Parish Website: Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 23rd March 2008 - Easter Sunday / The Resurrection of the Lord. Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 077-91641431' Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131 On Good Friday we venerated the Cross of 'Christ', At our Holy Saturday Night Vigil and this Easter Sunday Morning we venerate the Risen Life of Christ. We celebrate Easter Joy and Eternal Hope where new beginnings are made possible for us all. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The St. Patrick's Day Offertory Collection ~ from March 15th this year - goes to support Missionaries from the Diocese ofKilmore ~ especially those in Nigeria ~ in providing education, healthcare and building up Christian communities. If you haven't yet made your contribution, you can still do so. There is a special envelope -for 75^ March - inyour Offertory Envelopes Pack. [BJ Trocaire 1: Thanks to all who brought back their Trocaire Box already. All remaining boxes should be brought back as soon as possible -preferably next weekend and placed in the special basket at the back of the Church. Please put your name on your box and do change coins into notes! [C] Trocaire 2: There was also a Special Trocaire Offertory Envelope for Holy Thursday -which you may not yet have brought in. The proceeds also go to Trocaire and the poor in the Third World. This envelope allows everyone to top up their Lenten Collection with a special Holy Thursday Offertory contribution. In particular it helps everyone ~ who may have forgotten so far ~ to make a generous contribution to the poorest in our world during this special season of Easter Hope. Thanks [D] Diocese ofKilmore ~ Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes ~ led by Bishop Leo O' Reilly: 27* May -1st June 2008. Hotel Pilgrims - Cost €679 ~ may book with Me Ginnity Travel, Cavan ~ Telephone 049 - 4331811. Assisted Pilgrims ~ Cost €590 - staying at Accueil Notre Dame ~ should apply to Fr. Colm Hurley, P.P. Killeshandra, Co. Cavan ~ Telephone / Fax: 049- 4334155. Please book as early as possible! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Sunday 11.15am - for all the people of the parish 2. Pray for:- Kathleen Gates, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 30th March at 11.15am. May she rest in peace CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:-. Bertie Cunningham, Rathedmond, Sligo, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd March at 10.00am. Kate & Alec Johnston, Magurk, Anniversary Mass Sunday 30th March at 10.00am. May they rest in peace ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 7.00pm; Saturday 7.00pm; 2. Pray for:- Mary Ellen Travers, Beagh, Dromahair, Mass at Easter Vigil, Saturday 22nd March at 8.00pm. John & Mary Anne Doherty, Gaeglum, Anniversary Mass Monday 24th March at 7.00pm. Paddy Joe Gallagher, Corderry, Anniversary Mass Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm. Bernie Dolan, Corrasra & his parents Bernard and Brigid, Anniversary Mass Saturday 29th March at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace. Community Notices, 1. Bingo resumes this Easter Monday night 24th March in the Abbey Manor Hotel at 9.00pm sharp. There will be extra prizes for Easter. Your support is appreciated. 2. Newtownmanor Development Group: Race Night in the Blue Devon on Saturday 29th March at 9.30pm. Please put this date in your Diary! Proceeds go towards renovation of Manor Hall 3. Newtownmanor Hall ~ Aerobic Classes for Beginners ~ every Tuesday at 9.00pm. Contact 086 - 2542505 for further details. All welcome. 4. Newtownmanor Development Group: Next Meeting on Wednesday night 26th March at 9.00pm in the Manor Hall. And the next Fun Walk will be on Sunday 6th April ~ starting from the Manor Hall at 3.00pm. The Fun Walk set for Sunday 23rd March is now off due to the Hill Walking Weekend in Manorhamilton. A Date for your Diary! On Saturday 12* April 2008 there will be a Function in the Abbey Manor Hotel for those who help out in any way in all 3 Parish Areas or have done so in recentyears. You are all cordially invited. Sincere thanks to everyone who took part in the Service of Reconciliation and in the Easter Ceremonies to our organists, musical directors, choirs, servers, sacristans, altar societies, all who prepared the churches, readers, collectors ~ all who helped in the celebration of the Liturgy or assisted in any way during Easter. Mile Buiochas agus Beannacht De We wish the people of the parish ~ and all who attend the local churches ~ every blessing at Easter. We also extent Easter good wishes to the congregation ofDrumlease Parish Church, all home on holidays and visitors to our churches and to the area. Our Lord has written the Promise of the Resurrection in every leaf in springtime Martin Luther The following are the names & phone numbers of local priests. Please keep them in case of emergency. Rev Gerry Alwill, Drumkeeran, Oil-96 48025, Rev. Patrick Sullivan, Glencar, 071-98 55433 Rev. Michael Cooke, Manorhamilton, 071- 98 55042, Mobile: 086- #5 33217. Rev. Sean Tynan, Killenummery, 071-91 64125 & Rev. Sean Burke, Ballintogher, 071-91 64154. Rev. John Me Mahon, Manorhamilton, 071-9856987; Rev Fr. John Sexton, Killargue 071 -9164131 Through an oversight in some cases & incomplete lists in others - plus pressure of work ~ quite a number of parishioners have not received Offertory Collection or Dues Envelopes for 2008. Please accept our apologies! In the interim, until matters are sorted out, perhaps parishioners ~ including those new to the parish ~ would put their contribution in an ordinary envelope with their name and address. This would be particularly important for the St. Patrick's Day Nigeria Mission Collection & the Holy Thursday Trocaire Collection. All contributions to the parish and other collections will be credited later to your annual account & official envelopes will be distributed.