Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tieman ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killarsue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 21st December 2014 ~ The Fourth Sunday inAdvent. Today is the Fourth & Final Sunday in Advent ~ a time when we celebrate the faithful love of God revealed in history. Our Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrate the Mystery of the Incarnation ~ the Son . m m m of God is born among us as one like us. With a Spirit of Hope & Joy we gather as a Eucharistic People to say thanks at our Christian celebrations. Thanks to all who participated in the Community Christmas Carol Service which took piace in St Patrick's Church, Dromahair last Sunday 14th December. It was a very enjoyable experience. A special word of thanks to our Sacristan for all the Festive preparations and to the ladies who provided refreshments afterwards in the Depot. The Collection taken up at the Carol Service raised €531 for St. Vincent de Paul. Thanks for your generosity! The Christmas Communal Service of Reconciliation / Penitential Service for all 3 parish areas will take place in Dromahair Church next Tuesday 23rd December at 8.00pm. Please leave place in your schedule for this important preparation for Christmas* I Let us make this event a gentle encounter with God's mercy and love. There is a Penitential Service in Drumkeeran Church at 8.00pm on Monday 22nd December. CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Times for Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve~ Wednesday 24th December 2014: Newtownmanor ~ 7.00pm; Killargue ~ 9.00pm; Dromahair ~ 10.00pm ~ not quite midnight! Christmas Day ~ Thursday 25th December 2014: Newtownmanor ~ 10.00am; Killargue ~ 10.30am; Dromahair ~ 11.15am. St. Stephne's Day Mass ~ Friday 26th December 2014: Dromahair ~ 12.00 noon. New Year's Day ~ Thursday 1st January 2015 ~ Mass for World Day of Peace: Dromahair ~ 12.00 noon. For Mass details on the week-days after Christmas, please consult the Parish Sunday Newsletter. [B] Our Christmas Eve Mass and our Christmas Day Mass are special Community Celebrations ~ and it is important that we celebrate with those we know, neighbours and friends. Otherwise there is no real community gathering. Might we suggest that people attend Mass at Christmas in their own local church rather than going to a place where they know very few ~ if any! Just a thought but an important one! [C] Some copies of the Winter edition of Glad Tidings ~ The Kilmore Diocesan Newsletter for the Pastoral Centre ~ are still available at the back of your church. Please take one! [D] The Mission Collection ~ held at the end of October ~ raised the following amounts: Dromahair ~ €735 [€725]; Killargue - €610 [€490]; Newtownmanor - €340 [€370]. Grand Total ~ €1,685 [€1,585]. Amounts for last year are given in brackets. We remember: Ann Byrne, Sligo (mother of Aileen Kenny, Stonebridge & Una O' Reilly, Woodgreen) whose funeral took place on Wednesday 10th December; Anna Marshall, Stigo (mother of Willis Marshall, Forest Grove & grandmother of Glen Marshall, Churchfield) whose funeral took place on Saturday 13th December; John Shanley, Derrinaseer, Drumshanbo [brother of Patrick Shanley, Corderry, Kiilargue] whose funeral took piace on Tuesday 9th December & Patrick Sharkey, Annagry, Co. Donegal (brother of Charles Sharkey, Dromahair) whose funeral took on Tuesday 9th December. May they rest In peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. PROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday; ~ Christmas Eve~ 10.00pm; Thursday ~ Christmas Day ~ 11.15am; Friday ~ St. Stephen's Day ~ 12.00 noon; Sunday ^11.15am. 2. Pray for: Joe Toolan, Rockvalley, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st December at 11.15am. Thomas Anderson, Mass Monday 22nd December at 9,30am. Marie Dolan, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Friday 26th December at 12.00 noon. Michael John Kelly, Mullagh, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28th December at 11.15am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for December: Readers: Fiona O' Loughlin. Collectors: Josie Torsney, Patrick Me Goldrick & Padraig O'Rourke. Altar Society: Ann Me Loughlin & Ella Toolan. CHURCH OFMARY.MOTHER OFGOD.NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Wednesday ~ Christmas Eve~ 7.00pm; Thursday ~ Christmas Day ~ 10.00am; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for: Teresa Loughlin, Moragh, Anniversary Mass Sunday 21st December at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for December: Reader: Deirdre McDermott. Collectors: John Logue. Altar Society: Margaret Feehily & Mary Keegan. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Wednesday ~ Christmas Eve~ 9.00pm; Thursday ~ Christmas Day 10.30am; Saturday Evening ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm 2. Pray for: Julia Sheridan, Lisgorman & deceased of the Sheridan family, Mass Saturday 20th December at 7.00pm. Sr. Kate Me Barren, RSM & Kate, Owen and Sean Me Barron, Mass Saturday 27th December at 7.00pm. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Killargue Church onTuesday evenings from 7.00pm -8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. i 4. Liturgy for December: Readers: Lauraine Walpole. Collectors: Pakie Me Goey, Francis Gallagher, Jimmy Harkin & Joe Walpole. Altar Society: Patricia Harkin & Carmel Loughlin. Community Notices. 1. Bingo: No Bingo on Monday 29th December. Bingo resumes on Monday 5th January 2015. We thank you, our patrons, for your support and wish you all a very Happy Christmas. A special word of thanks to the Bingo Committee for their unfailing dedication. 2. Progressive 25 ~ Card Game: No Card Game this Friday night ~ St. Stephen's Day or on Friday 2nd January 2015. Cards resume on Friday 9th January. Happy Christmasto everyone. 3. Annual IFA Tractorcade: NewYear's Day ~ assemblingat the Mart at 1.30pm. Monies raised this year will go to MS North -West, which provides services to people in this area with Multiple Sclerosis. Please support. 4. Fun Wren Day in aid of DARC: IKM Jog -Walk -Roll for all the family on St. Stephen's Day, Friday 26th Decemberat 3.00pm in Dromahair Community Park. Hot Ports, Pies and Refreshmentsserved in Park Pavillion. Why not wear a Wren Boyz or Galz disguise and bring a musical instrument. Enjoy! Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the Sunday Offertory Collections and the Dues during 2014. Offertory Collection -Day-to-Dayupkeep of each church, repair & refurbishment of parish buildings churches and the running expenses of the relevant parish area during the year. The Offertory Collection also makes a major contribution in topping up the shortfall in the Diocesan Services Collection from the parish. Dues = Support and upkeep of priests in parish & Diocese. Please make Dues Cheques payable to: Priests' Revenue Fund. All other parish cheques should be made payable to the relevant church. _ We wish all our Parishioners in Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor, those whojoined the parish this year, attend our churchesfrom adjoining parishes, those home on holidays, all our visitors and friends Peace, Happiness and every Blessing as we celebrate the Birth of our Saviour. Season's Greetings and Good Wishes to our neighbours in DrumleaseParish Church. Nollaig Shona! Happy Christmas! Joyeux Noel! Frohe Weihnacht! Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale! God Jul! Wesolych Swlat!