Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton *y 071- 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue~ Newtownmanor Sunday 13tn April 2014 ~ Palm / Passion Sunday This Sunday is Palm / Passion Sunday Palms will be blessed at all Masses and it would be nice to do part of the blessing outside if weather permits. This Wednesday, 16th April 2014 there will again be an Earlv Morning Mass for Lent in Dromahair Church at 7,00am. IV tM Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of your church. Please take one home Time-Table for Holy Week ~ Easter Ceremonies. Holy Thursday ~ Mass of the Lord's Supper: Newtownmanor 7.00pm; Dromahair 8.00pm; Killargue 8.30pm. Good Friday ~ The Lord's Passion ~ Dromahair 3.00pm; Killargue 5.00pm; Newtownmanor 7.00pm, Holy Saturday ~ Easter Vigil ~ Dromahair only at 9.00pm. Easter Sunday ~ Celebrating fr@ Resurrection of the Lord ~ Mass in all 3 churches as follows: Newtownmanor 10.00am; Killargue 10.30am; Dromahair 11.15am. CHURCH NOTICES,. [A] A very Important7 Date for vour Diary: Sacrament of Reconciliation / Penitential Service for Easter: Dromahair Church, Wednesday 16th April, at 8.00pm. [B] IrffiCiP^ceJL: If you have a Trocaire Box at home, please place it in the special basket at the back of the Church before Mas<\ /v either on HolyThursday or Easter Sunday. put your name on the box and change coins into notes if possible, Pl$aser Weasel Trocaire 2: There will also be s Special Collection for Trocaire after Communion at all Masses on Easter Sunday. This should suit visitors and those who don't use an envelope. Preferably, however, use the Special Envelope from your Offertory Pack for Holv Thursday or the special envetope with each Trocpaire Pa^jk. Our Trocaire Collection is a practical way ~ in the spirit of the season <» to wash the feet of those in need. [C] Nigeria Mission f St. Patrick's Day Collection: Any late contributions still welcome. N.B. Again this year, one quarter of the collection goes to the ffi* Service? ~ Supporting tfiq Irpsji Abroad our vitally important emigrant services in various countries. [D] Our pilgrimage to Cro»a»» ^trick on Bank Holi^Y Monday, 5th May 2014 is going ahead If you still wish to be includ€id, ****** 9|ve your name to Frances in