Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 16th Mav 2010 ~ The Ascension of the Lord. Today we are asked to remember the victims of the Great Famine in Ireland and all who still hunger for food & justice in our world. Any further contributions to the Annual Diocesan Vocations A Support Sen/ices Collection still welcome. You will find the red Diocesan Services Collection Envelope between vour April & Mav Dues Envelope. Or simply use an ordinary envelope. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] First Communion for children of Drum/ease National School^\\\ be celebrated at 11.00am on Saturday 22nd May 2010 in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair. First Communion for the children of Leckaun National School\NJ\\\ be celebrated at 12.00 noon on Saturday 29th May in Newtownmanor Church. You are asked to remember all the young people in your prayers and we say thanks to their teachers and all the staff of their schools for the excellent preparation they have been doing. [B] Knock Shrine ~ Main Pilgrimage Season: April 25th - October 10th. A poster with the details has been placed on the notice - board of your church together with a copy of the Pilgrim's Guide. The Iff/more Diocesan Pilgrimage takes place on Sunday 2Cfh June, beginning at 2.3Opm. [C] There are still some seats available on the Kilmore Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 27th May -1st June 2010. Hotel Pilgrims should contact Me Ginnitv Travel A 049 - 4331811. Assisted Pilgrims should contact Fr. Colm Hurley at 049 - 4334155. [D] The Rosary will be recited during May in all three churches ~ in Dromahair and after Mass & in Newtownmanor twenty minutes before Mass. [E] Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ~ 13th -22nd October 2010: Direct flight from Dublin. A limited number of seats available. Spiritual Director: Fr. Dan Sheridan, Staghall, Belturbet Details from Anna Brady at 049- 4336291 or 087- 2549960. [F] There will be a Mass for all Examination Students in St. Brioid's Church, Killamue on Saturday 5*^ June at 8.00pm. [G] We remember: Sean (John Edward) Martyn, Hazelwood, Sligo (father of Michelle Comiskey, Newtownmanor). Removal this Sunday evening at 5.30pm to St. Joseph's Church, Ballytivnan arriving at 6.00pm. Funeral Mass on Monday at 11.00am. Mav he rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:- Eugene Kelly, Aughameelta & Dungarvan, Anniversary Mass Sunday 16th May at 11.15am. Peadar Flynn, Glenfarne & Lancashire (brother of Mrs, Frances Kelly, Sweetwood, Killargue) & deceased family members, Mass Wednesday 19th May at 9.30am. Maureen Mainwaring, Month's Memory Mass Friday 21st May at 8.00pm. Packie McKenna, Carrickacroghery, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd May at 11.15am. Mav they rest in 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:- Margaret Rooney, Gortnaskeagh, Anniversary Mass Sunday 16th May at 10.00am. Deceased members of McGoldrick family, Corrigeencor, Mass Sunday 23rd May at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace. :> inuKin, KILLAKUUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Tuesday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Via// Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Prgyjor:- William & Margaret Harkin, Townahousey, Mass Saturday 15th May at 8.00pm. Mary Ellen McTernan, Mullaghmore, Mass Tuesday 18th May at 7.00pm. Kate & John McHugh, Gortermone, Mass Saturday 22nd May at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace Community Notices. 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50; all houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Alzheimer Tea Party: Killargue Community Centre this Saturday 15th May from 7.00pm - 9.00pm. Please support this worthy cause. All monies raised are spent locally. 3. Dromahair GAA~ U-8 and U-10 Training for Boys: Wednesday nights from 7.00pm - 8.00pm in the Park. All welcome. For further information phone 086 - 8565649. 4. Worried? Lonely? Under Stress? The Samaritans offer confidential emotional support on their 24 hour helpline: 1- 850 60 90 90. & 1o@)samaritans.orq 5. There is a Clothes Bank in the Depot grounds. If you have old clothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will help parish finance and various charities. Currently people are leaving out bags of dothes at their houses to be collected by purely commercial operators & do not help the parish. 6. Collection of Farm Plastic: James Fitzgerald Agri Services and IFFPG will operate Bring Centres iin Manorhamilton Mart on Friday 4th June. 7. La Claraithe / Enrolment Day ~ Gaelscoil Cluainin, Manorhamilton ~ 21u - 5u - 2010, 2.30in - 4.00in. Failte Roimh Chach. Further information ~ Glaoigh ar Shinead / Roise ag 0719856046. Are You 16 - 35? Youth 2OOO Connauaht would like to invite you to a retreat in St. Jarieth's College. Tuam, Galwav on Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd May 2010. So what can you expect? Why not consider joining other young people in exploring the important things in life. Time to chill out and meet other young people. THIS IS A FREE EVENT. We just ask you to give what you can afford. Food and accommodation are provided. Just bring your sleeping bag! Check out for more information Some copies of Why Marriage Matters ~ A Statement of the Irish Bishops' Conference on the Civil Partnership Bill ~ have been placed at the back of your church. If you have an interest in this discussion please take a copy of the statement. An Officially Audited Statement of Account ~ Income / Expenditure for your Parish Area in 2009 is displayed on the notice - board in your church Collection Facility A Container has been placed in the grounds of The Depot Dmmaha/rfor the collection of unwanted clothing ~ ladies', gents' and children's ~ shoes in pairs, leather goods, sheets, blankets & curtains. Please put the above items in plastic bags. Access to the facility is from the Back/ineand through the steeTdoorleading into the /Jgegfgrounds. Only the right -hand door of the container opens. Turn the lever fully to the left before pulling the door open ~ and you'll need to use a little strength! If you find it too difficult to open the door of the container and are leaving a bag outside, please make sure it is sealed and rain - proof. Proceeds from these collections will aid parish funds