Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131, Dromahair ~ Killarsue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 8* February 2015 -The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Advance Notice Wednesday 18th February 2015 is Ash Wednesday. There will be an early morning Mass in Dromahair Church at 7.00am with Blessing & Distribution of Ashes. The full Ash Wednesday programme for the Parish will be published next weekend. CHURCH NOTICES, [A] Due to adverse weather conditions, the Collection for the Kilmore Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund did not go ahead as planned in Newtownmanor last Sunday. It will be taken up today, Sunday 8th February after Communion. The Collection was taken up in Killargue & Dromahair last weekend but many people who normally contribute generously were not present due to the dangerous roads. Anyone still wishing to make a contribution should put it in an envelope marked Lourdes Fund and place it in the Offertory Collection basket next week. Your contribution is vital in sending people who are ill to Lourdes. They depend on what is collected. [B] Life in the Spirit Seminars ~ each Wednesday for seven consecutive Wednesdays in Killenummery Church, starting on Wednesday 11th February beginning with Mass at 7.30pm. This will be followed by a guest speaker in Ballinagar Hall where light refreshments will be served. This is an opportunity to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit through talks, testomies, song, fellowship, prayer and the Eucharist. People from all surrounding parishes are most welcome. [C] Getting Married in 20157 The Diocese requests that all couples do the ACCORD Course. Accord Marriage Preparation Courses ~ held in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan ~ are on the following dates in 2015: 27th -28th February; 27th -28th March; 24th -25th April & 9th- 10* October. Cburses are held from 7.30pm - 10.00pm on Friday evenings and continue on Saturday from 10.00am - 5.00pm. Contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004 for information or for your Pre-Marriage Application Form. E - Mail: cavanaccord(o) Information on other Accord Centres can be obtained from: Central Office: 01- 5053112. [D] Parish Pastoral Council: Next Meeting on Tuesday 24th February at 8.30pm in the Depot [E] First Friday. Visitation will not commence until Monday 16th February. All concerned will be contacted prior to any visit. [F] We remember: Jackie (Jack) Healy, 'Rusheen', Urlar, Carney (father of Gemma Nicholson & Derrick Healey, Dromahair) whose funeral took place on Friday 30th May he rest in ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Sunday -11.15am. 2. Pray for: James & Mary Ann Me Sharry, Dromahair and their son John McSharry, Yorkshire, Mass Sunday 8th February at LI Sam. Ita Reynolds, Leckaun, Newtownmanor, Anniv Mass Sunday 15th February at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for January: Readers: Sinead Torsney - Me Goldrick & Michael Costello. Collectors: Padraig Walters. Altar Society: Annie McKenna & Rosemary Bartlett. :HURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for Phil & Nan McGoldrick, Towneymoyle, Anniversary Mass Sunday 8th February at 10.00am. Vincent Banks, Corryeullen, Anniversary Mass Sunday 15* February at 10.00am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for January: Reader: Michael Comiskey. Collectors: Volunteers needed.. Afear Society: Elizabeth Comiskey & Minnie Heaiy. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Friday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm 2. Prav for John Kelly, Sweetwood, Anniversary Mass Saturday 7th February at 7.00pm. Margaret & William Harkin, Towneyhousey, Anniversary Mass Friday 13th February at 7.00pm. James McNulty, Larkfield and deceased members of the McNulty family, Mass Saturday 14th February at 7.00pm. Mav they rest in peace! 3- Eucharistic Adoration: Killargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. 4. Liturgy for January: Readers: Monica McNulty & John McMorrow. Collectors: Joe McGowan, Margaret Sheridan, John Joe MclMiffe & Bridget Fitzpatrick. Altar Society: Carmel Gallagher. i Community Notices. 1- Bingo Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. Progressive 25 ** Card Game: Every Friday night in Newtownmanor Hall at 9.00pm. 3. Extra copies of the 2015 Parish Calendar are available at the back of your church. Feel free to take one. i 4. Dromahair Library: Open Tuesdays: 12.30 - 4.00 & 4.30 - 6.00 & Fridays: 2.30 - 8.00pm. Half-hour break at 4.00pm. 5. The Wednesday Club «» Dromahair Active Age ~ at 10.00am every Wednesday in The Depot. All over 50 years ~ men & women ~ welcome. For further details contact: 087- 9202220. 6. HSE~ ASIST ~ Training in Suicide Intervention ~ 2 Day Workshop: 17th and 18th February in Sligo. You can also do Safe TALK ~ a half - day workshop in suicide awareness and alertness. It is not as advanced as ASIST. Contact Belinda Taylor, HSE Health Promotion Department on 071 9135061. Dues & Offertory Collection Envelopes have been delivered in Dromahair & Killargue. Envelopes are now available for collection in Newtownmanor Church. Parishioners wishing to receive envelopes should drop a note with their name and address into the Sunday Offertory Collection Basket or drop it in or post it to the Parochial House in Dromahair. Please note that some parishioners in Killargue have been allocated new numbers. The following are the names & phone numbers of local priests. Please keep them in case of need. Rev. Fr. Gerry AMU Drumkeeran, 071 -9648025. Rev. Fr. Maurice Me Morrow, Ballinglera 071 -9643014. Rev. Fr. John Sexton, Killargue, 071 - 91 64131~ after 5.00pm only during school term. Rev. Fr. Oliver Kelly, Manorhamilton, 071 - 98 55042. Rev. Fr. Tom Mannion, Glencar, 071 -9855433. Rev. Fr. Vincent Connaughton, Killenummery, 071 - 91 64125. Clothing Collection There is a Clothes Bank / Container in the Depot Grounds. If you have old clothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will help the parish and various charities. Currently people are leaving out bags of clothes at their houses to be collected by purely commercial operators & they rarely help any worthy cause ~ despite what a few advertise! And other clothes banks in the village contribute only a very small amount to the charities they advertise. Please do not bring books, toys or any items other than clothes! History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen. Enoch Powell.