Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 21st October 2012 ~ The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Mission Sunday. The Year of Faith began last weekend. We prav for the renewal of our own faith and the faith of our parish community. During the Month of October, we have been asked to reflect on the sanctity of Human Life. From the moment of conception, every human life is beautiful, every human life is precious and every human life is sacred. The child in the womb is not a potential life* but a human life with potential. See to watch a video presentation on the Choose Life initiative. You will also find some special prayers on this website! Change of Mass Times for Late Autumn / Winter 2012 & Early Spring 2013 The Vigil Mass for Killargue will revert to the earlier time of 7.00pm on and from Saturday 27th October 2012. ^r ^r ^r ^^ Work has commenced on the installation of a New Heating System in Killaroue Church.. All weekday Masses & the Saturday Evening Vigil Mass will transfer to Dromahair for the duration. Times and Mass details are given below under Killaroue Church. It is hoped that everyone will understand and that the designated collectors, readers, servers and helpers from Killargue will be able to take charge of the usual tasks at the usual times. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Today, Sunday 21st October, is World Mission Sunday. You are asked to remember the Missions in your prayers. The final Special Collection in 2012 ~ for the Missions ~ is also due this Sunday 21st October. You will find the Mission Sunday Collection Envelope in your Dues pack. If you have mislaid your envelope or didnt get one, you will find a special Mission Sunday Collection Envelope at the back of your church. Put your name and parish area on it and hand it in to the sacristy after Mass or place it in the collection basket next Sunday. The money raised is made available to the neediest and the youngest Mission churches & Communities. All vour contributions are directly usedin spreading the Gospel. [B] A few late contributions have come in for the Annual Specialid/more Diocesan Collection forChristians in th( Holy Land. The figures below have been revised upwards accordingly Dfvmaha/r€510 [€485]; Ki//aroue€28S [€484]; Newtownmanor'€231 [€275] Total: €1,026 [€1,244]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [C] The Rosary will be recited during October, beginning 20 minutes before weekend Mass in each church. [D] Weremember Paddy Jordan, Ballina (brother of DrJordan, Dromahair) whose funeral took place on Tuesday 16th October & Josephine Kenny, Sligo (aunt of Ella Toolan, Rockvalley) whose funeral took place on 11th October. May they rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday at 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for: - Kevin Meehan, Kilcoon and deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st October at 11.15am. Mary & Frank McGloin, Killargue, Mass Wednesday 24th October at 9.30am. Katie Jeiter, Dromahair, Second Anniversary Mass Friday 26th October at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace! THE CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Thursday8.00pm; Sunday** 10.00am. 2. Pray for:- Maty Ellen McLoughlin, Sr. Eithne and Brother. Nessan, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st October at 10.00am. John McDonald, Gortnaskeagh & Drumlease, Mass Thursday 25th October at 8.00pm. John Loughlin, Pullboy, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28th October at 10.00am. May they rest in peace! ST. BRIG ID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE. \.... All Masses for the next few weeks mil be in Dromahair.., 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ VigilMass ~ 7.00pm ««««Note change of Time 2. Prayfon- Charles Martin Me Morrow, Lisgorman, Anniversary Mass Saturday 20th October at 8.00pm. [ In Dromahair] Elizabeth McTernan, Corratavy and deceased family members, Mass Monday 22nd October at 7.00pm. Mick McKenna, Cashel, The Rock, Anniversary Mass Saturday 27th October at 7.00pm. May they rest In peace! Community Notices. 1- Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Progressive 25 Card Game every Friday night in Newtownmanor Hall at 9.00pm. All welcome. 3. Set Dancing Class: On Thursdays in Newtownmanor Hall from 8.30pm - 10.30pm. All welcome. Enjoyable and great fun! 4. Dromahair Demons' Festival Committee: Kids' Hallowe'en Party in the Blue Devon, Dromahair on Monday 29th October from 4.00pm - 5.30pm. Entrance: €3 per child ~ includes goodie bag. Proceeds go towards the Demon Festival. 5. Annual Demons' Ball: Blue Devon, Dromahair on Saturday 3rd November from 9.00pm until late. Fancy Dress Ball including Pub Quiz from 9.00pm - 11.00pm followed by Disco. Entrance fee €5 per person. 4 people per table. 6. Dromahair/KMlargue Community Alert: AGM on Thursday 25th October at 8.30pm in the Depot, Dromahair. Members of An Garda Sfochana and Muintir na Tire will attend and give a presentation on TextA/ertand its benefits in combating crime in rural communities. New members ~ youngand old ~ needed. We all can improve our security by working together. 7. Its the Real McCov:J\\\s, 3 Act Irish Comedy written by Tommy Marren will be staged in Killenummery Hall on Friday 26th October & Saturday 27th October at 8.00pm. Come along for great entertainment. Tickets €15 available from The Blue Devon; The Club House & Londis, Dromahair. Proceeds to St. Joseph's N.S. Killenummery. 8. Drumlease N.S. Board of Management: Meeting, Monday 22nd October at 8.00pm. 9. Leckaun N.S. Board of Management: Meeting, Thursday 25th October at 8.30pm. 10. Sponsored Silence in aid of DARC: Clubhouse Foyer, Dromahair on Sunday 11th November from 12.30pm - 2.30pm. Come along and support this very special event and help 5 lovely lassies stay even quieter than usual!!! Miracles do happen!!!!! Internet Security Training for Parents. This course consists of 3 x 2 hour sessions and will take place in the school computer room ~ possibly during school hours. There will be a maximum of 10 course participants. Topics covered will include: Adding parental controls; Limiting time spent by children on computers; Internet history & blocking certain websites; Social Media - Facebook; Creating and sending E-mails; Shopping on-line. The course will run during the first 2 weeks of November. If you're willing to volunteer please contact Drumlease N.S. before Wednesday 24th October at 071- 9164586 or E-mail: New Parish Pastoral Council Hughie Harte, Sfle Boles, Lauraine Walpole, Kieran Kelly, Frances Downey, Maria Foley, Paul McDermott, Catherine McDermott, Laura Comiskey, Breda Loughlin, Mary Brodie, John McMorrow& Annette McHugh. Sincere thanks to the members of the outgoing Parish Pastoral Council for their good work and dedication. The first Meeting of the New Parish Pastoral Council will take place in The Depot; Dromahair at 9.00pm on Tuesday 23rd October 2012. Parish Function All those who help out in any way in the Three Parish Areas or have done so in recent years, are cordially invited to a Parish Function in the Blue Devon, Dromahair at 8.30pm on Saturday 10th November. No specific individual invitations are being sent out ~ so don't be shy. Be there! The function will end by 1.00am, Cowardice asks: Is it safe? Expediency asks; Is it politic? Vanity asks; Is it popular? But Conscience asks; Is it right?