Ipromahair '" Ki//argue ~ Newtownmano~ Fr. John Mc Tiernan -071-9164143/ Fr. John Sexton-071-9164131. Sunday 22ndJuly 2007 -16thSunday in Ordinary Time Weekend Mass Times in your Parish The Saturday evening Vigil Mass is celebrated in Killargue at 8.00pm & there are two Sunday morning Masses in the parish -Newtownmanor at 10.00 am and Dromahair at 11.15 am. Consult your weekly Parish Newsletter for the times & days for weekday masses. GENERAL/CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Pastoral Council Meeting, Tuesday night 23rdJuly at 9.00pm in The Depot. It is important that all members are present for this short meeting. [B] Thanks to all those who helped out during the visitation and blessing of graves in Killarf!:Ue-Old & New Cemeteries & Cloonlougher Cemetery last Sunday. It was good to see so many present and the graves so well maintained. [C] The Visitationof the Cemeteries inNewtownmanor will take place on Sunday 12thAugust and will be preceded by Mass for the Faithful Departed at 6.00pm in Newtownmanor Church. Weoweittoourlovedonestotidyupallgravesfor thisoccasion. Wouldagoodneighbourlookafterthegravesofthosewhonolongerhaveanyonetocarefor them? Arrangements forthis year -in Killarllue & Newtownmanor -should not be taken as a precedent for the future -each year ceremonies will be arranged in the light of available resources. [D] Please remember in your prayers Michael Curran,Ballisodare [brotherofRosaleenMaguire] whose funeral took place on Monday 16thJuly & Martha Ranieri [cousinof SeanJohnston] whose funeral took place recently in Rome. May they rest in Peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am; Tuesday -see Killargue; Wednesday 9.30am; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:P. J. Devaney, Corrigeencor, First Anniversary Mass Sunday 220dJuly at 11.15am. Margaret & Michael McGoldrick, Correda and deceased famUy members, Anniv Mass Monday 23rdJuly at 9.30am. Anne (Sarah Anne) Sweeney, Mass Wednesday 25th July at 9.30am. Paddy & Mary Mc Sharry, Market St, Anniversary Mass Sunday 29thJuly at 11.15am. May they rest in peace. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am 2. Pray for:Deceased members of St. Felim's Sick & Infirm Priests' Society, Mass Sunday 220d July at lO.OOam. Deceased of Manor area, Mass Sunday 29th July at 10.00am. May they rest in peace. 3. Visitation of Newtownmanor Cemeteries: See note [C] on lJaf!eone. this page. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 10.00am; Saturday -Vigil Mass -8.00pm. 2. Pray for:John & Cecelia Loughlin, Sweetwood and Margaret McTernan, Anniversary Mass Saturday 21stJuly at 8.00pm. Deceased of Killargue area, Mass Tuesday 24thJuly at 10.00am. Michael & John Kelly, Killargue and deceased family members, Mass Saturday 28thJuly at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace Community Notices. 1. Support your localBingothis Monday night at 9.00pm in the Abbev Manor Hotel. ~ 2. Sunday Mass ~ Arus Breffni, Manorhamilton: The Management and Staff of Arus Breffni wish to let it be known that Sundav Mass at 12 noon is intended for residents and their close relatives. Space does not allow for attendance of the general public and infection control cannot be managed where large numbers are present. Your co-operation in this matter is deeply appreciated by management and staff. See localoarish church bulletins for alternative Masses & times. 3. The County Development Board will be holding a registration evening for Leitrim Third Level Courses in the Council Offices, Carrick-on-Shannon on Wednesday 12thSeptember from 6.30pm -9.00pm. More details later. If you wish to get more details immediately contact 071 -9650496 or www.leitrimcoco.ie 4. Concern will be holding their Church Gate Collections on the weekend of Saturday 4th& Sunday 5thAugust 2007. 5. Dromahair GAA ~ Training resumes for U -10 's on Wednesday 25thJuly from 7.00pm -8.00pm. 6. FRS Plastic Collection: At Manorhamilton Mart on the 27thJuly from 9.00am -7.00pm. For booking times contact Richard 0' Dowd, Elphin St., Boyle on 086 -25221699 or 071 -9662781. Additional Church Notices. The Medical Missionaries of Mary visit the Parish this weekend to speak briefly at all Masses and ask for your help and support for their work. Do keep a little cash in reserve for a collection after communion. Thanks for your generosity. Child Protection Trainine in this Parish & the Diocese of Kilmore Three Child Protection Representatives from the Parish have trained with Kilmore Diocese ~ Sarah Haddow from Dromahair, Carmel Loughlin from Killargue and Philomena Dolan from Newtownmanor. They have begun advising the priests of the parish, parents of servers, sacristans, choir directors, liturgy committees and anyone working with children on best practice. All those who were at the meeting on Tuesday 17thJuly are asked to come along again to a short meeting on Tuesday 31stJuly at 9.00pm in The Depot. ««<»»> Are you thinking of setting a date for your marriage? Please give 6 months vreferablv 12 months ~ ~ notice to your church. Do not book your hotel without doing so. All couples getting married are also asked to do an Accord Course. Accord Courses are held in the Pastoral Centre, Cavan at regular intervals throughout the year. More information available from your local priest or ring Accord Kilmore at 049 -4375004. Some courses are also available in Sligo and other adjacent centres Were the works of God readily understandable by human reason, they would be neither wonderful nor unspeakable. Thomas a Kempis