Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 10th June 2012 ~ The Feast of Corpus Christ! ** The Body & Blood of Christ Thanks to all who took part in the Family & Youth Mass in Dromahair last Sunday, 3rd June. A particular word of thanks to the young people, who read, did Prayers of the Faithful and provided wonderful music and dance. And thanks also to the choir, musical director and organist for their faithful commitment last Sunday & every Sunday. A special word of thanks to Annette McHugh who helped so much in organizing the event. And once more we would like to invite people to join the choir. Just talk to Stasia Carre or any choir member. Eucharistic Congress ~ Special Collection Today, This Special Collection will be taken up at Mass in all three churches after Communion this Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th June. Ifs the final collection for the Congress ~ wehope** and is essential in financing this once in a life-time event. Do your best in difficult times! Thanks for your help and generosity! GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Bus details" Eucharistic Congress: For the Family Dav on Tuesday 12th June, the bus will leave from Dromahair Church at 8.00am, from Killargue Church at 8.20am and Drumkeeran at 8.40am. Fare: €25 It might be a good idea to bring a sandwich and something to drink. On Sunday 17th June, the bus going to the closing ceremony of the Congress, Static Orbis in Croke Park, will leave from Dromahair Church at 9.00am; Kiliarque Church at 9.15am & Drumkeeran at 9.30am. [B] Eucharistic Congress: Dav Tickets available at the gate, without booking, for the 6 davs from Monday 11thJune -Saturday ItP June. New Option: Some tickets for the Closing Ceremony, the Static Orbis, on Sunday 17th June in Croke Park are still available. Visit:, then click on Events and go to Static Orbis. Some tickets are also available through Centra in Collooney & Supervalu in Ballinamore & Bundoran. Why not make a family day- trip to the Congress? Details from the IEC 2012 Booking Office at 01 - 2981122. I'd Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the Eucharistic Congress: Before Mass on Friday 15th June in Dromahar Church beginning at 7.00pm. Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart follows at 8.00pm. There will also be an opportunity for Confession from 7.15pm - 7.45pm. [D] Lourdes Collection ~ the following amounts were contributed: Dromahair ~ €383; Killargue: ~ €265; Newtownmanor ~ €226. The total came to €874 and has been forwarded to the Lourdes Diocesan Fund. Thanks for your generosity. [E] Nigeria Mission Collection ~ st. Patrick's Day 2012: Dromahair ~ €1,185 [€1,190]; Klllamue ~€790 [€860]; Newtownmanor ~ €828 [€755]. Total €2,803 [€2,805]. Last year's amounts are in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. St. Angela's College. Sliao. in Religious Education. Theol< Open to teachers, chaplains, parents, sacramental preparation teams or anyone interested in these areas. More information from 071 9195550 or or E-mail; Blessing & Visitation of Graves ;: Sunday 1st July 2012. Newtownmanor: Sunday 5th August 2012. Further details will be given closer to the respective date ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am; F/7 Feast of the Sacred Heart: Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Prav for:- Francis & Margaret Me Morrow, Mullaghmore, Anniversary Mass Saturday 9th June at S.OOpm. Jim Boles, Killargue, Anniversary Mass Saturday 16th June at S.OOpm. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays 7.00pm - S.OOpm & Padre Pro Novena First Tuesdays at 7.00pm. N.B. »>» There will be no Adoration on Tuesday 12th June due to Eucharistic Congress outing <««« N.B. Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Deyon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Dromahair Development Association: Tidy Towns Competition Judges are due in the Village from 1st June. Floral Pride judging is taking place as well. Residents are asked to keep their areas free of litter. Thanks for your help and taking pride in your village. 3. Manorhamilton Re-cydSng Centre: New opening hours on Friday from 11.00am - 2.00pm & 3.00pm - 6.00pm. And on Saturday from 9.00am - 1.00pm & 2.00pm - S.OOpm. Charge just €4. Use it before welose it! 4. Dromahair Library ~ New Opening Times: 2.30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays. Then closes at 4.00pm & reopens 4.30pm - S.OOpm. 5. Newtownmanor Community Development Group: Thanks to ail who attended and all who sponsored the recent production of the Real McCov. It was a very successful event. All funds go towards the New Car Park at the Hall 6. Niall Mellon Township Trust: A fundraising Fashion Show will take place in the Blue Devon on Thursday if June at8.3Oom. All funds go to the trust and will enable Gerard Fowley to travel to South Africa and take part in building houses needed for the very poor. Your support is greatly appreciated. 7. Dromahair Development / Tidy Towns ~ Appeal to the Public for help with plants for this year. Maybe households would donate plants or give a donation towards their cost? If you dont know what plant to donate or haven't got one, a contribution towards costs would be appreciated. Please contact the Depot between 10.00am and 1.00pm to drop in donations or arrange to have them collected. Tel: 071 - 9134986 or 086 - 8521791 8. Dromahair Community Playschool ~ Enrolment Day for the September 2012 intake: On Monday 25th June from 1.3Qpm - 2.30pm. Come along, meet the staff and introduce the children to their new environment. Contact: Teresa at 071 - 9164776 for further details. 9. Drumlease N.S. ~ Parents' Association: Cake Sale this Sunday 10th June after Mass at 12 noon in the Depot. Please support. 10. Leckaun N.S. ~ Parents' Association: Cake Sale in Manor Hall this Sunday, 10th June after 10.00am Mass. Please support. 12. County Leitrim ~ Peace III Partnership ~ Small Grants Programme: Now open for applications from community / voluntary sectors, community relations, reconciliation & cultural diversity groups. Closing date: 4.00pm on Tuesday 31st July 2012. Learn how to apply: Information Meeting in Bee Park Centre, Manorhamilton on Monday 18th June at 8.00pm. Further Information: Ann Flynn, Small Grants Programme, Leitrim Co. Council on 071- 9620005 Ext: 543. Kiliarque Cemetery Appeal. The Cemetery Committee is appealing to all who have yet to make a contribution to the Repair Fund to do so without further delay. Work cannot start without sufficient funds ~ and it will take circa €100 per plot. See Parish Website: Don't wait for the lastjudgment It takesplace every day. Albert Camus. The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother. St. Therese of Lisieux.