Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 26th October 2008 ~ 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Election of New Parish Pastoral Council 2008 All votes should be brought in by next Saturday / Sunday & put in the Ballot Box at the back of your Church, Votes can also be returned by post. See Ballot papers for details on the Council, voting and return of that vote. If you didnt receive Ballot Papers there are still some at the back of each church. Donft forget your Lists for the Dead / November Offering Envelopes which you will find beside your November Dues Envelope. The Lists of the Dead will be placed on the Altar for all Masses during November & December. Please bring in your Lists for the Feast of All Souls ~ or as soon as possible. Indulgences for All Souls ~see details on Church Notice Boards. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Last Sunday, 19P October was MissionSunday. Thanks to all who contributed to the collection in aid of the Missionary Movement. Your annual Mission Sunday Contribution helps the youngest & poorest mission churches to survive & is vital in supporting the Mission Movement worldwide ~ spreading the Gospel, establishing new dioceses, formation of native clemv, sisters, brothers & laitv, payment of catechists and provision of small missionchurches. The Mission Collection is sent in its entirety ~ there is no administrative charge. If you haven't contributed yet ftstill wish to do so, next Sunday provides a final opportunity. You will find the MissionSunday CollectionEnvelope in your Dues packet. If you have mislaid your envelope, you will find special MissionSunday CollectionEnvelopes& the back of your church. [B] Mass times for All Saints Day ~ A Holy Day of Obligation. Killamue ~ Vigil Mass Fridd/31* October at 7.00pm; Newtownmanor~ Mass Saturday!* November at 10.00am; Dromahaic ~ Mass Saturday!* November at 11.15am. [C] Mass Times for All Souls/ Faithful Departed ~ As normal weekend: Killamue ~ Vigil Mass Saturday 1st November at 7.00pm; Newtownmanor™ Mass Sunday 2nd November at 10.00am & Dmmahair~ Mass Sunday 2nd November at 11.15am. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ All Saints Dav 11.15am; Sunday ~ All Souls Dav 11.15am. For weekday Masses ~ see Killamue 2. Pray for.- Kathleen Me Goldrick, Anniversary Mass Sunday 26th October at 11.15am. Kevin Meehan, Kilcoon, Anniversary Mass on Feast of All Saints, Saturday 1st October at 11,15am. All the Faithful Departed / November Lists, Mass Sunday 2nd November at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for November: Readers ~ Frances Downey; Collectors ~ Mary E. Ward, Domhnall Me Loughlin & Tommy Sweeney. Altar Society ~ Mary Me Mahon. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Saturday ~ All Saints Day 10.00am: Sunday ~A// Sou/s Par 10.00am- For weekday Masses ~ see Killargue. 2. Pray for.-. Fr. Brian Cunningham, First Anniversary Mass Sunday 26th October at 10.00am. Molly Robertson & Jim and Annaleen Cunningham, Anniversary Mass Saturday 1st November at 10.00am, All the Faithful Departed / November Lists, Mass Sunday 2nd November at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for November: Reader ~ Martin & Mary Me Morrow; Collectors ~ Seamus O'Brien & Eugene Fowley; Altar Society ~ Teresa Mullarkey & Mary Murray. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Tuesday 7. OOom, Friday* Viail Mass for All Saints ^ 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Viail Mass AllSouls ~ 7.00pm. 2. Prav for.- Francis, Margaret & Teresa Lynch, Cloonaquin, Mass Saturday 25th October at 7.00pm. Terence Kelly, Killargue & Faithful Departed, Mass Saturday 1st November at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for November: Readers ~ Carmel Gallagher & John McMorrow; Collectors ~ Bridie Boles, Hubert Me Namara, Delta Me Niffe & Tony Feeney. Altar Society ~ Sheila Harkin & Maureen O'Hara. Community Notices. 1. Support your Local Bingo every Monday night in the Abbey Manor Hotel at 9.00pm sharp 2. Smoking Cessation Clinic: Our Lady's Hospital, Manorhamilton each Wednesday evening from 7pm - 9pm. Please phone the Ouit/inefor details on 1850 200 687 or Carmel on 087 9879138. 3. Leitrim Co. Council ~ Mass for deceased members & Staff: At 8.00pm on Monday 3rd November 2008 in St. Mary's Church, Carrick - on - Shannon. 4. The National Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland recommend that people over 65 and other at-risk groups should be vaccinated against the pneumo bug this winter. Vaccination for the over 65fs and at-risk groups is available free - of - charge. Consult your GP. 5. Newtownmanor Community Development Group: The Hall Warming takes place today, Sunday 26th October after Mass. Come along and see all the excellent refurbishment work that has been done. Refreshments served. 6. Progressive -25 Card Game: At 9.00pm every Friday night in Newtownmanor Hall. Come along each Friday for a great night of entertainment! All welcome! The following are the names & phone numbers of local priests. Please keep them in case of emergency. Rev Gerry Alwttl Drumkeeran, 071-96 48025; Rev. Patrick Sullivan, Glencar, 071-98 55433 Rev. Oliver Kelly, Manorhamilton, 071-98 55042, Rev, Rev. John Me Mahon, Manorhamilton, 071-98 56987; Rev Fr. John Sexton, Killargue 071 -91 64131 Fr. Vincent Connaughton, Killenummery, 071-91 64125 & Rev. Sean Burke, Ballintogher, 071-91 64154. Knowing the truth and not doing it, __ Is as foolish as writing a love letter and notposting it!