Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 12t February 2012 ~ The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair on Sunday 13th May 2012 at 3.00pm. First Communion for the children of Drumlease N.S.will be celebrated in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair onSaturday 19th May 2012 at 11.00am. First Communion for the children of Leckaun N.S.will be celebrated in Newtownmanor Church onSaturday 26th May at 11.30am. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. FA1 Wednesday And don't forget it is also a Day of Fast and Abstinence. There will be a Morning Mass for Ash Wednesday in Dromahair Church at 7.00am with distribution of ashes. We will continue with 7.00am Mass on subsequent Wednesdays or we can put it at 7.30am, as in other years, should that be the general point of view. Please let us know! There will also be evening Masses in each church as follows for Ash Wednesday: Killargue ~ 7.00pm; Newtownmanor ~ 7.00pm & Dromahair ~ 8.00pm. Trocaire Boxes will be available at the back of your church on Ash Wednesday. [B] IEC 2012: Book Nowto attend the 5(P International Eucharistic Congress which takes place in Dublin from the 10th -17th June 2012. The Opening Ceremony takes place in the RDS on 10th June and there will be ceremonieseach day from 1 th -16th June, also in the RDS. The Closing Ceremony takes place in Croke Park on Sunday 17th June 2012. Family Day is on Tuesday 12th June and it is hoped that groups from the Diocese of Kiimore will attend on that day. Registration is on -line: Youcan book for 7 days, for 3 days or for 1day. You can attend as an individual, as a family or as a group. Do not leave it to the last minute! Read more about the different booking possibilities at and book now [C] Cursillo Weekends 2012: Men's Weekend takes place from 1st -4th March 2012 & Women's Weekend takes place from 8th -11th March 2012 in the Star of the Sea retreat Centre. Mullaahmore. Co. Sliao. Learn more about Cursillo by visiting the Kiimore Doicesan website : . Click on tab on home page and then click on Cursillo under the heading Prayer & Spirituality. People who have done this course found it a happy & most positive experience! [D] The Mission Sunday Collection for 2010 in the Diocese of Kiimore amounted to €59,950. €1,805 was contributed by this parish. Figures for our parish for 2011 were published in early January in this bulletin and Diocesan figures for the 2011 Mission Sunday Collection will be published in the Autumn. If you wish to compare our local contribution with other parishes in the Diocese, please see figures posted on the notice -board in your church. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Fr/cte/ 8.00pm; Sunday ~ 11.15am. 2. Prav for: - Fr. Charlie McPadden, Fr. Sean Me Goldrick, Fr. Hugh Me Grail and deceased priests of the parish, Mass Sunday 12th February at 11.15am. Patrick McConnell, his sons John Joe & Colm and daughter Anna Clarke, Anniversary Mass Sunday 19th February at 11.15am. May they rest in peace. CHURCHOFMARY,MOTHEROFGOD,NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for:Vincent Banks, Corrycullen, Anniversary Mass Sunday 12th February at 10.00am. Margaret Darcy, Stourport, Worcestershire & Michael Darcy, Luglustrane, Mass Sunday 19th February at 10.00am. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday** Vioil Mass ~ 7.00pm; 2. Pray for:- Deceased members of the Hannon family, Killavoggy, Mass Saturday 11th February at 7.00pm. Thomas & Kate Ann Kelly, Gortgarrigan, Mass Saturday 18th February at 7.00pm May they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm & Padre Pio Novena: First Tuesdays at 7.00pm. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Progressive 25 Card Game ~ Newtownmanor Hall: Every Friday night at 9.00pm. New faces, young and old, are most welcome. Come along for a night of real fun! 3. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ~ 8th to 15th October 2012: Direct flight from Dublin. Spiritual Director ~ Fr. Dan Sheridan. For booking and information contact Anna Brady 049- 4336291 / 087- 2549960. 4. St. Michael's Family Life Centre, Church Hill, Sligo: Journey through Grief ~ Bereavement Support Group ~for 6 Thursday nights beginning at 8.00pm on 23rd February. This programme gives a bereaved person real help to cope. Advance booking necessary! To book for this or any of the wide variety of courses, please ring immediately 071 9170329. New brochure now available. 5. Social Dancing ~ Newtownmanor Hall: Every Tuesday at 8.30pm. Everyone welcome ~ especially a few extra men. Contact Anna at 071 - 9145057 or 087 - 3131330. 6. The Wednesday Club ~ Dromahair Active Age for over 55's continues every Wednesday at 10.30am in the Depot. Wide variety of activities & hobbies. New members always welcome. 7. ASIST ~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training ~ 2 day workshop: 14th 7 15* February in Carrick -on - Shannon Education Centre and the 7th & 8th March in Sligo. For further details contact Belinda Taylor, HSE Health Promotion Unit at 0719135061. 8. Breast Check ~ The National Breast Screening Programme ~ is returning to Leitrim very soon. Women aged 50-64 are invited for free mammograms and will receive an appointment by post to attend the BreastCheck Mobile Unit in the car park of the Bush Hotel Carrick-on-Shannon. Further details on freephone 1800 45 45 45. On the 4* February 2012, Kevin McGoldrick was presented with the Community Alert ~ Volunteer of the Year Award 2011 in Bansha, Co. Tipperary. We offer Kevin our heartiest congratulations on this special achievement and we thank him for all his work for Community Alert. 10. Manorhamilton Enterprise Forum hopes to produce a brochure for tourists for the North Leitrim area. Local knowledge is needed. If you have any relevant information on this area. Please contact Gerry Creamer at 086 3855090. E-mail: 11. Dromahair Ladies GAA ~ Cake Sale & Raffle: On Sunday 12th February in the Depot after Mass. Please support! Crossroads ~ Youth Congress This Congress takes place in St. Ciaran's College, Ballygawley Co. Tyrone on Sunday 26th February 2012 from 10.00am - 8.00pm. Young people from this Diocese are invited to join with young people from all 7 Ulster Dioceses in workshops dealing with Prayer, Talks including Music Ministry Drama, Dance, Net Ministries, Siblta, Leadership, Love & Relationships and several other topics. The day will end with Mass celebrated by Cardinal Sean Brady. There are 2 age categories: Second Level and 18 plus. The Diocese is organizing a bus to Ballygawley for the event and all you have to do is bring a packed lunch. If you would like to attend, you will find application forms at the back of your church or contact your priest. This can be an enriching experience for any young person, so act without delay! For more information contact Clare Coyle, Diocesan Youth Worker at 049 - 4375004. ___ E- mail: Mrs Rosaleen Dolan N.T. retired on Thursday 29th June after a lifetime of teaching, including 18 years of dedicated service in Leckaun N.S. There will be presentations to her in Newtownmanor Hall at 8.00pm on Saturday 25th February. All members of the community are invited. So do come along to wish her well. Refreshments and entertainment on the night