Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 27th May 2012 ~ Pentecost Sunday. V Family & Youth Mass in Dromahair Next Sunday 3rd June 2012 at 11,15am we celebrate a Family & Youth Mass in Dromahair Church. for the entire Parish. It will also be a special Mass for all those sitting examinations & their families and we do hope to have many young people taking part. Please put this date in your diary and try to make it a special family event. See you all there hopefully! Eucharistic Congress ~ Special Collection. This Special Collection will be taken up in all parishes of the Kilmore Diocese on Sunday 10th June. •••4PMnMMM«WMBHMMHMMAMMMM«MMrtMMMM«MMMMMM* T • •••••••••••••••^^I^^^IWMMWHBBM^BMMMMMMBWB^MBI im^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Dioceses have already done so. Its the final collection for the Congress ~ we hope ~ and is absolutely necessary in financing the event Do your best in trying times! If you are not around on the 10th June, please put your contribution in an envelope marked Eucharistic Congress and hand it in next Sunday. __ Thanks for your help and generosity! GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] We congratulate the children of Second Class in Leckaun N.S. who celebrated their First Communion in Newtownmanor Church, yesterday. Saturday 26th May. Please remember in your prayers all the children who celebrated the Sacrament and their families. Sincere thanks to Ms.Joanne Gilmartin & all the school staff for their dedication & hard work. [B] On - line booking for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress has re - opened until Monday 4th June. You canalso obtaina ticket at the gate, withoutbooking, for Monday 11thJune -Saturday Iff* June. New Option; Two - day tickets for both the Opening Ceremony on Sunday 10th June (RDS) & Closing Statio Orbis on Sunday 17th June (Croke Park) now available for €40. Must be pre - booked by 4th June. Visit: Some tickets will also be available through Centra in Collooney & Supervalu in Ballinamore & Bundoran. Why not make a family day - trip to the Congress? Details from the IEC 2012 Booking Office at 01 - 2981122. [C] Annual Diocesan Vocations & Support Services Collection: Any further contributions still welcome. [D] First Friday Visitation: Begins in the Dromahair area this Friday 1st June. All concerned will be contacted beforehand, [E] Weremember: Maura Flanagan/ Rooska, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare [mother of Bernie Boylan, Doonmorgan, Newtownmanor] whose funeral took place on Friday 25th May 2012 & Jim Me Garry, Market St, Dromahair whose funeral took place on Friday 18th May& Margaret Gormley [sister of Catherine Rooney, Friarstown, Dromahair] whose death occurred in recent weeks. May they rest in peace. Lourdes Invalid Fund ~ Special Collection. Thanks to all who contributed so generously to this collection last weekend. Amounts will be given next weekend. This Collection helps support those who are ill & participating in the Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Why not become an AssociateMember of the pilgrimage by praying for those taking part. The pilgrimage begins today, Sunday 27th June 2012. You will Find a Special Lourdes Prayer Cant at the back of your church. St. Angela's College. Shoo. New Courses in Religious Education, Theology & Chaplaincy Studies Open to teachers, chaplains, parents, sacramental preparation teams or anyone interested in these areas. More information from 071 9195550 or or E-mail: The thing from which the world suffers mostjust now is not the assertion of falsehoods, but the endless repetition of half truths. G.K.Chesterton. Blessing & Visitation of Graves Killaroue & Cloonlougher: Sunday 1st July 2012. Newtownmanor: Sunday 5th August 2012. _____^_ Further details will be given closer to the respective date ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday SAQprn; Sunday ~ 11.15am. 2. Pray for: - Tom & Elizabeth Rooney, Friarstown, Anniversary Mass Sunday 27* May at 11,15am. Siobhan Kelly, Manorhamilton & Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Friday 1st June at 8.00pm. Beryl & Michael MeGoldrick, Kilmore, Anniversary Mass Sunday 3rd June at 11.15am. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for June: Readers: Caroline McHugh. Collectors: Joseph MeGoldrick. Altar society: Josephine & OrSa Harvey. THE CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday ~ 10.00am. 2. Pray fon- Mary Ellen & John Francis Dolan, Corraghaun & Paddy, Anthony & deceased family, Mass Sunday 27th May at 10.00am. Deceased members of St. Felim's Sick & Infirm Priests' Society, Mass Sunday 3rd June at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for June: Reader: Sarah Comiskey & Gary Comiskey. Collectors: Michael Comiskey & Liam Martin. Altar Society: Hilary McDermott. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Vigil Mass** This Saturday & Every Saturday ~ 8.00pm. Special Mass this evening, Saturday 26th May, at 8.00pm for all Examination Students. 2. Prav for:- Thomas Me Guinness, Lisgorman & deceased family members, Mass Saturday 2nd June at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm & Padre PioNovena: First Tuesdays at 7.00pm. 4. Liturgy for June: Reader: Bridget Fitzpatrick. Collectors: Micheal Donaghue & Joseph GiblSn. Altar Society: Bridie Boles. Community Notices. I- Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is appreciated! 2. Dromahair Development Association: Tidy Towns Competition Judges are due in the Village from 1st June. Floral Pride judging is taking place as well. Residents are asked to keep their areas free of litter. Thanks for your help and taking pride in your village. 3. Manorhamilton Re-cyding Centre: New opening hours on Friday from 11.00am - 2.00pm & 3.00pm - 6.00pm. And on Saturday from 9.00am - 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 5.00pm. Charge just €4. Use it before welose it! 4. A.S.I.S.T. ~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training ~ 2 day workshop: 29th & 30th May in Carrick-on-Shannon Education Centre. The course emphasizes helping a person at risk to stay safe and seek further help. Contact Belinda Taylor at 071 9135061. 5. Leitrim Open 5k Women's RoadRace: Sunday 27th May at 2.00pm. On- line Registration: Contact: Leitrim Sports Partnership Telephone: 071- 96 50498 or sports(g) AAI Rules apply. 6. Dromahair Library ~ New Times from 1st June: Opens 2.30pm Tuesdays& Thursdays. Closes 4.00pm. Reopens 4.30pm - 8.00pm, 7. Michael Walsh Annual Dance ~ Old Tyme Waltzing & Jiving: Sunday 3rd June in the rainbow ballroom, Glenfarne from 9.00pm -11.30pm. A perpetual trophy will be presented on the night. Hope to see all the dancers there. 8. Dromahair Development / Tidy Towns are appealing to the public for help with plants for this year. Maybe households would donate plants or give a donation towards their cost? If you don't know what plant to donate or haven't got one, a contribution towards costs would be appreciated. Please contact the Depot between 10.00am and 1.00pm to drop in donations or arrange to have them collected. Tel: 071 9134986 or 086 8521791 Killaroue Cemetery Appeal. The Cemetery Committee is appealing to all who have yet to make a contribution to the Repair Fund \& do so without further delay. Work cannot start without sufficient funds ~and it will take circa €100 per plot. Parish website: Do vou wish to ao bv bus to the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in June? Please contact John at 087 - 2422856 or Marie at 087 - 9134433. Evening time is best. See also important information in Note [B] on the front page of this newsletter. ASAf AS AJAf AS AS AS AS IV AS AS AS AS AS/WAS AS AS IV AS A* ASA*/V AS Better by far to forgive and smile titan to remember and be sad! Christina Rosetti.