Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143/Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 14th March 2010 ~ The Fourth Sunday in Lent. This Sunday is Mothers' Day We ask God to bless all mothers and to give us all the grace to renew and cherish family life in a Christian Spirit. Today we remember all those special people who contribute and have contributed so much to us all. And we remember with affection the mothers who have gone before us in faith. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Masses for the Feast ofSt Patrick, Priomheartamh na hEireann ~ the National Apostle of Ireland: Killardue ~ Vigil Mass for St Patrick's Day ~ Tuesday 16th March at 7.00pm. Newtownmanor ~ morning Mass on St Patrick's Day ~ Wednedav 17th March at 10.00am. Dromahair^ morning Mass on St Patrick's Dav ~ Wednesday 17th March at 11.15am. Gabhaimid dr mbuiochas le Dia asucht a d'fhogair Pddtaigfadd -gurb e Chriost an t-aiseiri agus an bheata [B] The Offertory Collection forSt Patrick's Pay supports Kilmore Missionaries abroad ~ especially those in Nigeria~ in providing education, healthcare and building up Christian Communities. Please give generously on this FeastofSt Patrick, the Missionary. There is a dedicated envelope in vour Offertory Collection Pack. Details of contributions from each parish in the Diocese for 2008 & 2009 and how the money was distributed are available on your church noticeboard. Lent is a time to think of others who are less well off than we are. One of the most practical ways is to contribute to Trocaire and the amount usually suggested is the cost of one family meal per week. Trocaire Boxes ~now available at the hackof your church. Please take one! [C] Confirmation will be celebrated in St. Brigid's Church, Drumkeeran on Saturday 27* March at 12.00pm. A Practice for all those celebrating the Sacrament will take place in St Brigid's Church, Drumkeeran on Thursday 2$* March at 8.00pm. All those to be confirmed and their sponsor / parents are asked to be in their place by 7.50pm. [D] Kilmore Pilgrimage to Lourdes ~ 27th May -1st June 2010. Hotel Pilgrims should contact McGinnity Travel 049 - 4331811. Assisted Pilgrims contact Fr. Golm Hurley 049 4334155. [E] A Date for your Diary: Sacrament of Reconciliation / Penitential Service for Easter: Dromahair Church, Tuesday 30th March at 8.00pm. This service will follow the same pattern as our Christmas celebration and priests from outside the parish will be present. [F] Fr. Rafal Siwek ~ Diocesan Chaplain to the Polish Community ~ will celebrate a Polish Mass in St. Clare's Church, Manorhamilton on Monday 15th March at 7.30pm. There will be an opportunity for confession at 6.30pm. Please let Polish friends know about these events. [G] Weremember: Jariath Corny, Carrickacroghery, Dromahair whose funeral took place on Friday 12th March & Kevin McTernan, Teesan, Rathcormack, Sligo whose funeral took place on Wednesday 10th March. May they rest inpeace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am; Tuesday 930am; Wednesday ~ St Patrick's Day ~ 11.15am; Friday8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for:- Cassie & Sean Me Morrow, Mass Sunday 14th March at 11.15am. Frances Devaney, Friarstown, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st March at 11.15am. May they rest in peace. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Wednesday ~St Patrick'sDav ~ IQ.OOairr. Thursday8.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:- James Fowley, Corraghaun, Anniversary Mass Sunday 14th March at 10.00am. June McGuinness, Dublin, Mass Thursday 18th March at 8.00pm. Phil & Nan McGoldrick, Towneymoyle, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st March at 10.00am. May they rest in peace ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday ~ Vigil Mass for St. Patrick's Dav ~ 7.00pm: Thursday 8.00pm; Friday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 7.00pm. 2. Prav for:- Mae Slevin, Lemascally, Killargue, Mass Saturday 13th March at 7.00pm. James McHugh & deceased family members, Mass Thursday, 18th March at Michael Flanagan, Sheskin, Anniversary Mass Friday 19th March at 7.00pm. Frank & Bridget McTernan, Muilaghmore, Anniversary Mass Saturday 20th March at 7.00pm. Mav they rest in peace 3. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday evening from 7.00pm - 8.00pm, Padre Pio Novena on the First Tuesday of every month from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. First class Padre Pio relic also available. Contact 071 9164270 or 087 9134433. Community Notices. 1. Bingo continues each Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50; all houses €100 and last game €200. 2. Worried? Lonely? Under Stress? The Samaritans offer confidential emotional support on their 24 hour helpline: 1 850 60 90 90. & 3. The Louah Gill Players present a Three Act Play ~ The Memory of Water ~ in the Blue Devon Function Room ~ Sunday 14th March; The Hawk's Well Theatre, Sligo ~ Tuesday 16th March & in the Glens' Centre, Manorhamilton ~ Tuesday 23rd March 2010. 4. A.S.I.S.T. ~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training ~ Two Day Workshop: For venues and dates contact Claire Me Garraghy ~ Health Promotion Unit: 071 - 9135061. 5. North Leitrim /West Cavan Pioneer Total Abstinence Association ~ Dinner Dance: Dorian's Hotel, Ballyshannon on Friday 26th March 2010. Music by Jack Ramsey. Concelebrated Mass in St. Aidan's Church, Kinlough at 8.00pm, 6. The Charity ~ Self Help Africa ~ asks local members of the IFA to take up a Church Gate Collection each year. The Collection will take place this weekend. 7. Swine Flu Vaccination: Available free to the public each Thursday in March from 9.30am - 4.00pm in Nazareth House, Sligo. Further information: 8. Drumkeeran Drama Group presents Widows'Paradise »> a great 3-Act Comedy ~ in Killargue Community Centre on Friday 19th March. Doors open 8.00pm. Curtain 8.30pm. Valuable prizes too. 9. On behalf of the Sisters of Mercy, Tina & George Me Goldrick would like to thank most sincerely all who contributed so generously to the Charity Swim by Andrew Parkinson on Lough Gill. A total of €5,930 was raised for Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya. Curs/Ho Weekends These are an opportunity to encounter and leam about Jesus Christ in a friendly, welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Weekends begin at 8.00pm on Thursday and finish at 4.00pm on Sunday. Next weekend for men: 18th -21st March & for women: 25th -28th March. Both weekends are residential with meals included and take place in the Star of the Sea Retreat Centre, Muilaghmore, Co. Sligo. Contact Jim Carolan, Manorhamilton at 071 - 9855204 or Bridget Fitzpatrick at 071 - 914265 for details.