Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 7th November 2010 ~ 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Dontforget your Lists for the Dead/November Offering Envelope which you will find beside your November Dues Envelope or you canjust use an ordinary envelope. The Usts for the Dead are placed on the Altar for all Masses during November & December. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Worried? Lonely? Under Stress? The Samaritans offer confidential emotional support on their 24 hour helpline: 1- 850 60 90 90. & [B] Understanding and caring for our grief ~ a course to help those who have lost loved ones: began on the 1st November at 8.00pm and continues for 6 Monday nights in St. Michael's Family Life Centre, Church Hill, Sligo. Details from 071 9170329. [C] Any remaining contributions for the Mission Sunday Collection should be brought in next Sunday. The Mission Sunday Collection Envelope is in your Dues packet ~ and there are some special Mission Sunday Collection Envelopes at the back of your church. A notice detailing the level of contributions from each parish in the Diocese for 2OO8 & 2O09 has been placed on the Notice Boards in your church. [D] A Christian Perspective on Inland Today ~ continuing the successful series of discussion nights in the Pastoral Centre, Cavan. November 9th: Fr, Peter McVerrv SJ. and November 29th: Nuala O'Loan. Each session begins at 7.45pm with an address by a keynote speaker and is followed by an opportunity to discuss the content of the talk and a question & answer session. [E] Cemetery Prayers ~ this Sunday 7th November: Killer/12.30pm; Carrowcrin 2.00pm & Creevelea Abbey 3.30pm. [F] First Friday. Visitation continues during the week. All concerned will be contacted beforehand [G] Weremember: Antoinette Me Gowan, Corderry, Killargue and Rose Loughlin, Gortlownan, Ballintogher whose funerals took place last Tuesday; Sedn Fidgeon (brother of Deirdre Me Gourty, Dromahair) whose funeral took place last Sunday & Neville Bartlett (brother of Andrew Bartlett, The Acres, Dromahair) whose funeral took place on Thursday in London. Mav they rest Inpeace! ST. PATRICKS CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday9.30am; Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 8.00pm; Friday9.30am; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:- Malachy McGoldrick, Kilcoosey, Anniversary Mass Sunday 7th November at 11.15am. All the Faithful Departed / November Lists, Mass Monday 8th November at 9.30am, Noel O' Boyce, Mass Tuesday 9* November at 9.30am. Mary & Peter O'Connor, Ballinameen, Boyle, Mass Wednesday 10th November at 8.00pm. All the Faithful Departed / November Lists, Mass Friday 12th November at 9.30am. Tommy Boles, Carriganerrow, his brother Paddy, Geevagh and deceased family members, Mass Sunday 14th November at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for November: Reader: Frances Downey. Collectors: Mary E. Ward, Domhnall McLoughlin & Tommy Sweeney. Altar Society: Mary McMahon. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Thursday8.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for:- William Martin, Magurk, Anniversary Mass Sunday 7th November at 10.00am. Michael Gaffney, Breege Landers, Pat Lavery and deceased family members, Mass Thursday llth November at 8.00pm. Deceased of McTernan family, Gortnaskeagh, Mass Sunday 14th November at 10.00am. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for November: Reader: Martin & Mary Me Morrow. Collectors: Seamus O'Brien & Eugene Fowley. Altar Society: Teresa Mullarkey & Mary Murray. tT. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILI 1. Mass: Tuesday 7.00pm; FridayQ.QOpm «««« Please note change of time. Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 7.00pm 2. Pray for:- Pat Kerins, Soxline, Anniversary Mass Saturday 6th November at 7.00pm. Terence Kelly, Killargue, Mass Friday 12th November at 8.00pm. Jack McGuinness, Carrickoghill, Mass Saturday 13th November at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for November: Readers: Carmel Gallagher & John McMorrow. Collectors: Bridie Boles, Hubert McNamara, Detta McNiffe & PJ. Feeney. Altar Society: Sheila Harkin & Maureen O'Hara. Community Notices. 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50; all houses €100 and last game €200. 2. Progressive 25 Card - Game ~ Newtownmanor Hall ~ every Friday night at 9.00pm. New faces - young and old - most welcome. Come along for great fun! 3. The recent coffee evening held in Killargue Community Centre raised €285 for the North West Hospice. Thanks to all who supported the event. 4. Killargue Apostolic Group: Clean wool ~ new or used ~ needed for knitting and crocheting articles for the Missions. Contact Mary Harte at 071 9855330. 5. Breffni I.C.A. Guild: Volunteers sought to provide skill / craft demonstrations or information talks at the monthly meetings. Contact Thelma at 086 - 6017835; Maureen 087 - 2524318 or Mary 086 - 8039065. Breffni I.C.A. Guild meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7.30pm in Ballinagar Hall. New members are always welcome. 6. Good luck to Pauric McGoldrick, Kevin McDermott & Gerard Fowley who are heading to Cape Town to build houses for the poor with the Niall Mellon Township Trust. They leave on the 30th November. 7. Do you organize events for your local sports/community or charity? Would you like to learn new ideas about health & safety, sponsorship, fundraising? Check with to book your free place at Game. Set & Match Conference on 12th November in Lough Rynn House Hotel, Mohill or ring Michelle Reynolds at Leitrim Co.Council on 071 96504%. 8. Dromahair Women's Group: Next get - together Friday 12th November in the Wood - View Inn. Meet new friends or rekindle old friendships. Come along and bring a friend for a great night's craic! 9. HSE ~ Talk on Positive Mental Health for Women in St Michael's Family Life Centre, Sligo on Wednesday morning 18th November at 10.30am. All welcome to this free event. Tel: 9170329. 10. Dromahair Ladies Football: DVD of Connacht Intermediate Final now available in local shops at €15. Good Luckto the Dromahair Ladies GAA Team in the All Ireland Semi-Final today, Sunday. And Good Luck \Q Glencar - Manorhamilton in their Semi - Final which takes place today as well. Some copies of a new publication Hie Religious Sisters & Brothers of the Diocese of Kilmore are available. If you would like a copy, please call in to the Sacristy after Mass and give your name & phone number. You can also ring 071 - 9164143 and leave your name and number and we will get a copy to you. Books cost €25. If you are aware of names omitted, please let us know and they will be included in the next edition. Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach vou to keep vour mouth shut!