Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday Today is Pentecost Sunday when the gift of Easter is completed and the Spirit that Jesus promised is given to us all. We pray for the outpouring of the Spirit on the World, the Church and everyone present here today. tmahair On Sunday 2nd June 2013 at 11.15am we celebrate a Family & Youth Mass in Dromahair Church, for the entire Parish. It will also be a special Mass for all those sitting examinations and their families. We hope to have many young people taking part. Please put this date in your diary and try and make it a special family event. See you all there hopefully! GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Did you forget? The Special AnnualDiocesan Vacations & Support Services Collection was due last Sunday, 28th April 2013. You can still bring it in next Sunday. Your contribution is needed and appreciated. [B] We congratulate the pupils of Second Class in Leckaun N.S. who celebrated their Rrst Hoiy Communion in Mary Mother of God Church, Newtownmanor yesterday, Saturday 18th May. Please remember all the children who have celebrated the Sacrament and their families in your prayers, Sincere thanks to Ms. Joanne Gilmartin and all the school staff for their great dedication. [C] A Meeting of the incoming and outgoing Parish Child Protection Representatives will take place in the Depot on Monday 27th May at 8.30pm [D] A Meeting for the parents of all new and current Mass servers "from all parish areas " will take place in the Depot on Tuesday 4th June at 8.30pm. It is important that parents are present on the night so that they may be acquainted or re - acquainted with Child Protection Poticies and all that is required of the young people and the parents who have volunteered to help out. [E] ACCORD ~ Cavan: Getting married in 2013 or 2014? Contact ACCORD for your Pre-Marriage Application Form. Courses should be undertaken at least 6 months or preferably one year before your marriage. ACCORD also offers Marriage & Relationship Counselling in strict confidence. To book your Pre-Marriage Course or speak with a Counsellor, please contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004. E-mail: [F] Knock Pilgrimage Season: April 28th - October 13th 2013. See your church notice - board for details. [G] Year of Faith ~ Lough Derg Pilgrimages & Retreats: Why not take part in a 1,000 year old tradition celebrating your Faith with people from every parish in Ireland? Contact your Diocesan representative, Fr. Michael Router, 049 - 4375004 or Email: You can also contact Maureen in the Lough Derg Office 071- 9861518 or E- mail: [H] May Rosary: In all 3 churches before Vigil / Sunday Masses. Please beoln the Rosary 20 minutes before Mass. [I] We remember: Martin Sweeney, Caddagh, #ro/ra/ra/rwhose funeral took place on Monday 13th May. May he rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday ~ Wedding Mass in Killaraue ~ 1.30pm; Sunday 11.15am, 2. Pray for: - Eugene McTernan, Fawn, parents, Patrick & Winifred and deceased family, Mass Sunday 19th May at 11.15am. Brian McDermott, Sligo, Mass Monday 20* May at 9.30am. Packie, Mary & Winnie Harte, Doonkelly & deceased family members, Mass Tuesday 21st May at 9.30am. Rose Flynn, Glenfarne & deceased of the Flynn and Kelly families, Mass Wednesday 22nd May at 9.30am. Pakie McKenna, Carrlckacroghery, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 26th May at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday** 10.00am. 2. Prav for:-. Paddy Eames, Moragh and deceased of Manor area, Mass Sunday 19* May atlO.OOam, Tom & Elizabeth Rooney, Friarstown & deceased family members, Mass Sunday 26th May at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace! ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 7.00pm; Friday ~ Wedd/naMass ~ 1.30pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Prav fon- Wiltiam and Margaret Harkin, Towneyhousey, Anniversary Mass Saturday 18th May at 8.00pm. Mary Elien McTernan, Mullaghmore, Mass Tuesday 21st May at 7.00pm. Sonny & Mary Feeney, Curry, Mass Saturday 25th May at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Klliargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena "First Tuesday <$ every month. 4. Klliargue Apostolic Society: Cake Sale after 8.00pm Mass on Saturday 25th May in the Killargue Church grounds. The Annual Raffle will take place in the Community Centre directly after the Cake Sale for a Crochet Bedspread, Patchwork cot quilt, fruit hamper and box of chocolates. Lines for the Raffle will be on sale from any of the Apostolic members. All proceeds go to the Missions. Your support is greatly appreciated. Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is muchappreciated! 2. Newtownmanor Hall ~ Progressive 25 Card Game every Friday night at 9.00pm. Ail welcome. 3. The Depot, Dromahair: Office open every morning ~ except Thursday ~ for typing, photocopying, faxing and internet access. There are also On * Going Classes in The Depot; Karate on Monday & Friday; Boxercise & Aerobics on Monday & Thursday; Parent & Toddler Group on Tuesday & The Wednesday Club ~ Active Age on Wednesday morning. See notice-board outside Depot or call 071 - 9134986. E-mail: 4. Lough Allen College, Drumkeeran ~ PLC Centre: Office Administration & Business PLC Course with a wide range of choices including ECDL ~ FETAC Level 5 & 6. Funding available includes Back to Education Allowance A PLCMaintenance Grant. Details/ Applications: 071 - 9648017 / 9648163. Web: E - mail: 5. Local Garda Services: Members of An Garda Sfochina will be in attendance in the Depot, Dromahair on Monday evenings ~ maybe with the occasional exception ~ from 4.00pm to 5.00pm. Normal business ~ such as form filling & passport applications ** will be transacted. Contact Sgt Robert Conroy at 071 - 98 55041. 6. Do you know the L-Number of the Link Road you live on or the R-Number of the Regional Road it leads off from? You should note these numbers in case you need to call the emergency services. 7. The Leitrim Observer has been covering news & events, both national and local, for over IQOvears. Micro film copies of editions between 1904 and 2007 are available to researchers at the Local Studies Go/lection of Leitrim County Library. Another option is to call into your Local Library in Dromahair fat information and log onto where you can search and browse the digital archive. Dromahair Library Opening Hours:Tuesdav 12.30pm - 6.00pm & Friday 2.30pm - 8.00pm. Closed; 4.00pm - 4.30pm each day. 8. Vision Week~ Year of Faith: Monday 20th May - Saturday 25th May in St. Therese's, St Michael's & St. Mary's in Killenummery & Killery Parish. You are invited to hear a host of excellent presentations on various relevant current topics. Speakers include Mike Rainsworth, Oisfn Me Gonville, Sean & Ann Mulrine, Tommie Gorman, Tony Bates and Mark Harte. Full details on each church notice - board. All ceremonies start at 7.30pm. 9. Tidy Towns ~ Appeal for Plants & Flowers: It is coming up to TidyTowns time of the year again. Dromahair Development Association /Tidv Towns urgently need and would greatly appreciate any donation of growing flowers Or shrubs. This will help to keep Dromahair looking iovely for both visitors and residents. Please bring your donations to the Depot or telephone 071 - 9134986. Killarque & Cloonlouoher: Sunday 30th June 2013; Newtownmanor: Sunday 11th August 2013. Full details will be given later, No human being ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today/ that the weight is more than a human being can bear. George Me Donald. God has two dwellings - one in heaven and the other in a thankful heart. Isaak Walton.