Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 24th November ~ The Solemnity of Christ the Kino Trocaire Emergency Appeal for the Philippines & Syria. The Special Emergency Collection will be taken UP in all three churches after Communion at Masses this weekend, 23rd & 24th November. Times are difficult but the people of the Philippines & Syria, whose lives have been devastated, need all the help we can send them. Please be as generous as you can. Thanks for your continuing generosity! GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] A Date for your Diary: The Christmas Communal Service of Reconciliation /PenitentialService'for all 3 parish areas will take place in Dromahair Church on Wednesday 18th December at 8.00pm. Please leave place in your schedule for this important preparation for Christmas. [B] Every year Drumlease Parish Church & St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair join for a Community Christmas Carol Service. The Carol Service will take place this year in Drumlease Parish Church on Sunday evening, 15th December. Time yet to be confirmed. All welcome. PCI Lists for the Dead/November Offerings Those listed will be included at all Masses during the Month of November/December. [D] There will be a meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council in the Depot at 8.30pm on Tuesday 26th November. [E] We remember: Tom Gilmartin (brother of Chris Me Goldrick, Dromahair) who died in Cork on Friday. Cortege halts at Grange Church circa 5.00pm on Monday & then continues to Unis, Clonmany, CO. Donegal where the Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11.00am on Tuesday & Daniel Me Morrow, a native of Gubaderra, Killargue whose funeral took place in Stafford, England on Friday 22nd November. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday .Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Saturday Morning 11.15am<«N.B. & Sunday 11.15am. 2. Prav for: Gerard Madden, Market St, his parents Aileen & Paddy, Bernard Me Garrell, Blanchardstown& Jade McGee, Gorttownan, Ballintogher, Anniversary Mass Sunday 24th November at 11.15am. All the Faithful Departed/November Lists, Mass Monday 25* November at 9.30am. Alt the Faithful Departed/November Lists/ Deceased Priests, Mass Tuesday 26th November at 9.30am. Jeremiah, Margaret & Eleanor Me Sharry, Stonepark, Anniversary Mass Wednesday 27th November at 9.30am. Mary Christina Healy, Main St., Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Friday 29th November at 8.00pm. Sr. Rosemary Kelly, Beechmount Convent, Belfast & Soxline, Month's Memory Mass Saturday 30th November at 11.15am«. Tom and Mary Alice McFadden, Alice & Sr. Beatrice and deceased family, Mass Sunday 1st December at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for December: Reader: Fiona O'Loughlin; Collectors: Josie Torsney, James Creed, Patrick McGoldrick & Padraig O'Rourke. Altar Society: Ann HcLoughlin & Ella Toolan. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR, 1. Mass: Thursday 8.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. . Pray for:- Jim Comiskey, Doonkelly & deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 24th November at 10,00am. All the Faithful Departed/November Lists, Mass Thursday 28th November at 8.00pm_. Terry McDermott, Moragh & deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 1st December at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace . Liturgy for December: Reader: Any Volunteer; Collector: John Logue; Altar Society: Margaret Feehily & Ma ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 7.QQ^m; Saturday Evening ~ Vigil Mass ~ 7.00pm «««« N.B. 2. Pray for: Pat Kerins, Soxline, Anniversary Mass Saturday 23rd November at 7.00pm. Daniel McMorrow, Gubaderra & Stafford, Mass Tuesday 26th November at 7.00pm. John Joseph & Mary Bridget Harte, Anniversary Mass Saturday 30th November at 7.00pm. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Kiliargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.000m. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. 4. Liturgy doe December: Reader: Lauraine Walpole; Collectors: Pakie McGoey, Francis Gallagher, Jimmy Harkin & Joe Walpole. Altar Society: Patricia Harkin & Carmel Loughlin. /V *V fV IV AJIM fV fV fV AJ AJ A* AJ A/ AJ A* AJ A* IVIV AJ IV [Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated! 2. Progressive 25 Card Game ~ Newtownmanor Hall: Continues every Friday night at 9.00pm. New faces, young and old, are most welcome. Come along for a night of good fun! 3.. 3. Community Alert: Meeting in Newtownmanor Hall on Tuesday 3rd December at 8.30pm to discuss possibility of Text Alert. A member of An Garda Siochana will be in attendance. All welcome! 4. Zumba Dancing every Friday in the Depot from 7.15pm - 8.15pm. Contact Amanda on 086 8770525 for details. 5. AGM of Dromahair Development Association /Tidy Towns: Wednesday 4th December at 9.00pm in the Depot. AH welcome. 6. Classes in the Depot: For Karate on Monday & Friday ring Michael at 087 - 9011233; for Aerobics & Boxercise on Mondays with Sue ring 086 - 2542505; for Parent & Toddler Group on Tuesday mornings ring Sandy at 086 - 6070745. And why not join the Wednesday Club ~ The Active Aae Group for the Over 50's (men too) by telephoning Olwen at 086 - 6669530 For AED Training contact Tommy at 086 - 3365753 & for B - Sharp Guitar lessons ring John at 086 -1529429. 7. Leckaun N.S. Recipe Books designed by pupils of the school will be going on sale shortly. 8. Dromahair Arts & Recreation Centre ~ DARC ~ sponsored 75k Cycle: Sunday 1st December at 10.00am. Sponsorship cards available in local shops and business premises. Contact Mfcheai at 071 - 9164678 or 086 - 3209198 for more details. 9. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje ~ 14th May 2014: Seven nights half board €649 per person inclusive. €150 off if paid in full by 12th December 2013. There is a second pilgrimage on 17* September 2014 with seven nights half board at €699 per person inclusive. There are substantial reductions for early payments. Contact Ann Kelly at 071 - 9164296 or 086 -1505298 for more details. 10. Irish Kidney Association ~ Christmas Card Appeal: Cards on Sale in Super Valu, Manorhamilton on Saturday 7th November from 10.00am. Pack of ten cards costs €5. You may also contact Geraldine Loughlin on 086 - 0566156. Your help is appreciated. 11. Alzheimer Collection ~ Newtownmanor: A total of €166.73c was raised. Thanks to all who contributed. Urgent! Please fill in this week! Tax Relief for Donations to Eligible Charities and Approved Bodies. Under the Tax Relief Scheme our parish is eligible to claim back a percentage of the tax paid by parishioners on their church contributions: all collections & dues can be added together. If you were a PAYE worker in 2009 and contributed a total of €250 or more to your parish that year, please take home a copy of the CHY2 Cert ~ which you'll find at the back of your church. Simply sign the form and then fill in the following only: your name and address, PPS No and telephone number and tick the relevant tax rate, standard or higher. All details will be kept absolutely confidential and filling in the form does not affect your tax in any way whatsoever. Any Tax repaid by Revenue goes to parish funds and not to the priests. Please hand in your form to the Parochial House or post it back without delay or put it in the collection basket. We really need to have ail forms returned for processing by next Sunday. Drumlease N.S, Winter Fundraisinq Raffle. As with all schools, Drumlease N.S. has suffered severe cutbacks in grant aid from the Department of Education & Skills in recent times. Overall cut backs for the school come to circa €15,000. We earnestly ask parents and local parishioners to give this Winter Fundraising Raffle your generous support. Raffle Cards available from the school. Unfortunately, all funds raised are needed for day to dav runnina of the school. A coward is one who, in times of emergency, thinks with his legs. A«fvrvA/Af Af*VAJA*Af ATA* APA/AIA; When a husband helps his wife into the car, he has probably just acquired one or the other