Parish Website: Fr, Anthony Pagan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071- 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killarsue ~ Newtownmanor " Sunday 25* October 2015 ~$(P Sunday's in Ordinary Tim. Mass Times for the Feasts of Ail Saints and AH Souls. Sunday 1st November ~ Feast of All Saints. Mass for this feast will be at the usual Saturday/Sunday weekend Mass Times. Mass for the Feast of All Souls ~ Monday 2nd November Killargue at 7.00 p.m. Newtownmanor_7.00pm; Dromahair ~ 8.00pm. Change of Mass Time in Killargue for the Winter Season On and from Saturday evening 31st October 2015 the Vigil Mass will revert to the earlier time of 7.00pm. s\/\/\/\/\/\s*>S>>S\/\/\/\^ CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Attar Servers for Dromahair: Sunday 25th October ~ Group 3: Melissa Rooney, Anna Quinn, Shane Conlon & Alan Kavanagh. Parents please note ~If your child is unable to serve at Mass on any of the assigned dates, please arrange a replacement [B] Last Sunday was Mission Sunday ~ when a Special Collection was due. October has been designated Mission Month when we remember the 1,500 Irish born Missionaries working in more than 80 countries. If you have forgotten your contribution, please bring it in next Sunday. [C]November is the Month when we remember our Departed Loved Ones and all the Holy Souls. You will find your Lists for Pie Dead/November Offertory Envelope beside your November Dues Envelope. If you dont have an official Envelope & List, please use an ordinary envelope and notepaper and mark your envelope November Lists. [D] Volunteers needed for new Befriending Project: Are you a good listemer? Want to lend an ear? We are looking for volunteers to support Carers, Relatives and Friends who are caring for people who have a mental health illness. We ask anyone with a genuine desire to reach out to a Carer who needs emotional support to please apply. Experience of supporting or caring for a family member, relative or friend with mental health difficulties is valuable but not essential. This new project, the Carers Liaison and Support Service (CLASS) is a joint project between the Carers Association and Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services. Areas we cover are Leitrim, Sligo and South Donegal. If you would like to help a fellow Carer or have the time to provide a listening ear, please contact the Carers Association at 071 9143123 or 087 8188716 for more information. [C] A.S.I.S.T ~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training: A Training Course developed for both members of the public and professionals and particularly those people whose work brings them into contact with people who may be vunerable or at risk of suicide. Forthcoming Training Dates: 17th & 18th November ~ ASIST ~ Mohill, Co. Leitrim. Training is from 9am - 5pm. To book a place or for further information contact: Belinda Taylor, Health Promotion 071 9135061. [D] SafeTalk ~ a half -day training programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. For more information and course dates and venues contact Belinda Taylor, Health Promotion at 071 9135061 [E] Leitrim Co. Council ~ Mass for deceased Members & Staff: St. Mary's Church, Carrick-on-Shannon, Monday 9th November at 8.00pm. [F] Short Term Pledge for November in Memory of Holy Souls: During November many people choose to abstain from alcohol and offer this prayerful act in honour of their deceased loved ones. Think about taking the short-term pledge for November. Contact 01 8749464 or www. A small fee applies for a certificate and emblem. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday Mass at 11.15am. 2. Pray fo Canon Hugh McGrail, Dromahair, Anniv Mass Sunday 25"1 October at 11.15am. Kathleen McGoldrick & Patrick McGoldrick, Main St, Dromahair, Anniv Mass Monday 26th Oct at 9.30am. Intentions of the Donor, Mass Tues 27th Oct at 9.30am. Intentions of the Donor, Mass Wed 28th Oct at 9.30am. Intentions of the Donor, Mass Fri 30th Oct at 8.00pm. Mary Christina Healy, Main St, Dromahair, Anniv Mass Sunday 1st Nov at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for Novembers Readers; Frances Downey. Collectors: Domhnall McLoughlin & Tommy Sweeney. Altar Society: MaryMcMahon. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Thursday 8.00pm; Sunday Mass ~10.00am. 2. Pray for: Elizabeth Fowley, Corraghaun, Anniv Mass Sunday 25* October at 10.00am. Frank Kelly, Galway, Mass Thurs 29th Oct at 8,00pm. William Martin, Magurk, Leckaun and deceased of the Harte family, Anniv Mass Sunday 1st Nov at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for November Reader: Martin McMorrow. Collectors: Seamus O'Brien & Eugene Fowley. Altar Society: Teresa Mullarkey & Mary Murray ST- BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm ««PI ease note change of time. Rosary before Mass for October 2. Pray for Charles Martin and Monica Me Morrow Mullaghduff, Mass on Saturday evening 24* October at 8 p.m. The Faithful Departed, Mon 2nd Nov at 7 p.m.Alice O Rourke, Lisnagowan, Tawneylea, Tues 3rd Nov at 7 p.m. Ed Connick, Leamaskealiy, Friday 6th Nov at 7 p.m. Pat Kerins, Sox Line, Saturday 7* Nov at 7 p.m. May they rest in peace 3. Eucharistic Adoration: ;Continues in Kiliaraue Church every Tuesday evening from 7.00pm. 4. Liturgy for November: Readers: Carmel Gallagher & John McMorrow. Collectors: Bridie Boles, Hubert McNamara, Detta McNiffe & P J. Feeney. Altar Society: Sheila Harkin & Maureen O'Hara. Community Notices. 1. Binge: Every Monday niaht at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30 except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated. 2. Leckaun Parents Association ~ Cake Sale ~ Newtownmanor Hall: Sunday 15th November after Mass. All proceeds to Parents Association of Ledcaun N.S. Refreshments served. 3. Dromahair Development Association / Tidy Towns AGM will take place on Wednesday 28th October 2015 at 8.30p.m. in The Depot Everyone welcome 4. Guitar Classes: Newtownmanor Hass on Saturday mornings. If interested contact Marian on 087 7834347. 5. Christmas Shoe Box Appeal: Please support this worthy cause by filling a shoe box for those who don't get any. Cosing date for receiving shoe boxes is Monday 2nd November. Information leaflets are available at back of Manor Church. Contact: Gabrielle Fowley on 087 3120224 6. Maps with details of grave plots in Newtownmanor New Cemetery & Carricktemple are now ready and will be put in place soon. They will be a helpful guide for visitors and those tracing relatives. 7. Dromahair Development Association/ Tidy Towns: Report of Tidy towns Competition 2015 are available on Church Noticeboard. Well done to ail concerned. 8. North West Hospice Dromahair Support Group would like to thank ail who supported their recent coffee morning €955 was raised Many thanks for your generous support 9 .Men's, women's and children's clothing and accessories sale in the Bargain Boutique. All donations can be left in tp the Blue Devon up until 15th November or contact Catherine on 087 2518011 All proceeds going towards Communiy Park, Dromahair. 10. N. Leitrim Men's Group ~ 25 Card Drive: 9.00pm in Bee park Community Centre, Manorhamilton, Sunday 25th October. Jackpot €250. All welcome Clothing Collection Facility There is a Clothes Bank / Container inside the Depot Gate. If you have old dothes for disposal, why not bring them there. Your contribution will help the parish and various charities. Currently people are leaving out bags of clothes at their houses to be collected by purely commercial operators & they rarely help significantly any worthy cause ~ despite what a few advertise! And other dothes banks in ttie village contribute only a very small amount to the charities they advertise. Please do not bring books, toys or any items other than clothes