Parish Website: Fr. Anthony Pagan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton - 071- 916413L Dromahair -Killarsue -Newtownmanor Sunday12?h March 2017 -The Second Sunday in Lent We have already started our Lenten Journey. On this Second Sunday in Lent, we continue our Pilgrimage in Faith ~ a journey which leads us to the Celebration of the Death & Resurrection of Jesus at Easter ~ our promise of eternal fulfillment. For all of us, may Lent be a time to pray again as a family, a time to re-assess our own lives, to care for body and soul, a time to reach out to people in need too. Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of the church. Please take one! Next Wednesday, 15th March there will be an early morning Mass in Dromahair Church at 7.00am. St. Patrick's Dav Masses Friday next, 17th March ~ is the Feast of St. Patrick ~ Prfomhearlamh na hEireann ~ The National Apostle of Ireland. Masses will be celebrated at the following times: Killargue ~Vigil Mass ~ at 7.00pm on Thursday 16th March. And on the Feast Day itself, Friday 17th March, there will be Mass in Newtownmanor at 10.00am & Dromahair at 11.15am. CHURCH NOTICES TAT Altar Servers for Dromahair: March 2017 ~ Group 1- Caoimhe, Aoileann & Conor McGoldrick. April 2017 ~ Group 2: Emma Caprani, Ellie Keegan, Deirbhile Power & Daithf Meehan. Parents please note ~if your child ts unable to serve at Masson any of the assigned dates, please arrange a replacement [B] The Offertory Collection on St. Patrick's Day supports Kilmore Missionaries abroad ~ especially those in Nigeria ~ in providing education, healthcare and building up Christian Communities. N.B. Again this year, one quarter of the collection will go to the SIA Services ~ supporting the Irish Abroad our vitally important emigrant services in various countries. Please give as generously as you can. There is a dedicated envelope in your Offertory Envelope Pack ~ or just use an ondinary envelope marked St. Patrick's Day Collection. Advance Notice - Dates for your Diary! Holy Thursday ~ 13* April; Good Friday ~ 14th April; Holy Saturday ~ 15th April Easter Sunday ~ 16* April Confirmation ~ Sunday 14th May in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair at 3.00pm. First Holy Communion ~ Drumlease N.S. Saturday 20th May at 11.00am in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair Redemptorist Mission will take place in the Parish from 9th - 17th September 2017 More details later! [C] The Permanent Diaconate ~ A Programme for the training of men for the Permanent Diaconate will commence in St. Angela's College, Sligo in October 2017. Our Diocese hopes to send candidates for training. If any men aged from 35 - 55 feel that they may have a calling to this important and worthwhile ministry, they are asked to phone Mr. Sean Coll at the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre at 049-4375004 before Friday 3rd March. An information evening will be arranged for those interested. [D] Dues & Offertory Collection Envelopes for Dromahair area are now available. If you have not yet received your pack or your pack is incorrect please contact Fr. Anthony or the sacristan Padraig Waiters. [F] Information Evening for Liturgy Groups focusing on the Celebration of Holy Week ~ SL Clare's Primary School, Manorhamilton on Wed 22nd March from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. It is recommended that each parish area be represented. [G] Irish Augustinians are hosting a Vocation Weekend from Fri 31st March - Sun2nd April. This will take place in Drogheda and if interested piease contact Fr. Colm O'Mahony OSA on 086 8845747 or [HJ Novena of Hope ~ The Graan, Enniskilten from Sat 18th March - Monday 27th March. Sunday services ~ 9am, 10.30am, 12 noon, & 4pm. Weekdays ~ 12.30pm & 7.30pm except Wed 22nd when there is a Service for the Skk at 11am & 7.30pm and on Saturday 25th March ~ 11am & 6.30pm. Ring the Graan 026 66322272 for more info. [It Prav for: Margaret Reilly, (mother of Gerard Reilly, Leckaun N.S.) whose funeral took place