Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tternan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071- 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 9th November 2014 ~ 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Dedication of the Lateran Basilica . Change of Mass Time in Killaroue for the Winter Season, On and from this Saturday Evening 8th November 2014 the Vigil Mass will revert to the earlier time of 7.00pm. fSI *V IVIV JVJVIV Al A* fV I\I«V *V tV IWIV A* *V A* fV fVIVIM *V IV /V *V November is the Month when we remember our Departed Loved Ones and all the Holy Souls. You will find your Lists far the Dead/November Offerings Envelope beside your November Dues Envelope. If you don't have an official Envelope & List, please use an ordinary envelope and notepaper and mark your envelope November Lists. /V/WV/V/V/WV/VVVA//V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Have you still a contribution to make to the Special Mission Sunday Collection? Please bring in your contribution next Sunday ~ it is vital for the young Mission Churches throughout the world! You will find a Mission Collection Envelope in your Dues packet or simply use an ordinary envelope marked Mission Sunday. NB.> There are also dedicated World Missions «> Ireland envelopes at the back of the church. As Christians we are invited to reflect on our call to be disciples and bring Christ to others. [B] Elma Walsh ~ mother of the Kerry teenager, Donal, who captured the minds and hearts of many as he battled cancer ~ will be the guest speaker at a special event on Wednesday 12th November next at 8.00pm in the Library of St. Clare's Comprehensive School, Manorhamllton. This event is organized by the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre as part of its series of events on the theme of Bereavement and Loss Vri\s November. All welcome. Suggested donation €5. i [C] Kilmore Diocesan Assembly: It is hoped to make a report on the event and its recommendations at Masses throughout the dioceses on Sunday 23rd November, the Feast of Christ the King. At the same time, the Diocesan Pastoral Council will begin work on turning the recommendations into a Pastoral Plan to serve the Diocese until 2020. Your prayers for the fruitful implementation of the Assembly's work are encouraged and appreciated, [D] Holy Land Collection 2014: Dromahair~ €620 [€565] Killargue -€404 [€300] Newtownmanor €220 [€205] Total ~ €1,244 [€1,070]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [E] A Prayer Service in Remembrance of all Deceased Children will be held in the Outpatient Department (Level 3) ~Sligo Regional Hospital on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at 7.30pm. Further enquiries to Paediatrics w Neonatal Unit, Sligo Regional Hospital. Tei: 071 9174634/9174452. [F] November Cemetery Prayers: Today in Killery at 12.30pm; Creevelea Abbey at 2.00pm & Carrotfcrin Cemrtery at 3.30pm. [G] First Friday. Visitation continues during the coming week. AH concerned will be contacted beforehand. as a family, remember votir deceased loved ones in November? There will be an opportunity to do so at a Special Mass in N<»«ft;fr^nff!!?i**r Church on Thursday 20th November at 8.00pm & at a Special Mass in Droiwahair Church on Friday 21st November at 8.00pm. Families will have an opportunity to place remembrance candles before the altar during Mass. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday ~11.15am. 2. Pray for: Deceased of the Fowley, Ha*e & Loftus families, Mass Sunday 9th November at 11.15am. John Gilmartin, Sligo and