Parish Website: www.drumlease' Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor nday in Ordinary Time ina and Visitation of Graves ~ Kiliaroue & Cloonlouaher: next Sunday 30th June 2013: We begin with Mass in Killaroue Church at 2.3Qpm followed by the Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Killaraue Old Cemetery at 3.15pm approximately & in Killaroue New Cemetery at 4.00pm approximately A Collection wilLbe taken up in all graveyards for continuing upkeep & maintenance. Please note; Evening Mass will be celebrated as usual in Killargue on Saturday 29th June at 8.00pm. Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Cioonlouaher Cemetery will also take place on Sunda 30th June beginning at 5.00pm. Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Newtownmanor Sunday 11th August 2013 beginning with Mass at 5.30pm GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES [A] Half Hour Practice for New Mass Servers from Dromahair & Killargue: In Dromahair Church this Monday night 24th June at 7.30pm. It is important that at least one parent is present. If you have still not completed & returned the documentation you received at the recent Parish Safeguarding Children Meeting, please bring it in on Monday night. If you were not present at that meeting you can sign in with your son or daughter on Monday evening ~ but some training will be necessary later on! [B] ACCORD ~ Cavan: Getting married in 2013 or 2014? Contact ACCORD for your Pre-Marriage Application Form. Courses should be undertaken at least 6 months or preferably one year before your marriage. ACCORD also offers Marriage & Relationship Counselling in strict confidence. To book your Pre-Marriage Course or speak with a Counsellor, please contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004. E-mail: Information on other Accord Centres can be obtained from: www.accord.le Telephone: 01 - 5053112. [C] In October 2014 there will be a Diocesan Assembly in Kilmore ~ a gathering of the Bishop, priests and representatives from all the parishes ~ to discuss and take decisions on important issues facing the Church in the Diocese. In preparation, Diocesan representatives wish to meet people from every parish to discussa relevant topic. Our parish has been asked to put together a group of people to give their views on the topic of: People living alone ~aae 65 plus. The meeting will be an informal chat over a cup of tea. Thanks to all to those who agreed to take part. The Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council, Kieran Kelly will be in touch soon about the venue, time and date. You can contact him on 086 - 8583648 or E -mail: [D] Knock Pilgrimage Season: Continues until October 13th 2013. See your church notice - board for details. [E] The Pope's Collection is due on Sunday 30th June. You will find the Red Special Collection Envelope in your Dues packet or simply use a plain envelope and put your name and parish area on it. [F] Nigeria Mission Collection ~ St. Patrick's Day 2013: D/vma/ja/r~€lf513 [€1,185]; KItlargm ~ €1,105[€790]; Newtownmanor ~€951 [€828]. Total; €3,569 [€2,803], Last year's amounts are in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [G] Trocaire Collection 2013: Dromahair ~ €4,829 [€3,811]; Killargue -€2,060 [€2,375]; Newtownmanor ~ €1,478 [€1,637]. Total: €8,367 [€7,823]. Last year's amounts are given in brackets. Thanks for your generosity. [H] Weremembertom Harte, late of Lisgorman & PorUaoise (brother of Brian Harte, Lisgorman, Killargue) whose funeral took place on Saturday 22nd June 2013. May he rest In peace. All Ireland Rally for At 2.00pm on Saturday 6th July 2013 in Parnell Square, Dublin. Website: E-mail: or contact Katie on 01 - 8730463 or 087 - 7020255 for details on buses. This is a forum to make your views heard! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR 1. Mass; Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday$.3Qm\uf FridayB.QQpmmf Sunday *> 11.15am. 2. Pra v for: - Gertie & Paddy Downey, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd June at 11.15am. Jack McGee, Crossboy, Mass Monday 24th June at 9.30am. Packie Joe Foley, Mass Tuesday 25* June at 9.30am. Dan & Teresa McLoughlin, Fawn, Anniversary Mass Friday 28th June at 8.00pm. John Harvey, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 30th June at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:-. Pat O'Hara, Gortnaskeagh and his parents, Kate & James, Anniversary Mass Sunday 23rd June at 10.00am. Joe Me Loughlin, Fawnlion, Fivemilebourne & Mary Ellen, Sr. Eithne and Br. Nessan, Mass Sunday 30th June at 10.00am, Mav they rest In peace! ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Thursday & Friday 7.00pm Saturday ~ Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Pray for:- Packie & Margaret Cullen, Fenagh, and deceased members of the Cullen family, Mass Saturday 22nd June at 8.00pm. Patrick & Alice Fitzpatrick, Boggaun, Mass Thursday 27th June at 7.00pm. Jim McGorrin and deceased family members, Mass Friday 28th June at 7.00pm. Teresa McPartlin, Larkfleld Barr, Mass Saturday 29th June at 8.00pm. May they rest in peace! 3. EucharisticAdoration: Killargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre PIP Novena *» First Tuesday of every month. Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support Is much appreciated! 2. The Depot, Dromahair: Office open every morning ~ except Thursday ~ for typing, photocopying, laminating, faxing and internet access. Very reasonable rates. Passport forms are also available. Telephone: 071- 9134986. E-mail: 3. Next Clean - up in Dromahair Village: This Tuesday 25th June from 7.00pm - 8.30pm. Meeting point is The Depot. Why not come along for an hour and give us a hand to keep our village looking well for both visitors and residents alike? 4. Dromahair Development Association / Tidy Towns: Next meeting at 8.30pm on Thursday 20th June in the Depot. 5. Your help would be greatly appreciated in keeping Dromahair Litter Free because there is a major problem at the moment. Business owners and residents are asked to pick up the litter in front of their properties to improve the situation. Thanks for your co-operation. 6. Mid-Summer Classics ~ Cathal Bui Festival in Blacklion: A recital of voice, violin, choir, piano, classical guitar, from Boogie Woogie to Beethoven and much in between, including the songs of Stephen Foster, like Beaut/fu/Dreamer & Hand Times, Featured artists include Niamh McCormack, soprano; Cian Brady, baritone; Austin McManus, violin; Paul McDonagh-Forde, piano & Fiachra & Blaithin Farrell, Gienfarne, piano solos. This promises to be a wonderful evening's entertainment Be there! The venue for Mid-Summer Classics is St. Patrick's Church, Blacklion. Date: Friday 28th June & Time: 8.00pm. 7. Fr. Maurice Me Morrow will celebrate Mass on the Silver Jubilee of his Ordination in Kiltyclogher Church on Sunday T^July at 4.00pm. Parishioners and friends from the parishes in which he served are cordially invited. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Community Centre. Year of Faith 2013. It is hoped to run a bus to Croauh Patrick on 28th July ~ Reek Sunday. This event should appeal especially to younger people. Please indicate your interest by phoning Maria at 071 - 9134848 or 086 - 2530007. We need to get an idea of numbers very soon. In England and Wales abortion is lawful up to 24 weeks and sometimes later. In 2011 there were 196,082 abortions in England and Wales. For Christians, what the State permits and what is right can conflict radically. You cant run away from trouble. There isn't a place that far. F iM tV A* *W fVf *V /V «V *V A* A* /%* fW /Wt*J AJ IV *V fV /V /V *V *W *V *V *W A* (TV *V /V *V