Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 22nd July 2012 ~ The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Newtownmanor: Sunday 5th August 2012 beginning with Mass at 5.30pm, followed by the Blessing of Graves in Newtownmanor New Cemetery at 6.00pm and Carrickatemple Cemetery at 6.30pm approximately. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] A new Parish Pastoral Council must be elected soon ~ with at least 3 representatives from each church area. All Parishioners over 16 years of age have a vote. In advance of the election, you are asked to start thinking now about those you would like to represent you. Make sure that one of your choices is under 30. Please note too that those who have served two consecutive terms of office are not eligible to serve a third consecutive term. Further details about the election will be given soon. [B] Local Cemetery Mass: Killenummery Old Churchyard ~ next Sunday 29th July at 3.00pm. FC1 A special request when visiting or caring for graves in anv of our cemeteries ~ especially in the Abbey Cemeteries: Please bring a plastic bag with you when tidying a grave and take home broken wreaths, flower vases, dead plants and any other litter that belongs to you. There is no collection facility in these cemeteries. Do not throw discarded items into the ditches or into the grass where they an absolute danger to those doing strimming and maintenance. And please do not let your dog off the lead in or near the cemeteries. The Cemetery area and individual graves are constantly being fouled by dogs when people take them for a walk and let them loose where they should not be. We need to have more respect for the dead and their relatives who maintain the graves. Our cemeteries are sacred around. [D] Sr. Mary Gallagher, from the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary (The Killeshandra Nuns), Would like to thank everyone who contributed so generously to the collection for her Congregation at all Masses last weekend. A total of €1,084.95 was raised. [E] The Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Our Lady's Shrine at Knock will take place next Sunday 29th July. Ceremonies begin with Anointing of Sick in the Basilica at 2.30pm. Celebration of Eucharist at 3.00pm, followed by the Eucharistic Blessing of the Sick and Rosary Procession. Why not organize a family group to take part? [F] Weremember: Michael Cormican, Ballaghaderreen [father of Orla Byrne, Dromahair] whose funeral took place on Wednesday 18th July. May he rest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2-Prav for: - James & Mary Ellen McTernan, Corcosconney, their son Seamus and grandson Garry, Mass Sunday 22nd July at 11.15am. Eugene Brady, Hazelwood, Sligo, Mass Tuesday 24th July at 9.30am. PJ. Devaney, Corrigeencor, Anniversary Mass Friday 27* July at 8.00pm. Sarah, James & Aidan Clancy, Aughameelta, Anniversary Mass Sunday 29th July at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! THE CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday ~ 10.00am. For Weekday Masses see Dromahair. 2. Prav for:- Deceased of Parish, Mass Sunday 22nd July at 10.00am.. Michael Loughlin, Gortnaskeagh, Anniversary Mass Sunday 29th July at 10.00am. May they rest in peace! ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. For Alternative Weekday Masses see Dromahair. 2. Prav for:- Deceased of the Gallagher family, Gortahork & the Feehily family, Tullinawillin, Mass Saturday 21st July at 8.00pm Philomena Gallagher, Drumany, Killargue & Manorhamilton, Anniversary Mass Saturday 28th July at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm & Padre Pio Novena: First Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm. Community Notices, 1. Bingo; Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Manorhamilton Re-cyding Centre: New opening hours on Friday from 11.00am - 2.00pm & 3.00pm- 6.00pm and on Saturday from 9.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm - 5.00pm. The charge is just €4. Use it before we 3. County Leitrim ~ Peace III Partnership ~ Small Grants Programme: Now open for applications from community and Voluntary sectors, community relations, reconciliation & cultural diversity groups. Closing date: 4.00pm on Tuesday 31st July 2012. Further Information: Ann Flynn, Small Grants Programme, Leitrim Co. Council on 071- 9620005 Ext: 543. 4. Tennis Coaching still takes place even when if s raining! Just turn up at the court and training will be transferred to Killargue Community Centre for those present. 5. The Irish Wheelchair Association Resource Service are presently developing their Outreach Service in North Leitrim. For further information contact the Resource Centre, Canick-on-Shannon at 071 9620569 or Angela Gavigan at 087 7403940. 6. GP Exercise Referral Programme: Physical exercise is important for your health. If you would like support in becoming more active, please ask your GP to refer you to one of the 5 local GP Exercise Referral Co-ordinators. Further information: or contact Liz Martin, HSE Health Promotion Officer on 071 9135915. 7. Newtownmanor Community Development ~ Fun Run / Walk: This Sunday 22nd July at 3.00pm from Newtownmanor Hall. All proceeds go towards the car park fund. Please come along for some fun and crack. Refreshments will be available after the walk. Kiilaraue New Cemetery. Sincere thanks to all who contributed so generously to the Fund for Refurbishing the New Cemetery. The work will commence soon. Adam & Eve. Remember, the first creature shaped by God, from the dust of the earth, is genderless and alone. However, once the partner -is made an interesting alteration occurs in the Hebrew text: it stops using the word adam (earth creature) and begins to use the word ish, which means a fully human male person. With the creation of a woman, the earth creature becomes a man. Part of the problem for us is that, in the English translation, there is only one word used throughout, and that word is man. It is the creation of the woman that allows the man to become a person. In other words, while alone, the earth creature is simply that ~ a creature. Only in relationship, when a partner was created, could the earth creature become a person. The point is this: it is only in good relationships with one another ~ and with God~ that we can be fully human persons! From the scaffolding high up near the Sistine ceiling, Michelangelo spotted an old lady at prayer in the chapel beneath. To relieve the boredom, he put on a deep voice and shouted down: This is Jesus Christ speaking! She shouted back: Shutta up!I speaking to your mother! The definition of heaven and hell is the same: being with God forever. For some that's heaven, for some its hell ~ depending on how one has tried to live one's life. John A.T. Robinson.