Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 25th April 2010 ~ The Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ Vocation Sunday. On this Vocation Sunday, we ask the Lord to give us the ability to discern his will in our lives and the courage and conviction to serve all people in a spirit of love and hope. We pray that we may all live out our vocation to the full in family and community. We pray too for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, so that all may be nourished with God's Word. This is also the Sunday when we take up the Annual Diocesan Vocations & SupportServices Collection or you can be brought in on Sunday next, 2nd May, which is the date advertised on the Diocesan Poster in your church. You will find the red Diocesan ServicesCollection Envelope between vour April & May Dues Envelope. You will also find a letter from Bishop Leo explaining the need of this collection and the uses to which it is put in the Diocese, within Ireland and internationally. Each parish will be levied bv Kilmore Diocese at the rate of 11% of the accumulated 2008 Parish Offertory Collections which will work out at a contribution of €5.005 from Dromahair. € 3,066 from Killaraue & €2.503 from Newtownmanor. A contribution of at least €1O per household would be needled to make UP even half the amount due. Please do your best! Thank you for your continuing generosity! GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Trocaire: Have you helped out yet? Any remaining Trocaire Contributions would be gratefully appreciated. Please put your contribution in the special Trdcaire Offertory Envelope dated 1st April, Holy Thursday, or if you don't have one you will find Special Trdcaire Envelopes at the back of your church. Orjust use aplain envelope! Thanks to all who brought back their Trocaire Box/Envelope already. [B] Knock Shrine ~ Main Pilgrimage Season: April 25th - October 10th. A poster with the details has been placed in the notice - board of your church together with a copy of the Pilgrim's Guide. Apologies that it was not displayed last week as promised. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Saturday 11.00am; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:P( atrick) Ward, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 25th April at 11.15am. Dermot Treacy, Strandhill Rd., Mass Monday 26th April at 9.30am. Maura McGowan, Rose Barrett & Gerry Duggan, Mass Friday 30th April at 8.00pm. Liz Murray, Soxline, Month's Memory Mass Saturday 1st May at 11.00am in Dromahair & followed by Interment of ashes afterwards in Ariana. Cahal Sharkey, 'St. Joseph's/ Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 2nd May at 11.1 May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for May: Readers: Sarah Haddow & Martin Dolan. Collectors: John Me Morrow, Kevin Me Goldrick & Tommy Sweeney. Altar Society: Chris Me Goldrick. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:- John P. (Sonny) Reynolds, Anniversary Mass Sunday 25th April at 10.0am. Margaret, Martin & Patsy Devaney, Mass Sunday 2nd May at 10.00am. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for May: Reader: Leckaun National School. Collectors: Hubert Loughlin & Paul McDermott. Altar Society: Bernadette Banks & Mai Devaney. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 7.00pm; Saturday! 1.00am & Via/'/ Mass ~ 8.0Qpm< «« 2. Prav for:Sean and Mae Slevin & deceased family members, Mass Saturday 24th April at 8.00pm. Bernard & Brigid Dolan, Corrasra, Mass Saturday 1st May at 11.00am.«««««««« Tom Hannon, Gortgarrigan, Mass Saturday 1st May at 8.00pm. May theyrest in peace 3. Liturgy for May: Readers: Aine Me Morrow & Carmel Loughlin. Collectors: John Me Morrow, Mai Gallagher, Seamus Reynolds & Paddy Fahy. Altar Society: Patsy Devaney & Bernadette Feeney. Community Notices. 1. Bingo this Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50; all houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Dromahair Defibrillator Group: There will be a launch of a new defibrillator at Cyril Rowlette's / Kilcoosey School today, Sunday 25th April at 12.30pm. All welcome. 3. Leitrim Sports Partnership ~ 6 week custom designed Exercise Project for Women: Aura Leisure Centre, Carrick - on- Shannon, beginning on Wednesday 28th April at 12.00 noon & continuing each Wednesday. Programme includes swimming & aquafit exercises, boxercise, Pilates & aerobics. Fee €3 per week. Details from 071 - 9650498. E - Mail: 4. Dromahair GAA~ U-8 and U-10 Training for Boys: Tuesday nights from 7.00pm - 8.00pm in the Park. All welcome. For further information phone 086 - 8565649. 5. Marie Keating Foundation: Nurse Pauline O'Connor will have an Information Stand in St. Michael's Family Life Centre. Church Hill, Sligo on Wednesday &* Mav from IZ.OOom ~ 3.OOom. She will have information packs on all key cancer topics which can affect women and men including Breast, Cervical, Ovarian, Lung, Bowel, Skin, Mouth, Prostrate and Testicular. She will be available to speak to people on any health related issues which may be of interest or concern to them. All are welcome to drop in on the day and there will be a cup of tea /coffee on offer. Tel: 071 9170329. 6. There is a Clothes Bank in the Depot grounds. If you have old clothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will help parish finance and various charities. Currently people are leaving out bags of clothes at their houses to be collected by purely commercial operators. 7. Drumiease N.S. Enrolment ~ September 2O1O: Packs now available from the School Office. Contact: 071- 9164586. There will also be an Open Day for New Parents & Pupils on Friday 30th April from 1.00pm - 3.00pm. Come and meet the Staff & view the School Facilities. Refreshments will be served. 8. Worried? Lonely? Under Stress? The Samaritans offer confidential emotional support on their 24 hour helpline: 1- 850 60 90 90. www.samaritans.le & loccflsamaritans.orq A Statement of Account: Income / Expenditure for your Parish Area in 2009 is displayed on the notice - board in your church Booklets containing the full text of Pope Benedict XVI's Pastoral Letter to the Catholics of Ireland are available at the back of your church. Please take one! Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!