Parish Website: www.drumlease' Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 8th August 2010 ~ The 19th Sunday in Ordinary Volunteers are needed for the Altar Society in Dromahair for the month of August. If you would like to help out, please contact the Parochial House at 071 - 9164143 or have a word with any current member of the Altar Society. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Visitation & Blessing of Graves in Newtownmanor Cemeteries takes place today, Sunday, 8th August 2010 and will follow the same time pattern as last year, beginning with Mass at 5.30pm. Blessing of the graves will follow immediately after Mass in Manor New Cemetery at 6.00pm & we will continue with the visitation and blessing in Carrickatemple Cemetery at approximately 6.30pm. All cars should be parked facing downhill from the Manor Church and on the left hand side of the road only where it narrows. Please do not park cars on bothsides! [B] Next Sunday, 15th August is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. Mass at the Holy Well. K/7/amueon Sunday HP August at 5.00pm ** weather permitting. Due to the heavy rain that has been falling, the ground around the Holy Well can be quite dangerous and is most unsuitable for anyone with mobility problems. Don't take chances! [C] Diocese of Kilmore ~ Marriage Preparation Courses: It is Diocesan policy that each couple attends an ACCORD Pre-Marriage Course. Facilitators giving these courses undergo continued in-service training and supervision. And the sacramental aspect of marriage receives appropriate attention. It is a wise practice to do a course up to a year before the date of your marriage. Doing a course only weeks before your wedding makes little sense! All couples are asked to note this reauest and make suitable & timely arrangements. [D] Thanks to all who contributed to the Collection in support of the Eucharistic Congress which takes place in 2012. Amounts forwarded are as follows: Dromahair ~ €570.75; KiHamue •» €232.50: Newtownmanor~ €243. Total €1,046.25. [E] Diocesan Services & Vocations Collection ~ The following amounts were contributed: Dromahair^ €5,005; Killamue ~ €3,066? Newtownmanor~ €2, 503. Total: €10, 574. [F] First Friday Visitation continues during the week. All concerned will be contacted beforehand. [G] We remember Winnie Me Dermott, Moragh, whose funeral takes place this Sunday morning after 10.00am Mass in Newtownmanor; Molly (Mary) Twomey, Market St, Dromahair, whose funeral took place on Tuesday 3rd August & Bridie Joy (nee Gallagher & sister of Rosa/een Byrne, Moneyduff) whose funeral was on Friday 30th July in Yorkshire. Mav they restin peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 930am, Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 9.30am; Friday8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for:Sarah, James & Aidan Clancy, Aughameelta, Anniversary Mass Sunday 8th August at 11.15am. Eugene O'Connor, Mass Tuesday 10th August at 9.30am. Alan McAuley, Mass Friday 13th August at 8.00pm. Agnes McGarry, Market St and deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 15th August at 11.15am. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for August: Readers: Michael Costello & the Me Mahon family. Collectors: Sean Johnston, Sean Me Goldrick & Padraig Walters. Altar Society: Volunteers needed CHURCH QF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:John McGoldrick, Doonkelly, and deceased family members, Mass Sunday 8th August at 10.00am. Patsy Diamond, Cornalaughta, Mass Sunday 15th August at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for August: Reader: Deirdre Me Dermott. Collectors: Thomas Healy & Martin Dolan. Altar Society: Patricia Dolan & Angela Loughlin. ST. BRIGIP'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Pray for: Patrick Hugh McMorrow, Lisgorman, Mass Saturday 7th August at 8.00pm. Jimmy & Josephine Feeney, Curry, Klllargue, Mass Saturday 14th August at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for August: Reader: Monica Giblin & Lauraine Walpole. Collectors: Pat Kerins, Pat Flanagan. & John Flynn. Altar Society: Mae Gallagher & Kathleen Gallagher. Community Notices. 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50; all houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. An Open Meeting will be held in The Depot Dromahair on Wednesday 18th August at 8.00pm with a view to starting a Local Guild rt TheIrish Countrywomen's Association ~ ICA. Maura Faughnan, Leitrim Federation President will attend to advise on benefits, opportunities & set - up procedures. Enquiries / Expressions of Interest to Mary at 086 - 8039065. 3. There is a Clothes Bank in the Depot grounds. If you have old clothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will help the parish and various charities. Currently people are leaving out bags of clothes at their houses to be collected by purely commercial operators & do not help any worthy cause ~ despite what they advertise! 4. Sligo Samaritans in association with Sligo Churches Together invite all those in our community who have been touched by suicide to a Service of Remembrance & Hope on Friday 2tfh August. At 8.00pm - walk from Sligo County Offices, Riverside to The Model, The Mail At 8.30pm - Service in The Model. Non - walkers go directly to The Model. Refreshments served. Marino Restrepo ~ sometimes referred to as St. Paul for our times ~ will give testimony at 8.00pm on Friday 20th August, 2010 in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo. This famous musician and actor had a wonderful encounter with God during 6 months of captivity at the hands of FARC rebels in Colombia. He now speaks powerfully of his experience. National PublicNovena in honour of Our Lady of Knock. 14th -22nd August 2010. Twice daily: Afternoon ~ 3.00pm & Evening ~ 8.30pm. Theme: ThePath to Repentance,Healing A Renewal. A host of excellent speakers will be contributing. See notice - board in your church for details. Don't think YOU are on Oie riaht road iust because it's a well—beaten path!