. Collectors: Joseph Me Goldrick. Altar Society: Josephine Harvey. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR, 1. Mass: Sunday Mass ~ 10.00am. 2. Pray for Michael Darcy, Luglustrane & deceased family members. Mass Sunday 7th June at 10.00am. Michael Cunningham, Fawnlion, sister Mollie Cunningham & son Michael, Dundrum, Mass Sunday 14th June at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for June: Reader: Sarah Comiskey & Gary Comiskey; Collectors: Michael Comiskey & Liam Martin Altar Society: Hilary McDermott ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 8.00pm. 2. Pray for Mollie & Michael Donaghue, Drumany, Anniversary Mass Saturday 6th June at 8.00pm. Jim Boles, Killargue, Anniversary Mass Saturday 13th June at 8,00pm. May they rest in peaces 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Resumed in Killargue Church on the first Tuesday evening in June & continues every Tuesday. 4. Liturgy for June: Readers: Bridget Fitzpatrick. Collectors: Mich6al Donaghue & Joe Giblin; Altar Society: Bridie Boles. 5. Killargue Apostolic Society ~ Fundraising Cake Sale: After 8.00pm Mass in Killargue Church tonight Saturday 6th June. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. Ail tines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. Eircode ~ the new Postal Code System for Ireland will be launched soon. If you know anyone who needs information about or help with the system, especially elderly neighbours, please get in touch with Gerry McGourty, Leitrirn Development Company on 086 - 3294037. E-mail: 3. Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season: You can begin the Three Day Pilgrimage any day up to the 13th August 2015. Cbme to a place of welcome where everyone Is equal. No need to book. Boats daily from 10.30am until 3.00pm. Contact: Maureen or Lorraine on 071- 9861518. E - Mail: info(Q)louqhderq.orq 4. Creevelea Abbey ~ Cemetery Mass: Sunday 28th June at 2.00pm. 5. Help Keep Dromahair Tidy: You are requested to keep the areas in front of your own premises or residence litter free & weed free. This would be a wonderful help in the Tidy Towns Competition. Judges can come around at any time! 6. Some copies of Glad Tidings ~ the Kit more Diocesan Pastoral Magazine ~ are still available at the back of your church. Please take a copy! It's free. 7. Outing to Omagh Folk Park & Deny on 20th June. Bus from Dromahair. Price: €70 ~ includes breakfast in Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen & dinner in Abbey Hotel, Donegal. Contact Mary on 086 - 8039065. 8. Dromahair Development is compiling a Local Directory of businesses and services. Your business or service can be included free of charge. Contact the Depot immediately on 071- 9134986. E- Mail: 9. Active Age ~ The Wednesday Club in the Depot each Wednesday from 10.30am - 12.30pm. For further details contact Mary on: 086 - 3408235. 10. Waste Silage Plastic Collection: At Manorhamilton Mart on Thursday 11th June between 9.00am and 4.00pm. Contact: FRS Network on 071 - 9662781 or 087 - 3291081. 11. Irish Cancer Society ~ Church Gate Collection: Dromahair €211.93; Killaroue €100.56; Newtownmanor €140.00. Thanks! Killargue Apostolic Society ~ Cake Sale Annual Fundraising Cake Sale this evening, Saturday 6th June after 8.00pm Mass at Killargue Church. All proceeds go to the missions. Blessing & Visitation of Graves ** Killaraue & Cloonlouaher Sunday 28th June 2015 We begin with Mass at 2.30pm in Killargue Church, followed by the Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Killargue Old Cemetery at 3.15pm approximately & in Killargue New Cemetery at 4.00pm approximately. A collection will be taken up for the continuing upkeep and maintenance of cemeteries Blessing and Visitation of Graves in Cloonlougher Cemetery will also take place on Sunday 28th June beginning with prayers at 5.00pm. Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Newtownmanor Sunday 2nd August starting with Mass at 5.30pm. The shopkeeper had just handed a demonstration pair of binoculars to the pastor. He was quietly getting the focus right when a passing parishioner advised: Just tell them move to the front of the church, Father!