Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanoi] Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. Sunday 9th September 2007 ~ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time On Saturday 20th October 2007 the Kilmore Diocesan Assembly will be held in the Pastoral Centre, Cavan. All the priests of the Diocese will be attending, together with three members of each Parish Pastoral Council. The theme of the Assembly is Vocations Now ~ Crisis as Grace? The Assembly concludes with evening Mass at 7.30pm in the Cathedral, Cavan ~ the only evening Mass allowed in the Diocese on the 2(fh October. Consequently* there mil be no evening Mass in Killareue on the 20^ of October but it mil be replaced by a *»^ 10.30am Mass on Sunday 21 October. Advance Notice of Minor Change in Parish Weekend Mass Times for Autumn/Winter/Spring. The Saturday evening Vigil Mass will be celebrated in Killargue at 7.00pm from Saturday 6th October. The two Sunday morning Masses in the parish will continue as at present ~ Newtownmanor at 10.00 am and Dromahair at 77.75 am, Consult your weekly Parish Newsletter on times & days for weekday masses. GENERAL/ CHURCH NOTICES. [A] St Michael's Family Life Centre, Church Hill, Sligo ~ Enrolment: Monday 10th to Friday 14th September from 10am - 4pm. Courses available in spirituality, scripture, understanding your faith, self-development and much more. Brochures at the back of your church. Details from 071 - 9170329. [B] Annual Padre Pio Weekend in Knock ~ 15th & 16th September 2007. A bus will run from this area on Saturday 15th September. Details from 071 - 9164270. [C] Almost two weeks ago the candelabrum in St Patrick's Church, Dromahair, was badly damaged by thieves attempting to steal the money from it. They were unsuccessful. However, the result is that the candelabrum will not be available for some time for those who wish to light a devotional candle. It would be important to let the Gardai know if you saw anything suspicious around the time the damage was done or if you see anything suspicious in the future. [D] We remember: Mel Farrell, Drumlease, Dromahair, who died on Thursday & whose funeral Mass is celebrated this Sunday morning at 11.15am in Dromahair Church; Michael O'Hagan, Larkfield, Killargue, who died on Saturday morning & whose removal takes place to Manorhamilton Church this Sunday evening at 7.00pm. Funeral Mass Monday at 11.00am. And finally we remember Molly Watson (nee Me Gowan, Glencar & sister of Bernadette Banks, Newtownmanor) who died in Long Island, U.S.A. on Wednesday 5th September. Mass for the repose of her soul will be celebrated in Glencar Church on Sunday 16th September at 10.30am. May they rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday ~ see Killargue; Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 8.00pm; Thursday 9.30am; Friday Wedding Mass ~ 1.30pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:- Brigid & James Harte, Kilcoosey & grandson Desmond Kelleher, Bray, Anniv Mass Sunday 9th September at 11.15am. Tony, John & Maria Flynn, Corrigeencor, Anniversary Mass Tuesday 11th September at 9.30am. Elizabeth McVeigh, Kilcoon, Anniversary Mass Wednesday 12th September at 8pm. All deceased of the parish, Mass Thursday 13th September at 9.30am. Molly Walker (nee Kelly), Carrickacroghery & Donnybrook, Dublin, Mass Sunday 16th September at 11.15am. May they rest in peace. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:- Deceased members of Gaffney family, Killenna, Anniversary Mass Sunday 9th September at 10.00am. May they rest in peace. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm, Tuesday 7.00pm; Friday ~ Wedding Mass ~ 1.30pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Pray for:- Deceased members of Connolly & O'Hara families, Anniversary Mass Saturday 8th September at 8.00pm. Deceased members of McHugh family, Gortermone, Mass Saturday 15th Sept at 8pm. May they rest in peace Community Notices. 1. Support your local Bingo ~ this Monday night at 9.00pm in the Abbey Manor Hotel. 2. The County Development Board will be holding a registration evening for Leitrim Third Level Courses in the Council Offices, Carrick-on-Shannon on Wednesday 12th September from 6.30pm - 9.00pm. The Courses are as follows: (1) ACCA Accountancy Technician Course; (2) UCC Diploma in Food & Science Technology; (3) NUI Maynooth Certificate in CounsellingStudies*, (4) IMI Certificate in Front Line Management^ (5) Certificate in Marketing for Small Tourism Businesses. There will also be short courses in Project Management; Personal Development & Stress Management and Interior Design. Details from 071 - 9650496 or www.leitrimcoco.ie 3. Dromahair Defibrillator Group: Next meeting on the 18th September at 9.00pm in the Depot. 4. Decoration of Killargue Community Centre: The building work to modernize the Community Centre has been completed and the Development Association would like volunteers to help with the internal painting. A few hours would be a great help. Contact 071 9164265. 5. National Learning Network - Computer Skills and Work Opportunities from Home: The Network is interested in hearing from people who cannot attend an in-centre programme for reasons of disability, illness or marginalization. No experience necessary and computer and course materials will be provided. FAS criteria apply. Contact at National Learning Network 071 9145391 or sligo@nln.ie 6. Dromahair Youth Club: Registration Night will take place on Friday 14th September from 8pm 9pm in Dromahair Park Club House. All existing members are required to re-register. New members must be between 12 and 18 years of age. All existing and new members must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Leaders are also needed. Those interested should contact John Glynnmartin at 086 8565649 or come along on registration night. In recent times, wreaths, flowers and photographs were damaged in the Abbey Cemetery. We cannot point at outsiders for this wanton destruction. It is sad that members of our community engage in such activity, show disrespect for the dead and cause pain to those who care so well for the graves of loved ones. It is about time that as a communitv we face up to the vandalism being done in the cemetery, around the school & in the wider village area and no longer accept it. A good starting point might be to establish if any of our own family was involved or at least have the openness of mind to admit that this could be the case. There are 40 kinds of lunacy but only one kind of common sense. African Proverb].