Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tieman ~071-9164143/ Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 18th April 2010 ~ The Third Sunday of Easter. From & including this Saturday, 17th April 2010, the Saturday Even/no ViQil Mass in Killamue will be celebrated at 8.00pm ~ and will continue at this time until Autumn. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Trocaire: Have you helped out yet? Any remaining Trocaire Contributionswould be gratefully appreciated. Please put your contribution in the special Trocaire Offertory Envelope dated 1st April, Holy Thursday, or if you don't have one you will find Special Trocaire Envelopes at the back of your church. Orjust use aplain envelope! Thanks to all who broughtback their Trocaire Box/Envelope already. [B] The Special Collection for Haiti on Easter Sunday raised the following amounts: Dromahair" €405; Killamue •* €370; Newtownmanor ~ €325. Sincere thanks to all who contributed to this and to the Annual Trdcaire Collection. (See note 1 above) [C] Vocations Vigil: The Fourth Sunday of Easter ~known asgood ShepherdSunday ~ is also Vocations Sunday and falls on the 25th April this year. Alt of us have a vocation or calling from God by virtue of our baptism. So it is important to reflect on our gifts and consider how we mav best express thembv living out our vocation. On Friday night, 23rd April, a vigil will be held in St. Clare's Church, Manorhamilton, commencing with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at S.OOpm and concluding with Mass at ll.OOpm. In between there will be a directed Holy Hour from 9.OOpm followed by an opportunity for Confessions. Everyone from the Pastoral Area of North Leitrim/West Cavan is invited to come along to pray for the whole community but especially for young people sitting examinations. We will pray for one another, for all our needs and well ask God to guide our young people as they make their career choices. [D] Knock Shrine ~ Main Pilgrimage Season: April 25th - October 10th. A poster with the details has been placed in the noticeboard of your church together with a copy of the Pilgrim's Guide. [E] Weremember: Anna Clarke [ ne£ Me Connell & sister of Betty Purvis, Dromahair ] who died in Dorset on Friday 16th April;GertyFlynn, Drum/ease Road, Dromahair, whose funeral took place on Tuesday 13th April Q^Maureen Mainwaring, Market Street, Dromahair, whose funeral took place On Saturday 10th April. Mav they rest inpeace. Next Sunday, 25th April is Vocations Sunday We pray that we may all live out our vocation to the full in family and community. We pray too for vocations to the priesthood and religious life so that all may be nourished with God's Word. This is also the Sunday when the Annual Diocesan Vocations A SupportServices Collection is due or it can be brought in on Sunday 2nd May which is the date advertised on the Diocesan Poster in your church. You will find the red Diocesan Services Collection Envelope between your April & May DuesEnvelope. You will also find a letter from Bishop Leo explaining the need of this collection and the uses to which it is put in the Diocese, within Ireland and internationally. Each parish will be levied bv Kitmore Diocese at the rate of 11% of the accumulated 2008 Parish Offertory Collections which will work out at a contribution of €5,005 from Dromahair.€ 3,066 from Killanpue & €2.503 from Killamue. A contribution of at least €1O per household wouldbe needed to make up even half the Amount due. Please do your best! Thank you for your continuing generosity! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 9.30am; Friday9.30am; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for:- Ita Winston, The Line, Dromahair, Month's Memory Mass Sunday 18th April at 11.15am. P(atrick) Ward, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 25th April at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Friday* Wedding Mass 1.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for:- Bertie Cunningham, Rathedmond, Sligo & Newtownmanor, Anniversary Mass Sunday 18th April 10.00am. John P. (Sonny) Reynolds, Anniversary Mass Sunday 25th April at 10.0am. Mav they rest in peace. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday7.00pm; Friday8.00pm; Saturday 10.00am & VioilMass ~8.0ODm<«« 2. Prav for:- Packie & Margaret Culien, Feenagh, Anniversary Mass Saturday 17th April at 8.00Dm«<«« Charles Me Ternan, Corratavey & deceased family members, Mass Tuesday 20th April at 7.00pm. Bridget Me Goey, Scotland & Larkfield Barr, Mass Friday 23rd April at 7.00pm. Deceased members of Me Gourty Family, Larkfield Barr, Mass Saturday 24th April at 10.00am, Sean and Mae Slevin & deceased family members, Mass Saturday 24t April April at 8.00pm. Community Notices. 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50; all houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Dromahair Food Futures Group is hosting Plant Your Dinner ~ an event focusing on increasing local food production ~ in The Depot; Dromahair on Saturday 24th April from 2.00pm - 5.00pm. Mini edible gardens in containers will be planted, can be taken home, cared for & entered for a prize on 19th June a t the Demons Festival. You can also play the Food Miles Board Game & enjoy Wild Refreshments. Donations welcome. At 8.00pm there will be a screening of The Power of Community ~ a film that has inspired Grow You Own Initiatives ~ in Stanford's Inn at 8.00pm. 3. Leitrim Sports Partnership ~ 6 week custom designed Exercise Protect for Women: Aura Leisure Centre, Carrick -on - Shannon, beginning on Wednesday 28th April at 12.00 noon & continuing each Wednesday. Programme includes swimming & aquafit exercises, boxercise, Pilates & aerobics. Fee €3 per week. An Open Evening for Registration will be held on 21st April at 7.00pm in the Council Offices in Carrick - on - Shannon. Details from 071 - 9650498. E - Mail: 4. Dromahair GAA ~ U-8 and U-10 Training for Boys: Starts Tuesday night next from 7.00pm - 8.00pm in the Park. All welcome. For further information phone 086 8565649. 5. The Annual Clean-Up of the Newtownmanor area takes place on Saturday 24* April beginning at 11.00am. Everyone meets at the Manor Hall. Your help is needed. 6. The Irish Association ofAnaer Management is running a two day programme Temper YourAnaer on Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th April at the Radisson Hotel, Sligo. You will need to book. For further information contact Peter Devers, at 087 7989253 or 7. Leitrim Childcare Committee: Childminding Quality Awareness Programme ~ an eleven hour training programme on topics relevant to current childminders and potential childminders. Sessions take place on Saturday 24th April and Saturday 8th May from 10.00am - 4.00pm. The programme will be held in the Bee Park Resource Centre, Manorhamilton. For details contact Orla at 071 - 9640870 or 086 - 1929283. 8. Drumlease N.S. Enrolment ~ September2O1O: Packs now available from the School Office. Contact: 071- 9164586. There will also be an Open Day for New Parents A Pupils on Friday 30th April from 1.00pm - 3,00pm. Come and meet the Staff & view the School Facilities. Refreshments will be served. Booklets containing the full text of Pope Benedict XVTs Pastoral Letter to the Catholics of Ireland are available at the back of your church. Please take one!