Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 16th March 2014 ~ Second Sunday in Lent. We have already begun our Lenten Journey On this Second Sunday in Lent we continue our Pilgrimage in Faith ~ a journey which leads us to the Celebration of the Death & Resurrection of Jesus at Easter ~ our promise of eternal fulfillment. For all of us, may Lent be a time to pray again as a family, a time to re-assess our own lives, to care for body and soul, a time to reach out to people in need too. St. Patrick's Dav Masses, Tomorrow, Monday 17th March ~ is the Feast of St Patrick ~ Priomheariamh na hEireann The National Apostle of Ireland. Mass will be celebrated at the following times: Newtownmanor ~ 10.00am; Killargue ~ 10.30am; Dromahair ~ 11.15am. This Wednesday, 19th March 2014 there will be an Early Morning Mass in Dromahair Church at 7.00am. During Lent, the Rosary will be recited 20 minutes before Saturday Vigil / Sunday Mass in Dromahair, Killaroue & Newtownmanor Churches ~ for those who wish to participate. Those leading the Rosary are asked to begin on time ~ and finish 10 minutes before Mass. I i Trocaire Boxes are now available at the back of vour church. Please take one home. CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Offertory Collection on St. Patrick's Day supports Kilmore Missionaries abroad ~ especially those in Nigeria ~ in providing education, healthcare and building up Christian Communities. N.B. Again this year, one quarter of the collection will go to the SIA Services ~ Supporting the Irish Abroad ~ our vitally important emigrant services in various countries. Please give as generously as you can. There is a dedicated envelope in your Offertory Envelope Pack ~ or just use an ordinary envelope marked St. Patrick's Day Collection. All the Missionaries groups and emigrant agencies that have been helped thank you for your generosity. Last year the combined contribution for our three parish areas came to €3,569. Full details of contributions from all parishes in the Diocese are now posted on the Church Notice - boards. Some Give bv Going, Other ao bv Giving [B] This coming Thursday evening, in Newtownmanor Church, there will be Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.3Qpm followed by Mass at 8.00pm. And this coming Friday evening, in Dromahair Church, there will be Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.30pm followed by Mass at 8.00pm. [C] An Important Date for vour Diarv: This Tuesday 18th March at 7.00pm, Fr. Bryan Shorthall, OFM, will celebrate Mass and speak in St. Brigid's Church, Killargue. Fr. Bryan brings a positive outlook and a spirituality that enriches. His theme is: Tired of all the bad news? On Thursday 27th March at 8.00pm, Shane Martin will give a lecture in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair. Shane Martin aligns himself to the School of Positive Psychology, seeking to build on a person's strengths. He focuses on keeping people resilient during life's challenges and crises. And he shares a positive Christian outlook. Details of the talk in Newtownmanor have not yet been finalized. We are still hopeful. [D] Would you like to climb Croagh Patrick, get a bit of exercise while taking part in a good humoured parish pilgrimage? It is proposed to run this event on Bank Holiday Monday, 5th May 2014. If you are interested please give your name to Frances in the Post Office. Tel 071 - 9164106. Names must be in by Wednesday 16th April. [E] We remember: Raymond Fowley, Woodview Inn, Dromahair, whose funeral took place on Wednesday 12th March. Mav he rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday ~ Feast of St. Patrick *• 11.15am; Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 7.00am <««N.B.: Friday 8.00pm with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.3Qpm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for: Hugh Brennan, Shriff and deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 16th March at 11.15am. Maureen & Patsy Me Goldrick, Correda, Anniversary Mass Monday IT*1 March at 11.15am. Frank & Mary Me Gloin, Killargue, Anniversary Mass Wednesday 19th March at 7.00am. Maureen Me Goldrick, Correda, Mass Friday 21st March at 8.00pm. Harold Atkins, Lavally, Bailintogher, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd March at 11.15am. May they rest in peace! CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Monday ~ Feast of St. Patrick ~ 10.00am; Thursday 8.00pm ~ preceded by Adoration at 7.30pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pra v for Edward Boylan, Cornaloughta, Anniversary Mass Sunday 16th March at 10.00am. Bertie Cunningham, Rathedmond, Sligo, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd March at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE- 1. Mass: Monday ~ Feast of St Patrick ~ 10.30am; Tuesday 7.00pm with talk by Fr. Bryan Shorthall; Friday 7.00pm followed by Stations of the Cross; Saturday Evening ~ Vigil Mass ~ 7.00pm. 2. Pray for:- Bridget & Frank McTernan, Mullaghmore, Anniversary Mass Saturday 15th March at 7.00pm. Deceased of the Higgins Family, Gortnacarkogue, Anniversary Mass Monday 17th March at 10.30am. «« N.B. Kate & Hugh Harvey, Sweetwood, Anniversay Mass Friday 21st March at 7.00pm. May & Sean Slevin and deceased of the Slevin & Me Ternan families, Mass Saturday 22nd March at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace. 3. Eucharistic Adoration; Killargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. Community Notices 1. Bingo: No Bingo this Monday night, St. Patrick's Day. Bingo resumes Monday night, 24th March at 9.00pm In The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated \ 2. North West Simon Community ~ Church Gate Collection: Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd March. 3. The St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Church Gate Collection in the parish raised €852. Sincere thanks to ail who collected and contributed. Our SVP contact number is 086 4094399. 4. Rossinver CaUfag ~ A Community based Call Service offering the opportunity of a friendly chat, The service is free and confid*»tfal and should be very helpful to older people. Contact Number 071 - 9854030. 5. On Saturday 29th March at 8.00pm the Lough Gill Players will present the comedy / Do not Like nee Dr. Fell in The Blue Devon, Dromahair, This production is in aid of the Parents' Association of Drumlease N.S. and the support of parents would be much appreciated. It is a good fundraising event and social night. Anyone wishing to donate a Soot Prize for the Raffle on the night should drop it in to Drumlease N.S. prior to the event. There are earlier productions of the Play at 8.30pm in the Glens Centre, Manorhamilton on Friday 14th March and in Ballinagar Hall at 8.30pm on Saturday 15th March. 6. Blooming Ulysses: An entertaining and humorous one man show with Gerry Farrell in the Sligo Park Hotel on Thursday 3rd April at 8.00pm. Tickets €10 available now. Proceeds in aid of St. Michal's family Life Centre, Sligo. Tel: 071 9170329. 7. Text Alert Envelopes for €5 now available from the Depot and most businesses in Dromahair. 8. Drumlease N.S. Enrolment 2014: Packs for new pupils starting in September 2014 are now available from the school office. Ring: 071 - 9164586 for details. Parish Timetable 2014. Confirmation ~ Drumlease N.S. & Leckaun N.S. Saturday 12th April 2014 at 12.00 noon in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair with Bishop Leo O' Reilly. First Communion Drumlease N.S. ~ Saturday 17th May 2014 at 11.00am ~ St Patrick's Church, Dromahair. Leckaun N.S. ~ Saturday 7th June 2014 at 11.30am ~ Church of Mary, Mother of God, in Newtownmanor. Visitation and Blessing of Graves Killargue & Cloonlougher ~ Sunday 29th June 2014 Newtownmanor ~ Sunday 3rd August 2014.