Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 14th June 2009 ~ The Feast of Corpus Christi ~ The Body & Blood of Christ. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Annual Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock ** led by Bishop Leo O' Reilly ~ takes place on Sunday 21st June 2009. Ceremonies begin at 2.30pm. Theme: Vocations do not spring out of a void. Thecome from the depth of faith of the Christian communities. Why notplan a family day - out around thisevent [B] The Visitation & Blessing of Graves in the Killargue Cemeteries has been provisionally set for Sunday 12th July 2009 & in the Newtownmanor Cemeteries for Sunday 9th August 2009. Further details will be published soon. Please tidy your family plots and do your best to have all cemeteries in good shape. We owe it to our deceased relatives and friends to have the cemeteries cleanf tidy & respectable. [C] Killenummery Parish: Mass ~ Creevelea Abbey: Sunday 21st June at 3.00pm & Carrowcrin Cemetery: SundayZS1* June at 11.30am. [D] Vocations Promotion: Fr. Sean Mawn, Diocesan Vocations Promoter, will visit all parish areas on the weekend of 27th/28th June. He will give a short presentation ~ replacing the homily ~ on how a parish community might encourage and promote vocations. [E] Diocese of Kilmore ~ Marriage Preparation Courses: It is Diocesan policy that each couple attends an ACCORD Pre-Marriaae Course. Facilitators giving these courses undergo continued in- service training and supervision. And the sacramental aspect of marriage receives appropriate attention. It is a wise practice to do a course up to a year before the date of your marriage. All couples are asked to note this request and make suitable arrangements. [F] We remember in our prayers Tommy McGovern, Leamascally, Killargue whose funeral took place on Wednesday 10th June. May herest inpeace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday93Qam; Tuesday9.30am; Wednesday9.30am; Friday930am; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for.Neil & Ann (Sarah Ann) Sweeney, Drumlease, Dromahair & Donegal, Anniversary Mass Sunday 14th June at 11.15am. John Harvey, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st June at 11.15am. May they rest in peace CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for.-. Michael Darcy, Luglustrane & deceased of Darcy family, Anniversary Mass Sunday 14th June at 10.00am. Pat O'Hara, Gortnaskeagh and his parents, Kate & James, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st June at 10.00am. May they rest inpeace ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Pray for.- John & Celia Loughlin & Margaret McTiernan, Sweetwood, Mass Saturday 13th June at 8.00pm. Seamus Harkin, Annagh, Anniversary Mass Saturday 20th June at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace. Community Notices, 1. Support your Local Bingo every Monday night in the Abbey Manor Hotel at 9.00pm sharp. 2. Local Craft & Produce Market: Sunday 14th June to 3.00pm in the Depot Details: 087 6445665 3. The Leitrim Third Level Initiative vi\\\ offer courses in June & September in Carrick - on Shannon. June 2009 Courses: Certificate in Public Relations and Certificate in Journalism. Autumn 2009 Courses: ACCA Diploma in Financial Management, ACCA Accountancy Technician, Diploma in Event Management & On-line Diploma in Quality Management. Further details: Michelle Reynolds, Leitrim County Development Board: 071- 9650496 or 4. Following the success of the Dromahair Demon Festival last summer the Promah air in Transition Group is organizing this year's festival. The festival is named after Prom Dha Eithiar ~ the Irish name for the village ~ and is translated by many authorities as the Ridae of the Two Air Demons. This year's festival will be held on Saturday 27th June starting at 2.00pm, a parade at 6.00pm leading to the main stage entertainment at 7.00pm with dancing, music & children's events. More details later. Please support this event by giving generously to the Village Festival Collections and buying June's Blotto Tickets whose proceeds will go to supporting the event. This is a festival organized and funded by and for the community and promises to be a great day and . night of fun and entertainment. If anyone would like to get involved or offer their services, please ring 087 - 7781914. 5. Leitrim County Development Board & FAX: Applications invited from those who could commit to 2 days a week training to become soccer coaches. Applicants may in certain circumstances be able to retain their social welfare payments, Details: 071 - 9650496. Closing Date: 19th June. 6. Sean MacDiarmada ~ Inaugural Summer School: Friday 19th June - Sunday 21st June in Kiltyclogher, Co. Leitrim. The theme of the Summer School: Perspectives on 1916. Official opening on Friday 19th June followed by a full day workshop on Saturday 20th June. Coach tour of North Leitrim on Sunday morning. Information/details from the New Ballagh Centre: 071 9854030 or by e-mail: Information also available on Knock Summer Youth Festival ~ You are the Light of the World. A festival of Faith, Fun, Music & Hope. Strictly 18 - 35 years. €70/ Free Buses. Bring sleeping - bag. Book now. Places limited. Youth Ministry Office: 094 - 9375035. Shrine Office: 094 - 9388100. Mobile: 087 - 6927850. Clothing Collection Facility A Container has been placed in the grounds of The Depot Dmmaha/rfor the collection of unwanted clothing ~ ladies', gents' and children's ~ shoes in pairs, leather goods, sheets, blankets & curtains. Please put the above items in plastic bags. Access to the facility is from the Back/me and through the steel door leadI na into the £te£Wfqrounds. Only the right - hand door of the container opens. Turn the lever fully to the left before pulling the door open ~ and you'll need to use a little strength! Proceeds from these collections will aid parish funds The best mirror is an old friend! Christ cannot live his life today in this world withoutour eyes and heart. When we love it is Christ loving through us! Leon Joseph Suenens.