Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor The Solemnity of Christ the Kino. A Date for your Diary The Christmas Communal Service of Reconciliation / Penitential Service for all parish areas will take place in Dromahair Church on Tuesday 18th December at 8.00pm. Please leave place in your schedule for this important /preparation for Christmas. ########## Every year Drum lease Parish Church (C of I) & St. Patrick's (RC) Dromahair join forces for a Community Christmas Carol Service The Carol Service will take place this year in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair on Sunday 16* December at 6.30pm. DV. People of all persuasions and no particular persuasion are most welcome! We welcome back the Parishioners of Killaraue to St. Briaid's Church. We hope you will be warm and comfortable with the new heating system. It turned out to be a major undertaking and we thank our contractors for all their work. You are asked to close the door at the back of the church when vou enter or exit and it is absolutely essential that the door to the aallerv is alwavs kept closed. Otherwise, the heating system will be to no avail. You cant heat an area with the wind blowing through it and we would prefer not to have to close the gallery on a fairly permanent basis. Thanks for your co - operation. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Advance Notice: Saturday tP* December 2O12 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Marv and a HolvDav of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated for the Feast as follows: Killargue ~ Vigil Mass ~Friday 7*" December & 7.00pm. There will be Mass on the Feast Day itself on Saturday tf" Decembers Newtownmana at 10.00am & Dromahair <& 11.15am. [B] Lists for the Dead/November Offerings: All listed will be included in all Masses during the Months of November/ December. [C] First Friday: Visitation for December will begin during the week. All will be contacted beforehand. [D] We remember: Michael Alwill (father of Fr. Gerry Alwill, Drumkeeran) whose death took place on Saturday. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; /r/tay 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for: Paddy Downey, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 25th Ntovember at 11.15am. Bridie Reynolds, Middlesex (sister of Eddie Fenton, LarkReld Lawns), Anniversary Mass Monday 26th November at 9.30am. Michael John Kelly & Willie Scott, Anniversary Mass Tuesday 27th November at 9.30am. Catherine Knight, Carrickacroghery and Stowe-on-The Wold, England, Anniversary Mass Wednesday 28* November at 9.30am, John Devlin, Drumtease House, Dnomahair, Anniversary Mass Friday 30th November at 8.00pm. Daniel Hannon, Shriff and deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 2nd December at 11.15am. May they rest in p^ace! 3. Liturgy for December: Reader: Fiona O'Loughlin. Collectors: Josie Torsney, James Creed, Patrick Me Goldrick & Padraig O' Rourke. Altar Society: Ann Me Loughlin a Ella Toolan. THE CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR 1. Mass: Thursday ~ 8.00pm; Sunday ~ 10.00am. 2. Pray fbrs- Jim Comiskey, Doonkelly & deceased family members, Anniversary Mass Sunday 25th November at 10.00am. The Darcy Family, Carrickanurroo & all the Faithful Departed, Mass Thursday 29th November at 8.00pm. Terry McDermott, Moragh, Anniversary Mass Sunday 2nd December at 10.00am. Mav they rest inpeace! 3. Liturgy for December: Reader: Any Volunteers? Collectors: John Logue. Aitar Society: Margaret Feehily & Mary Keegan. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vioil Mass -7.00pm. 2. /fr?y /b/> Anthony Kelly, late of Townahousey & London, Anniversary Mass Saturday 24th November at 7.00pm. John Joseph & Mary Bridget Harte, Anniversary Mass Monday 26th November at 7.00pm. Margaret & John James Kelly, Anniversary Mass Saturday 1st December at 7.00pm. May they resf in peace! 3. Liturgy for December: Reader: Lauraine Walpole. Collectors: Pakie McGoey, Francis Gallagher, Jimmy Harkin & Joe Walpole. Altar Society: Patricia Harkin & Carmel Loughlin. 4. Eucharistic Adoration continues as usual in Killargue on Tuesday evenings from 7pm - 8pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday^ every month. Thanks to all who helped out with Adoration in Dromahair Church. Community Notices. 1. Sings: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. 2. Progressive 25 Card Game every Friday night in Newtownmanor Hall at 9.00pm. All welcome. 3. Set Dancing Class: On Thursdays in Newtownmanor Hall from 8.30pm - 10.30pm. All welcome. Enjoyable and great fun! 4. DARCAGMi Saturday 1* December at 8.00pm in The Depot 5. Drama for DARC: Blue Devon Function Room, Thursday 29th & Friday 30th November at 8.30pm sharp. 3 Plays directed by Caoimhe Gleeson & Gerard McKenna: A HolyShowty David Kilgannon; The Tinker's Wedding by 1M. Synge and Remember December also by David Kilgannon. Come along for a fun night. Proceeds in aid of DARC. 6. Pilgrimage to Fatima ~ 2nd to 9th October 2013: 7 nights in Santo Amaro Hotel. Spiritual Director: Fr Vincent Connaughton. Special Offer: €150 off if full payment is received by 14* Dec 2012. €739 fully inclusive. Contact Ann Kelly 086 1505298 for details. Pilgrimage to Medjugorfe ~ 24th April 2013 at €639 per person inclusive & 10th September 2013 at €689 per person inclusive. Graded Reductions for early bookings. Contact Ann Kelly at 071 - 64296 or 086 -1505298. 7. Le/trim Animal Welfare. Church - Gate Collection on 24th / 25* November. Old blankets needed as well to keep animals warm. » 8. Leckaun N.S. ~ Calendar 2013: Calendars designed by children of Leckaun N.S. will go on sale at the beginning of December. 9. Community Forum Information Night: On Thursday 29th November 2012 the Community Forum is holding an Information Night in the Glens Centre in Manorhamilton from 7.00pm - 9.00pm.. New organizations and community groups will have Stands: Leitrim Development Company, County Leitrim Community Forum, Citizen's Advice Centre, North Leitrim Community Network, Money Advice & Budgeting Service, Community Text Alert, North Leitrim Men's Group, Manorhamilton Credit Union & the Simon Community. This Information Night is open to the general public and admission is free. 10. St Vincent de Paul: Parish Church Gate Collection: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th December after ail Masses. Drumlease N.S. Race Night Drumlease N.S. is holding a Race Night in the Blue Devon. Dromahair on Friday 7th December at 9.00pm. You can help by sponsoring a jockey or a horse on the sponsorship cards available around the village & area. Alternatively, you might sponsor a horse by contacting the school at 071- 9164586. Everyone is invited to join us on the night for lots of fun and prizes. AH proceeds in aid of Drumlease N.S. Please fill in todav! Pleasei Tax Relief for Donations to Eligible Charities and Approved Bodies Under this Tax Relief Scheme our parish is eligible to claim back a percentage of the tax paid by parishioners on their church contributions: all collections and dues. If you are a PAYE worker or were such in 2008 and contribute to your parish, please take home a copy of the CHY2Cert~ a white Revenue Form ~ which youli find at the back of your church. Fill in the relevant sections according to the instructions in the Letter from the Parish which accompanies it ~ a yellowpaw. Please return immediately as indicated. Thanks for your help and continuing generosity! Any tax repaid by Revenue goes to Parish Funds and not to the Priests. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person vou are. Kurt Cobain. Groucho Marx.