Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan - 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killarsue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 25th January 2015 -The Third Sunday in Ordinary time. Sunday next, 1st February, is the Feast of St. Brigid ~ the Second Patron of Ireland. Feasts falling on a Sunday are not formally celebrated. Monday, 2nd February, is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and Candlemas Day. We celebrate Christ as the Light of the World. Candles for home and church use will be blessed at all Masses in the parish on Monday. Dromahair: 11.15am & 8.00pm; Killargue: 7.00pm: Newtownmanor: 7.00pm. Throats will also be blessed at the Masses in Dromahair at 11.15am & 8.00pm and in Newtownmanor at 7.00pm on Monday 1st February & Killargue only on Tuesday 2nd February at 7.00pm ~ the Feast of St. Blaise. ' o/ /-v r\/ rs/ /vr rv rv You may wish to get candles blessed for home and church use on Monday, Candlemas Day, Candles should be left on the table before the Altar. Please put your name on the pack and indicate which are for home or church use. Candles should be available in your local Centra during the week. [A] Catholic Schools Week begins today. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the great contribution that our Catholic Primary & Post Primary Schools make to Irish Society and Gospel values. We pray for our teachers, parents and parish, that, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we may share the responsibility of furthering God's work. It is a time to say thanks for all who Nurture our Christian Faith and hand it on at home, in school and in the parish. Catholic Schools endeavour to be a light for parents, pupils, staff and society in every generation. Each school has at its heart the mission of Jesus Christ, builds an environment of care and concern for others and is an inclusive and respectful community, welcoming students of all denominations and none. [B] Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund: A special Collection in aid of the Fund will be held after Communion at all Masses next weekend, 31st January / 1st February. Please support this worthy cause. [C] Getting Married in 2015? The Diocese requests that all couples do the ACCORD Course. Accord Marriage Preparation Courses ~ held in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan ~ are on the following dates in 2O15: 30th -31st January; 27th -28th February; 27th -28th March; 24th -25th April &9th -10* October. Courses are held from 7,30pm - 10.00pm on Friday evenings and continue on Saturday from 10.00am - 5.00pm. Contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004 for information or for your Pre-Marriage Application Form. E - Mail: Information on other Accord Centres can be obtained from: Central Office: 01- 5053112. [D] Would you like to make a St. Brigid's Cross? There is a workshop in St Michael's Family Life Centre on Saturday 31st January where you can learn to make a variety of corsses from rushes and straw. Contact number below. The Miscarriage Association of Ireland ~ Sligo Branch ~ will meet in the Centre on Thursday 29th Januay at 7.30pm. Contact: 0719170329. Email: stmichaelsfamnylifecentre(o) Enrolment ongoing. [E] Parish Pastoral Council: Meeting in the Depot on Tuesday 27th January at 8.30pm. [F] First Friday. Quite a number of visits did not take place in January due to special circumstances. It is hoped to complete visitation this week. The delay means that February visitation will not begin until the middle of the month, All concerned will be contacted prior to any visit. [J] We remember: Mary Hannon, Shriff, whose funeral took place on Saturday 17th January; John Madden, Market St., Dromahair, whose funeral took place on Tuesday 13th January; John Fowley, Cornalaughta, whose funeral took place on Sunday 11th January. Mav they rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday -11.15am. 2. Pray for: John Harte, Kilcoosey, his brother Michael and parents Patrick & Margaret; Mass Sunday 25th January at 11.15am. John & Kate Stanford, Conaghiii, Mass Monday 26th January at 9.30am. John Madden, Market St, Mass Tuesday 27th January at 930am. Annie Burns, Mullagh, Month's Memory Mass Friday 30* January at 8.00pm. Elizabeth Bird, Banagher, Fivemilebourne, Anniv Mass Sunday 1st February at 11.15am, i Mav thev rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for January: Readers: Sinead Torsney - McGoldrick & Michael Costello. Collectors: Padraig Watters. Altar Society: Annie McKenna & Rosemary Bartlett CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for Michael Dolan, Cornalaughta, his parents Martin & Kate Ellen and Delia & Larry Lee, Mass Sunday 25th January at 10.00am. John Fowley, Cornalaughta, Mass Sunday 1st February at 10.00am. j Mav thev rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for January: Reader: Michael Comiskey. Collectors: Volunteers needed.. Altar Society: Elizabeth Comiskey & Minnie Healy. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm 2. Prav for James & Agnes Feehily, Clooniougher, Mass Saturday 2401 January at 7.00pm. Hugh Me Morrow, Gc^rtnacarkogue & deceased members of the Me Morrow Family, Mass Saturday 31st January at 7.00pm. Mav thev rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Kiliargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday of every month. 4. Liturgy for January: Readers: Monica McNulty & John McMorrow. Collectors: Joe McGowan, Margaret Sheridan, John Joe McNiffe & Bridget Fitzpatrick. Altar Society: Carmel Gallagher. Community Notices. 1. Bingo Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The BlueDevon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. Progressive 25 " Card Game: Every Friday night in Newtownmanor Hall at 9.00pm. 3. The Carers' Association is providing QQI ~ Fetac Level 5 ~ Healthcare Support Training. Ring Megan Bracken at 057 - 9370221 or Email: Web: 4. Dromahair Library: Open Tuesdays: 12.30 - 4,00 & 4.30 - 6.00 & Fridays: 2.30 - 8.00pm. Half-hour break at 4.00pm. 5. The Wednesday Club«* Dromahair Active Age ~ at 10.00am every Wednesday in The Depot. All over 50 years ~ men & women ~ welcome. For further details contact: 087- 9202220. 6. HSE~ ASIST ~ Training in Suicide Intervention ~ 2 Day Workshop: 17th and 18th February In Sligo, You can also do Safe TALK ~ a half - day workshop in suicide awareness and alertness. It is not as advanced as ASIST. Contact Belinda Taylor, HSE Health Promotion Department on 071 9135061. 7. Extra copies of the 2015 Parish Calendar are available at the back of your church. Feel free to take one. 8. Dromahair AED Defibrillator Group ~ AGM on Friday Night 30th January at 8.00pm in the Depot. All welcome. 9. Dromahair Anglers' Association ~ AGM this Sunday 25th January at 7.00pm in the Depot. All welcome Sincere thanks to ali who contributed to the Sunday Offertory Collections and the Dues during 2014. Offertory Collection = Day - to - Day upkeep of each church, repair & refurbishment of parish buildings, churches and the running expenses of the relevant parish area during the year. The Offertory Collection also makes a maior contribution in topping up the shortfall in the Diocesan ServicesCollection from the parish. Dues = Support and upkeep of priests in parish & Diocese. Please make Dues Cheques payable to: Priests'Revenue Fund. All other parish cheques should be made payable to the relevant church.