Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton - 071- 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killarsue ~ Newtownmanor Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Newtownmanor Sunday 2nd August starting with Mass at 5.30pm. The Blessing in the New Cemetery will be at 6.00pm & in Carrickatemple at 6.30pm approximately. The usual collection will be taken up. You are asked to park cars facing downhill from the church and on the left hand side only. CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Dear Parishioners, Contributions to the Pope's Collection have been very few so far. The Collection was due on Sunday, 28th June 2015. You may have forgotten your contribution. Please bring it in next week, if at all possible You will find the Red Special Collection Envelope beside your Dues envelope for June or just simply use a Plain Envelope and put your name and parish area on it. [B] Urgent: Completed Application Packs for New Servers & Garda Vetting Forms should be handed immediately to the Parochial House. Please don't delay anv further! Thanks to all who serve & all who have agreed to serve in the future. A special word of thanks to all parents who help out and our three Child Safeguarding Representatives! [C] One Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg ~ Saturday 29th August 2015. Bus departing St. Clare's Church Car Park, Manorhamilton at 8.15am. Booking: 071 9855114/086 3324470. Latest date for booking is 15th August 2015. Cost: Lough Derg €40 and Bus €10. [D] Kilmore Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to Lough Derg ~ Thursday 20th August 2015. This Retreat is offered to all young people in the Diocese aged between 16 - 35 years and is lead by Fr Robert McCabe. Cost €35. To book, contact your parish priest or parish youth officer. [E] The Knock Pilgrimage Season continues until Sunday 11th October. Public Ceremonies on Sundays are as follows: Anointing of the Sick ~ 2.30pm; Con-celebrated Mass followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary Procession to the Shrine & Blessing of Religious Objects ~ 3.00pm. For details of week - day Ceremonies consult the poster which is on your church notice - board. [F] Getting Married in 2015? The Diocese requests that all couples do the ACCORD Cdurse. Accord Marriage Preparation Courses ~ held in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan. The remaining date in 2015 is; 9th -10th October. Courses are held from 7.30pm - 10.00pm on Friday evenings and continue on Saturday from 10.00am - 5.00pm. Contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004 for information or for your Pre-Mamage Application Form. E - Mali; Information on other Accord Centres can be obtained from: Central Office: 01 - 5053112. [G] The National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Sunday 13th September. Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick will be the chief celebrant [H] Weremember: Bridie Me Morrow (nee Flanagan) Stafford, England and formerly of Corcusconny, Dromahair who died on Tuesday 7th July. She was the wife of the late Daniel Me Morrow, Gubaderra, Killargue. Her funeral took place on Friday 17th July. There will be Mass for Bridie in Killargue next Friday 24th July at 7,00pm. And we remember. Mary Me Govern, Blackgardens, Killargue, whose funeral took place on Saturday 4th July. Mav they rest in /peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday Mass at 11.15am. In the event of a funeral it will be necessary to cancel the earlier morning Mass. 2. Pray for: Sarah & James Clancy, Aughameelta and son Aidan, Anniversary Mass Sunday 19th July at 11.15am. Jimmy McHugh, Aughameelta, Mass Wednesday 22nd July at 9.30am. Francis X Kelly, Dromahair, his parents and deceased family, Mass Friday 24th July at 8.00pm. James & Mary Ellen McTernan, Corcusconny, son Seamus and grandson Garry, Mass Sunday 26th July at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for July: Readers: Sadie Foley & Eoghan Sweeney. Collectors: John Speers, Tony Maguire & Tom Conlon. Altar Society: Volunteers needed. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOP, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday Mass *ť 10.00am. 2. Pray for: John James Fowley, Corraghaun and deceased family members, Mass Sunday 19th July at 10.00am. Mickey Loughlin, Gortnaskeagh, Anniversary Mass Sunday 26th July at 10.00am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for July: Reader: Eddie Mullarkey; Collectors: John Loughlin & Charlie McDermott; Altar Society: Mary Darcy. '• BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Friday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 8.00pm. 2. Pray for: Philomena & James Gallagher, Drumany, Anniversary Mass Saturday 18th July at 8.00pm. Bridie McMorrow (nee Flanagan), Mass Friday 24th July at 7.00pm. Mary (Mollie) Hannon, Gortgarrigan, Anniversary Mass Saturday 25th July at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Continues in Kiilaraue Church every Tuesday evening from 7.00pm. 4. Liturgy for July: Readers: Sheila Boles. Collectors: Jim Kelly, Michael Hannon, Padraig Banks & Donal Gallagher; Altar Society: Bernadette Walpole. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. Help Keep Dromahair Tidy: You are requested to keep the areas in front of your own premises or residence litter free & weed free. Also, let's have pride in our village and pick up litter anywhere we see it. This will help in the Tidy Towns Competition. Judging is currently taking place. 3. Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season: You can begin the Three Dav Pilgrimage anv day up to the 13th August 2015. Come to a place of welcome where everyone is equal. No need to book. Boats daily from 10.30am until S.OOprn. Contact: Maureen or Lorraine on 071 - 9861518. E - Mail: Info0)louqhderq.orq 4. Dromahair Development is compiling a Local Directory of businesses and services. Your business or service can be included free of charge. Contact the Depot immediately on 071 - 9134986. E - Mail: 5. Church Gate Collection in aid of Text Alert: This weekend 18th & 19th July at all churches in the area. 6. Cosy UP to Console ~ The National Suicide Prevention, Intervention & Bereavement Charity ~ Awareness Campaign: Knit a Cosy! Create Awareness! Host an Afternoon Tea Party! Info: For enquiries or to pledge support: anne.lynch@console.le or Telephone: 087 - 1955990. A Note from the Pastor's Desk. For everything there is a season, the Book of Ecclestiastes tells us, a time for every matter under heaven! For me that time has come to take my leave from this lovely area of Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor and I will be accepting new appointment as parish priest of Belturbet on the 1st September 2015. I am going to miss this area and its people immensely but I know the parish needs a new voice and a new approach for the future. And I hope the change will be good for me too, having spent one quarter of my life here ~ a long time! I'm truly grateful for your wonderful support, generosity and friendship over so many years. I wish you all every blessing in the years ahead. Gach Beannacht! John Me Tiernan, P.P. How can you expect God to speak in that gentle and inward voice which melts the soul, when you are making so much noise with your rapid reflections? Be silent and God will speak again! Francois Fenelon. *V fťJt (TV A* *V 1*1 A* *V*N* tV ASA* tV l\f A* A* i\f IV (TV fV Johnny, aged five, was told by his mother he must finish his breakfast porridge. He said he didn't want to. You must finish it, said his mother. If you don't, God will be very angry. She went into the kitchen to wash up, leaving Johnny looking with sullen determination at his porridge. Outside it was raining and suddenly there was a heavy roll of thunder. Johnny's mother came back into the room and found him eating his porridge as quickly as he could and muttering to himself: All that fuss for a smallplate of porridge!