Ipromahair Ki//argue Newtownmano~ ~ ~ Fr. John Mc Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Sunday 8th Julv 2007 ~ 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend Mass Times in your Parish The Saturday evening Vigil Mass is celebrated in Killargue at 8.00 om & there are two Sunday morning Masses in the parish Newtownmanor at 10.00 am and Dromahair at 11.15 am. ~ Consult your Parish Newsletter each week for the times & days for daily masses. GENERAL/CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Pope's Collection was scheduled for Sunday 24thJune 2007. If you have forgotten your contribution, you can still bring it in next Sunday. Sincere thanks. The relevant pink envelope is beside the June envelope in your Dues packet. [B] The Visitation of Killargue -Old & New Cemeteries takes place after 10.30 am Mass on Sunday 15thJuly 2007 & visitation of Cloonlougher Cemetery will be at 6.00 pm on the same day. [Saturday evening Mass on 1~ July will still be celebrated as normal at 8.00pm] Please tidy your family plots and do your best to have the overall Cemetery areas in good shape. We owe it to our deceased relatives to have the cemeteries clean. tidv & respectable. Arrangements forthis year -in Killarflue & Newtownmanor -should not be taken as a precedent for the future ~ each year will be arranged in the light of available resources. [C] The Visitation of the Cemeteries in Newtownmanor will take place on Sunday 12th August and will be preceded by Mass for the Faithful Deoarted at 6.00pm in Newtownmanor Church. We owe it to our loved ones to tidy up all graves for this occasion. Would a good neighbour look after the graves of those who no longer have anyone to care for them? [D] Please remember in your prayers PhilomenaMcMorrow (neeFlynn),Ardvarney, Glerifarne,[sister of Mrs Frances Kelly, Sweetwood, Killargue] whose funeral took place on Thursday 5thJuly 2007. May she rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am; Tuesday -see Killargue; Wednesday 8.00pm; Thursday ~ see Manor; Friday 9.30am; Sunday 1l.15am. 2. Pray for:Thomas & Elizabeth Rooney and Thomas Rooney Jr, Friarstown, Anniversary Mass Sunday SthJuly at 11.15am. Rosaleen Carney, Mass Monday 9thJuly at 9.30am. Tottie McHugh, Mass Wednesday II thJuly at S.OOpm. John Carney, Corrigeencor & Dublin, Anniversary Mass Sunday 15thJuly at 11.l5am. May they rest in peace. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Thursday 8.00pm; Sunday 10.00am 2. Prav for:- John James Fowley, Corraghaun, Anniversary Mass Sunday SthJuly at 1O.OOam. Margaret Rooney, Gortnaskeagh, Mass Thursday 12thJuly at S.OOpm. Kitty Diamond, Drumlease & Leckaun, Mass Sunday 15thJuly at 1O.OOam. May they rest in peace. 3. Visitation of Newtownmanor Cemeteries: See note [C] onpage one. thispage. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KlLLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 10.00am; Saturday -Vigil Mass -8.00pm. 2. Pray for:- All the Faithful Departed -Killargue Area, Mass Saturday 7thJuly at 8.00pm. AUthe Faithful Departed I St. Felim's Sick & Infirm Priests' Society, Mass Tuesday 10th July atlO.OOam. Michael, David & Annie Mellett and deceased family members, Mass Saturday 14thJuly at 8.00pm. All the Faithful Departed, Mass Sunday 15thJuly at 10.30am -before VISitationof Cemeteries. May they rest in peace 3. Visitation of Killargue Cemeteries: See note [B] on vaf!e one. Community Notices. 1. Support your local Bingo -this Monday night at 9.00pm in the Abbev Manor Hotel. 2. Multi-cultural Family Day sponsored by Leitrim Childcare, The Market Yard Centre, Carrick-on-Shannon & Leitrim Partnership on Sunday 8thJuly from 1.00pm -4.00pm. Comealongtothis fun -for-alleventintheMarketYard,Carrick -on-Shannon. Don't forget it's Tidy Towns Competition Time -An opportunity for everyone to help! And we need to maintain standards for ourselves long after judging day too. «««»»» Additional Church Notices. Child Protection Trainine in this Parish & Diocese of Kilmore Three Child Protection Representatives from the Parish have trained with Kilmore Diocese - Sarah Haddow from Dromahair, Carmel Loughlin from Killargue and Philomena Dolan from Newtownmanor. They will be advising the priests of the parish, parents of servers, sacristans, choir directors, liturgy committees and anyone working with children on best practice. On Tuesday 17thJuly 2007, they will meet all the interested parties mentioned above together with the oarish pastoral council to provide information, basic training and to chart a parish policy for the future. Everyone involved is asked to attend -Please! This important meetim! is at 9.00pm on Tuesdav 17tbJulv in The Depot. Dromahair. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thanks to all those who contributed to the special church collections so far this year. Amounts for the Trocaire Collection 2007 ,~ are as follows: Dromahair €3,692 [ €2,803], Killarf!Ue€2,355 [ €2,680]; Newtownmanor €2,301 [€2, 140]. Total €8,348 [ €7,623]. Amounts for last vear are l!iven in brackets. Sincere thanks for your generosity. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Areyouthinkingofsettingadateforyourmarriage? Pleasegive6months -preferably 12months notice to your church. Do not book your hotel without doing so. All couples getting married are also asked to do an Accord Course. Accord Courses are held in the Pastoral Centre, Cavan at regular intervals throughout the year. More information from your local priest or ring Accord Xilmore at 049 -4375004. Some courses are also available in Sligo and other adjacent centres ««««««<<»»»»»»»> Learn to wrestle with God. You can win bv losinl!. Ronald Rollheiser.