Parish Website: www.drumlease' Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Kitlargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 9th October 2011 ~ The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Advance Notice ~ Change of Mass Times for Late Autumn/Winter 2011 & Early Spring 2012. The Saturday evening Vigil MassIn Killargue will revert to the earlier time of 7.00pm on and from Saturday 29th October 2011. The 2 Sunday Morning MassesIn the Parish will continue as at present ~ Newtownmanor a\ 10.00am on Sundays & Dromahair*at 11.15am on Sundays. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICE! [A] The final Special Collection for this year is due on Sunday 23rd October ~ Mission Sunday. Your annual contribution is vital in supporting the Mission Movement worldwide ~ spreading the Gospel. You will find the Mission Sunday Collection Envelope in your Dues pack ~ but it has been dated in error for Sunday 16th October so contributions can be brought in on and from that date. If you have mislaid your envelope or didn't get one, you will find a special Mission Sunday Collection Envelope at the back of your church. [B] Fr. Frank Quinn of the Rosminian Order who spoke to parishioners on the weekend of the 10* & 11th September wishes to thank you all for your generosity. A total of €2,346 was contributed from the three church areas. €100 was contributed in envelopes on the Sunday following his visit and forwarded to him. [C] Marriage Encounter: A weekend away (Friday 8.00pm - Sunday 5.00pm) for married couples of all ages in a stable relationship. This is an opportunity to strengthen the quality and depth of relationships and reach a greater mutual understanding. Venue: Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry. Further information: 048 - 90626503 or 048 - 71350612. Website: Email: [D] St. Michael's Family Life Centre: Extensive and very interesting Autumn/ Winter Programme. Details: Some courses now starting include: The Beginning Experience ~ a programme for widowed & separated people ~ from Tuesday 11th October at 8.00pm & Women's Health and Wellbeina ~A HSEPeer Education Programme continues on Mondays at 7.30pm & Positive Parenting ~ a course for parents of 4 year olds - 12 year olds ~ continues on Tuesdays at 10.30am.. Ring: 071 - 9170329. E - [E] The Kilmore Theology course takes place in Knock during the week. [F] First Friday: Visitation will continue this Monday & Friday. Those concerned will be contacted beforehand. [G] We remember: Betty Shanley, Corderry, Killargue,, whose funeral took place on Saturday 1st October & Betty Me GoUrick, [ sister - in - law of Patrick Me Goldrick, Main St., Dromahair] who died on Friday 7th October in Harefield, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England. May they rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday9.30am; Wednesday 8.00pm; FridayS.OQpm; Sunday 11.15am. 2-Prav for: - Mary Elizabeth (Sis) Johnston, Main St, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 9th October at 11.15am. Betty Shanley, Corderry, Killargue, Mass Monday 10th October at 9.30am. Matt Twomey, Market St, Dromahair, Month's Memory Mass Wednesday 12th October at 8.00pm. Kathleen Jeiter, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Friday 14th October at 8.00pm. Michael James Bird, Banagher, Fivemilebourne, Anniversary Mass Sunday 16th October at 11.15am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for October: Readers: Susan Kivlehan. Collectors: Micheal McGoldrick, Charles McGowan & Sean McGoldrick. Altar Society: Ann O'Rourke & Breda Sweeney. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday* 10.00am. 2. Pray for:- Sr. M. Pio Healy, Fawnlion, Fivemileboume & Knock, Anniversary Mass Sunday 9th October at 10.00am. Elizabeth Fowley, Corraghaun, Anniv Mass Sunday 16th October at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for October: Reader: Padraig McGoldrick. Collectors: Tommy Me Gourty. Altar Society: Philomena Dolan & Margaret Banks. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday & Friday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Wedding Mass ~ 1.30pm & Saturday ~ Viail Mass ~ 8.00pm, 2. Pray for:Deceased of the Me Hugh family, Gortermone, Anniversary Mass Saturday 8th October at 8.00pm. John (Sonny) Flanagan, John McTernan & deceased of Flanagan family, Anniversary Mass Saturday 15th October at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Every Tuesday evening in Killargue from 7.00pm - 8.00pm & Padre Pio Novena: First Tuesday of each month after 7.00pm Mass. 4. Liturgy for October: Readers: Bridget Fitzpatrick & Bernadette Feeney. Collectors: Patrick Shanley & Pauric Cullen. Altar Society: Bridget Fitzpatrick & Mary Cullen. Community 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. Ail lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. The Wednesday Club ~A Club for the over SO's ~ meets on Wednesdays, naturally, in the Depot, Dromahair from 10.30am - 12.30pm. Come along for aerobics, arts & crafts, away days and lots of other activities. Men & women welcome. 3. Come Dancing! Classes in Social A Ballroom Dancing will commence in Newtownmanor Hall on Tuesday 11* October from 8.30pm - 10.30pm. Come along and join in the fun. Further information contact 071 9145057 or 087 3131330 4. Newtownmanor ~ Set Dancing Classes: Resuming on Thursday 13th October at 8.30pm. Everyone welcome including beginners. 5. Grave - yard Survey ~ Killargue: Please check the map in Killargue Church ~ it will be available again from Sunday after the Apostolic Display ~ and if you know the location of a grave, especially in the old Cemetery, or names that have been omitted, please contact the telephone number given on the map without delay. Brian Harte is available to assist you. 6. Fancy Dress Hallowe'en Disco ~ Children's Inter-Active Disco: Killargue Community Centre on Friday 28th October from 7.00pm - 9.00pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will be available in the Community Centre on Saturday 15th October from 8.30pm - 9.30pm. Alternatively, contact Pauric on 087 6370951 or Martin on 087 7522831. 7. Doodles Child-Care Cake Sale: A total of €240 was raised for Dromahair Children's Playground. Thanks to all concerned. 8. Extraordinary General Meeting of PARC: Monday 17th October at 9.00pm in the Primary Care Centre, Dromahair. October is Community Alert Awareness Month. Muintir na Tfre in co - operation with Community Alert nationally is organizing information events locally. Dromahair/Killaraue Community Alert assisted by the Northern Region Development Officer will host their information evening on Wednesday, October 12th in the Depot, Dromahair starting at 8.30pm. The event is free and open to ail members of the local community and those in surrounding parishes and communities. The format of the event is as follows: 1. Presentation by Muintir na Tire on Energy Saving, Safety and Security in the home in preparation for Winter. 2. DVD entitled Open vourEveson elder abuse and what the public should know and do. 3. Presentation on entitlements for older persons and low income households and details of assistance available for energy saving measures ~ such as making homes warmer, attic insulation, etc. Congratulations to the Dromahair Ladies on their victory in the Senior Championship Football Final In Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada, last Sunday, 2nd October. Good Luck in the Provincial fixtures. If God were not willing to fbraive sin, then heaven would be empty. German Proverb.