recently. Mav they rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 7.00am; Friday at 11.15am; Sunday at 11.15 a.m. 2. Pray for: Raymond Fowley, Dromahair, Anniv Mass Sun 12th March at 11.15am. The People of the Parish, Mass Mon 13th March at 9.30am. John & Mary Fenton and deceased of Fenton family, Limerick, Mass Tues 14th March at 9.30am. Private Intention, Mass Wed 15th March at 7.00am. Intentions of Donor, Mass Fri 17th March at 11.15am. John, Patrick, Margaret & Michael Harte, Kilcoosey, Mass Sun 19th March at 11.15am. Mav they vest in peace 3. Liturgy for March: Readers; Sadie & Marie Foiey. Collectors; Michael McGoldrick,Frank McGowan & Bernadette Conlon. Altar Society Betty Purvis & Susan Kivtehan CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass:Thursday ~ No Mass: Friday 10.00am; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for: Eddie & Clara Boylan, Cornalaughta, Anniv Mass Sun 12th March at 10.00am. John, Francis & Mary Ellen Dolan, Corraghaun and their Children, Paddy, Anthony & Breege, Mass Friday 17th March at 10.00am. Betty McTernan, Moragh, Anniv Mass Sun 19th March at 10.00am Mav they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for March: Reader; Eileen & Patricia Cunningham. Collectors? Seamus Fowley & Cathal O'Conallain. Altar Society? Bernadette & Hazel Boylan ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILL ARGUE 1. Mass: Tuesday at 7.00 pm, Thursday ~ Viaii Mass ~ 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm 2. Prav for: May and Sean Slevin and deceased of Slevin and Me Tiernan families, Gurteen Mass on Sat 11th at 7.00 pm Hugh and Katie Harvey, Drumkeel, Mass on Tuesdayl4th at 7.00 pm Thomas and Tommie Gallagher, Cornamorriff, Mass on Thursday 16th at 7.00 pm Michael Flanagan, Sheskin, Mass on St Patrick's Morning at 10.30 am Margaret and Frank Me Ternan, Mullaghmore, Mass on Saturday 18th at 7.00 pm 3. Liturgy for March! Reader? Aine Cullen & Carmel Loughlin. Collectors; Dessie Hannon, Vincent Feeney & Hughie Harte. Altar Society; Mary Harte & Josie Feeney. 4. Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday evening from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena Prayers - First Tuesday of every month at 7.00pm, Everyone welcome. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Bingo every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. If you have a drink problem, help is available. Contact: Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office at Ol — 842 O7OO. E-mail: or Connaught Telephone Service: 091- 767777. 3. safeTALK is A Half Day Training Programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Training days are Mon 22nd May in Sligo from 2 pm - 5 pm. For bookings or more Information contact Belinda Taylor on 071 9135061 or 4. ASIST is a training course developed particularly for those whose work brings them into contact with people who may be vulnerable or at risk of suicide. Training days are as follows: 21st & 22nd March in Carrick on Shannon, 27th & 28m June in Manorhamilton, 24th & 25th Oct in Sligo. Training is from 9 am- 5.00 pm each of these days. To book a place or for further information contact Belinda Taylor, Health Promotion at 071 9135061. ASIST workshops are delivered free of charge. 5. Recent Self Help for Africa collection raised €270. Many thanks 6. Bring & Buy Sale ~ 6th Class pupils of Drumlease N.S. ~ in aid of Mutomo Hospital in Kenya ~ a total of €851 was raised. Thanks for all your support 7. St Michael's Family Centre, Sligo ~ Forgiveness ~ Saturday 25th March. Lent is a time for reflection on past, present & future. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to achieve. Letting go of hurt, helpnessness and anger can be truly liberating. Contact St. Michael's Family Life Centre 0719170329 for details. 8. Clothing Collection facility: There is a Clothing Bank/Container in the Depot Gate. If you have old clothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will go towards helping the parish. Strictly no duvets or pillows.