Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 21st August 2011 ~ The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the Special Collection for the Victims of Famine in East Africa, If you still wish to make a contribution, next Sunday is the deadline. Some plain envelopes are available at the back of your church. New Translation of the Roman Missal. The new translation of the Missal will come into full use at Mass between 1 th September and the First Sunday of Advent this year. Since 1975, when the present missal was published, several new texts have been made available:- Eucharistic prayers, New Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary & Masses for over 20 new Feasts of the Saints ~ including St. Pius of Pietrelcina ~ Padre Pio, Edith Stein & Maximillian Kolbe. New translations have been added which follow more closely the original Latin ~ pleasing some, annoying many others. The new translation also attempts to follow more closely biblical language and images. Across the English speaking world, the new edition of the Roman Missal will contain both new material and a new style of translation. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Thanks to all who contributed in June to the Collection in support of the Eucharistic Congress which takes place in 2012. Amounts forwarded are as follows: Dromahair^ €514 [€570.75]; Killamue ~ €328 [€232.50]; Newtownmanor ~ €335 [€243]. Total ~ €1,177 [€1,046.25]. Amounts for last year are in brackets. [B] Special Collection for the Holy Land ~ On Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th September. Christians in the Holy Land are facing a time of crisis with numbers falling from 40% of the population just 40 years ago to as little as 1.4% today. Soon there will not be sufficient Christians to look after the Holy Places! The continuing conflict has badly affected local Christians who are ethnically Arab and so treated as hostile and the economy has been devastated: religious tours to their area are difficult & Bethlehem has relatively few visitors today. The separation wall has even made matters even worse. The Diocese ofKHmore is holding a special collection for the Holv Land on the weekend of Saturday 3* &Sunday fh September. It will be taken up after Communion at Masses in all 3 Churches in this parish on that weekend. Your contribution will help out in various ways, including the upkeep of churches & parish centres in Nazareth, Bethlehem, & Jerusalem, schools in Bethlehem & homes for the elderly in Nazareth! [C] Weremember: Mary Kate Clancy, Market S$ Dromahair, whose funeral took place on Tuesday 16th August Mav she rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for: - Anselm & Jenny Doyle, Sligo & deceased family members, Mass Sunday 21st August at 11.15am. Teresa Quinn, New York, Mass Tuesday 23rd August at 9.30am. Special Intention ~ Anniversary Mass, Friday 27th August at 8.00pm. Cathal McTernan, Dublin & Charlie McTernan, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28th August at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday ~10.00am. 2. Pray for:- Thomas, Brigid & Tessie Healy, Fawnlion, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st August at 10.00am. Joe Martin, Carrickfad, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28th August at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace*. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH 1. Mass: Saturday Morning ~ 11.00am; Saturday Evening ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Prav for:John & Celia Loughlin & Margaret McTernan, Sweetwood, Anniversary Mass Saturday 20th August at 8.00pm. Jim Boles, Killargue & Rose Me Gourty, Glenfarne, Anniversary Mass Saturday 27th August at 11.00am. Deceased members of the Gallagher family, Gortahork and Feely family, Tullinawillin, Mass Saturday 27th August at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace! Community Notices. 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. DARC ~ Dromahair Arts & Recreation Committee ~ Scrap Metal Collection: Collection Point ~ The Old Goods Store beside the Club House. Times: Each Saturday from 11.00am - 6.00pm and each Wednesday & Thursday from 6.00pm - 9.00pm. Please deliver items to the Goods Store Yard if possible but collection can be arranged. Contact No: 071 - 9134986 at the Depot from 10.00am - 2.00pm or 085 - 7857855. 3. Jack & Jill Foundation Appeal: Freepost envelopes available in the Depot fro anyone who wishes to recycle old mobile phones, cameras or ink cartridges in aid of the Jack & Jill Appeal. There is also a recycling box in the Depot for old ink and printer cartridges. For further information contact 071 9134986. 4. Dromahair Defibrillator Group: There are leaflets at the back of your church giving information on what to do in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. Please take one home with you. 5. Depot Office: Open every morning. Services available include typing, photocopying ~ including colour, fax & internet access. Very reasonable rates. Phone or fax 071 9134986 for more information. Email: 6. Irish Heart Foundation: The Collection last weekend in Killargue raised €92.40. Thanks for your contributions. 7. Creative Family Fun Classes: Ramada Hotel, Drumshanbo on Tuesdays 23rd & 30th August. Lough Key Forest Park on Wednesdays 24th & 31st August. Contact 087 9441760. 8. Dromahair Four Mile Run/Walk this Sunday 21st August starting at 3.00pm, starting and finishing on Main Street. Registration from 1.00pm in the Blue Devon. Entry fee: Adults €10/Children €3/ Family €20. Races for Children start at 2.00pm. Lots of medals and trophies. Refreshments afterwards in the Blue Devon 9. Heritage Week at Parkes Castle: Come along on Sunday 21st August for the patchwork guilt exhibition in the Banqueting Hall of the Castle from 10.00am - 5.00pm. On Sunday 28th August the Castle guides will host Hoolev on the Kitchen ~ a celebration of Irish Heritage through narration, music, song and dance. Admission is free and starting time is 2.30pm. Contact Siobhan or Anna Mai at 071 9164149. 10. Old Time Dance ~ Rainbow, Glenfarne: Sunday 21st August from 9.00pm - 11.30pm. Admission €7. 11. Lough Allen College, Drumkeeran: Applications invited for Post Leaving Certificate Course in Business Studies including ECDL. Open to Adults & Leaving Certificate Students. Contact the College at 071- 9648017. 12. Registration for Leitrim Third Level Courses: 6.00 - 8.00pm on Thursday 1st September in the County Council Offices, Carrick - on- Shannon. Full details: or 071 - 9650496. Some funding is available. A Container has been placed in the grounds of The Depot Dmmaha/rfor the collection of unwanted clothing ~ ladies7, gents' and children's ~ shoes in pairs, leather goods, sheets, blankets & curtains. Please put the above items in plastic bags. Access to the facility is from the Back/ineand through the steel door leading into the Degot_grounds. Only the right - hand door of the container opens. Turn the lever fully to the left before pulling the door open ~ and you'll need to use a little strength! If you find it too difficult to open the door of the container and are leaving a bag outside, please make sure it is sealed and rain - proof. Proceeds from these collections will aid parish funds Please do not put toys, computers or other such items in the Container.