Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tlernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 16th November 2014 ~ 33"* Sunday in Ordinary Time. November is the Month when we remember our Departed Loved Ones and all the Holy Souls. You will find your Lists for the Dead/November Offerings Envelope beside your November Dues Envelope. If you dont have an official Envelope fit List, please use an ordinary envelope and notepaper and mark your envelope November Lists. [A] Have you still a contribution to make to the Special Mission Sunday Collection? Please bring in your contribution next Sunday ~ it is vital for the young Mission Churches throughout the world! You will find a Mission Collection Envelope in your Dues packet or simply use a dedicated World Missions ~Ireland envelope from the back of your church. [B] Trdcaire 2014: Amounts for all parishes in the Diocese have been posted on your church notice - board. [C] Kilmore Diocesan Assembly: If you would like to get a flavor of what is happening at he Assembly, visit the Kilmore Diocesan Website at and click on the Kilmore Diocesan Assembly tag. You will be able to watch videos of the main speakers. It is hoped to report on the Assembly on Sunday 23rd November, the Feast of Christ the King. [D] Holy Land Collection 2014: Dromahair ~ €620 [€565] Killamue ~€404 [€300] Newtownmanor €220 [€205] Total ~ €1,244 [€1,070]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity, [E] Survive and Thrive after Cancer ~ a Course on Diet, and Lifestyle: St. Michael's Family Life Centre, Sligo on Saturday 22nd November from 10.30am- 4.30pm, Cost €50. [F] Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting in the Depot this Tuesday night 18th November at 8.30pm. [G] Board of Management ~ Drumlease N.S.: Meeting this Monday night, 17* November, at 7.30pm in the school. [H] We remember: Raymond Patton, Rockvalley, Dromahair, whose Funeral Mass takes place today Sunday at 11.15am in Dromahair. May he rest in peace. Why not as a family, remember your deceased loved ones in November? There will be an opportunity to do so at a Special Mass in Newtownmanor Church on Thursday 20th November at 8.00pm & at a Special Mass in Dromahair Church on Friday 21st November at 8.00pm. Families will have an opportunity to place remembrance candles before the altar during Mass. ST. PATRICKS CHURCH, DROMAHAIR, 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday ~11.15am. 2. Prav for: Funeral Mass for Raymond Patton today at 11.15am. The Mass scheduled for Malachy McGoldrick, Kilcoosey and his sister, Margaret, Brighton, will be celebrated at a later date. Fr. Hugh Me Grail, Dromahair, Mass Monday 17th November at 9.30am. Tom Gilmartin, Grange, Anniversary Mass Tuesday 18th November at 9.30am. Kathleen Me Goldrick, Dromahair and deceased family members, Mass Wednesday 19th November at 9.30am. Special Mass for deceased of the area and All the Faithful Departed, Mass Friday 21st November at 8.00pm. Gerard Madden, Market St., his parents Aileen & Paddy and Bernard Me Garrell, Mass Sunday 23rd November at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for November: Readers: Frances Downey. Collectors: Domhnal! Me Loughlin & Tommy Sweeney. Society: Mary McMahon. :HURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR, 1. Mass: Thursday 8.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for: Patsy Devaney, Oorrycullen, Anniversary Mass Sunday 16th November at 10.00am. Joe McPartland, Manorhamilton and deceased of the Manor area, Mass Thursday 20* November at 8.00pm. Jim Comiskey, Doonkelly, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd November at 10.00am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for November: Reader: Martin Me Morrow. Collectors: Seamus O'Brien & Eugene Fowley. ;: Teresa Mullarkey & Mary Murray. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 7.00pm; Saturday Evening ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm. 2. Prav for: Pat Kerins, Soxline, Anniversary Mass Saturday 15th November at 7.00pm. Delia & Mattie Sheridan, Gortermone, Anniversary Mass Monday 17th November at 7.00pm. Ed Conick, Leamascally, Anniversary Mass Saturday 22nd November at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration; Kiliargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. 4. Liturgy for November: Readers: Carmel Gallagher & John McMorrow. Collectors: Bridie Boies, Hubert McMorrow, Detta McNiffe & P J.Feeney. Altar Society: Sheila Harkin & Maureen O'Hara. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The BlueDevon. Ali lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. Progressive 25 ~ Card Game: Every Friday night in Newtownmanor Hall at 9.00pm. All welcome 3. A Tunnel Gardening Course starts soon in The Depot. Interested? Ring Martina at 071 - 9134986 for details. 4. Mass for the deceased staff of Our Lady's Hospital, Manorhamilton and Arus Breffni: At 8.00pm on Thursday 20th November 2014 in the Hospital Chapel. 5. AGM ~ Dromahair Ladies GFC: At 5.00pm on Saturday 29th November in the Depot. All members should attend. 6. AGM AI Dromahair Development Association/Tidy Towns: 8.30pm on Wednesday 26th November in the Depot. All welcome. 7. Kiliargue Santa Patty ~ Planning Committee: New members urgently needed for this committee. Parents of children of Santa Party age are asked to get involved immediately if this event is to survive. A Planning Meeting for the 2014 Santa Party will take place on Monday 17th November at 8.00pm. 8. Medjugorje Pilgrimage ~ 7 nights Duration: 6th May 2015 for €659 ex Dublin Airport & 16th September 2015 for €699 ex Knock, Good discounts available for early payment Contact Ann at 086 -1505298. 9. After School Arts & Crafts in the Depot from Monday 10th November: 6 weeks course for children from 7 - 2 years of age. Cost €50 inclusive of all materials. Call Tracey on 087 7961979. 10. Alzheimer Society of Ireland: Annual Church Gate Collection on Saturday 15* & Sunday 16th November 2014. All monies collected locally are used locally. 11. Dromahair Anglers' Pike Competition ~ Catch & Release from Boat & Shore ~ this Sunday 16tn November from 10.00am - 4.00pm. Fee €10. Cash prizes. Proceeds in aid of November Men's Cancer Awareness. 12. Dromahair Development/Tidy towns seeks to recruit an Office Administrator/Support Worker based in the Depot. C.E. terms and conditions apply. Contact 071 - 9134986 or 086 - 8521791 for details. 13. Leitrim Guardian 2O15: Launch in the Rainbow Ballroom of Romance, Glenfarne on Friday 21st November at 8.00pm. Food served at 8.30pm sharp. Tickets €25. Lots of Music and entertainment after launch 14. Leckaun N.S. Parents' Association: Cake Sale in the Manor Hall today, Sunday 16th November, after 10.00am Mass. Do give your support. It is greatly appreciated. Clothing Collection There is a Clothes Bank / Container in the Depot Grounds. If you have old clothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will help the parish and various charities. Currently people are leaving out bags of clothes at their houses to be collected by purely commercial operators & they rarely help any worthy cause ~ despite what a few advertise! And other clothes banks in the village contribute only a very small amount to the charities they advertise. Please do not bring books, toys or any items other than clothes! Attending a wedding Mass for the first time, the little girl whispered to her mother, Why is the bride wearing white? Because white is the colour of happiness and today is the happiest day of her life, replied her mother. The little girl thought for a moment and asked: So why is the groom wearing Mack? __________