Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. _ Dromahair ~Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 13th July 2008 ~ 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Pope's Collection was due on the weekend of Saturday 28th / Sunday 29th June 2008. It would be much appreciated if you could bring in vour contribution bv next weekend. If you have mislaid your envelope ~ which was in your Dues packet ~ please put your contribution in an ordinary envelope with your name and address on it. Thank you for vour continuing generosity. [B] The Visitation & Blessing of Graves in the Killamue Cemeteries will take place on Sunday 3rd August 2008 & in Newtownmanor Cemeteries on Sunday 17th August 2008. We will begin with the Blessing of the Graves in Killaroue New Cemetery at 330pm. We will move to the Old Cemetery behind the Church at 4.15pm and conclude in Cloonlouaher Cemetery at 5.00pm. It would be a nice idea if each family brought holy water with them from home so that they can personally bless their family plots as the general blessing is taking place. [C] Holy Well, Killargue: It is hoped that Mass will be celebrated on 15th August if personnel are available. More details later. [D] Thanks to all who contributed to the special church collections so far this year. Amounts for the Nigeria Collection ~ which supports Kilmore Missionaries in Africa and which was held on St. Patrick's Day~ are as follows: DromahairGl.llS [€1,260]; Killamue€ 773 [€825]; Newtownmanor^ €721[€735]. Total: €2,609 [€2,820]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Returns for Trocaire and other collections will be published in the coming weeks. Sincere thanks for your generosity. [E] We remember Andrew Barlow, brother of Kathleen Patton, Dromahair whose funeral took place in Gorey, Co. Wexford on Saturday 5th July. Mav he r*^t in peace* ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday ~ Wedding ~ seeManor, Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for.Kathleen, Patrick, Brendan & Verona Mullin & family deceased, Mass Sunday 13th July at 11.15am. PJ. Devaney, Corrigeencor, Anniversary Mass Sunday 20th July at 11.15am. May they rest in peace CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Friday ~ Wedding Mass ~ 1.30pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for.-. Kitty Diamond, Drumlease, Dromahair & deceased members of the Diamond & Travers family, Mass Sunday 13th July at 10.00am. John James Fowley, Corraghaun, Anniversary Mass Sunday 20th July at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ Vigil Mass 8.00pm. 2. Pray for.- John McTernan, Leamascally and deceased family members, Mass Saturday 12th July at 8.00pm. Patrick & Margaret Cullen, Fenagh, Anniversary Mass Saturday 19th July at 8.00pm. May they rest inpeace. 3. Killargue Apostolic Group: Thanks to all who supported the recent cake sale in aid of the Missions. €587 was raised. Community Notices. 1. Support your Local Bingo every Monday night in the Abbey Manor Hotel at 9.00pm sharp. 2. Newtownmanor Community Development Group: The Fun Mte/Ardue to take place this Sunday 13th July has been cancelled due to the Sliao Stages Rally. The next Walk will take place on Sunday 27th July starting from the Manor Hall at 3.00pm. Please note that the painting of the Manor Hall starts Wednesday 16th July at 7.30pm. Pleasehelp! 3. It's judging time again for the Tidy Towns Competition. Please help by keeping your area of Dromahair clean and litter free. 4. HSE~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training ~ ASIST: This is a training course for both members of the public and professionals whose work brings them into contact with people who may be vulnerable or at risk of suicide. ASIST Courses take place on various dates between now and December at Northside Centre, Sligo; Carrick Education Centre; Coleman Centre, Gurteen; Easkey Family Resource Centre & in Ballinamore. For further details on dates, times & venues call Claire Cassidv at Health Promotion O719135O98. A SafeTALK Course is recommended as pre - ASIST training. This 3 hour course prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to supports and resources. Details are also available from the number given above. 5. Lights Out ~ The New National Film Festival for Young People ~ comes to Manorhamilton on Saturday 19th July with a selection of classic cartoons on the big screen: You Ought to be in Pictures at 11.30am [€3] & the beautifully animated fable for all ages The Princess Quest& 1.30pm [€4]. For further information see or Knock Summer Youth Festival Not living life to the full? Looking for something more? Tired of the same? This is what your are looking for! Time out for you.... Knock Summer Youth Festival~July 24" - 27**, OurLady's Shrine, Knock, Co. Mayo. 18 - 35 years. This is a great fun and faith event and receives most positive reviews from those taking part. For more information and to book a place: contact 094 9388100 / 087 6927850 or A 400 page book called TheCollege Boys by our late Bishop, Francis J. McKiernan and Raymond Dunne was launched by Sean Cardinal Brady recently. It lists the names of thousands of students who attended the Kilmore Academy (1839-73) and its successor St. Patrick's College, Cavan (1874-2000) alongside a short history and a selection of interesting photographs. It retails at €35. Postage is extra. This book is available from TheSecretary, St. Patrick's College, Cavan. Tel:O49 -4361888'or from the Secretary, Bishop's House, Cullies, Cavan. Tel:O49 -4331496. Some copies are also available from the Parochial House, Dromahair. Tel:O71 -9164143 Sisters from The Franciscan Missionaries ofMarvvii\\ visit the parish on the weekend of the 19th & 20th July to talk about their work. They hope you will be able to make a contribution to a collection in aid of their Missionary work which will be taken up after each Mass. Do your best to contribute! An Englishman and a Jew were talking about the ways of their respective races. You people, said the Jew, have been taking things from us for thousands of years, like the Ten Commandments, for instance. Well yes, said the Englishman, we took them from you all right, but you can't say we kept them.