Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 -9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Did you forget? The Special AnnualDiocesan Vocations & Support Services Collection is due today, Sunday 28th April 2013. You can still bring it in next Sunday. You will find the Red Diocesan Services Collection Envelope in between your April & May Dues Envelope. Or simolv use an ordinary envelope, marked Diocesan Services. Thanks for vour generosity! v You will also find a fiver in vour Dues Pack? detailing the uses to which the Collection Is put. There is also a handout from our Bishop* Leo O'Reilly, at the back of your church. In the Diocese these include: Adult Religious Programme, Parish Renewal. Youth Ministry. Child Protection Services. Accord & the Education of Priests. In addition the Diocese has to contribute to CURA and the Commissions of the Irish Bishops' Conference for Emigrants, Prisoners Overseas. Catholic Education. Peace. Justice, Ecumenism. Liturgy & The Press and Information Office. If a/so helps fund the Regional Marriage Tribunal. Last year the parish was levied for €8,333 with Dromahair contributing - €3,850; Killargue ~ €2,306 and Newtownmanor *• €2,177. Your contribution this year will be much appreciated! Do your best! GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES, [A] Trocaire: Thanks to all who brought in their Trocaire Envelope /Box already or contributed to the Special Trocaire Collection on Easter Sunday. If you have not already made a contribution, it is still most welcome and badly needed. There is a special Trocaire Offertory Envelope dated Holv Thursday in your Offertory Collection Pack There are also Trocaire Packs at the back of your church and each one contains a dedicated envelope. Please place your envelope in the Offertory Collection Basket today or next Sunday. Hotel Pilgrims: €690/ €705 for flight & accommodation. Contact Me Ginnity Travel at 049 - 4331811 Assisted Pilgrims: Stay in AccueiL Notre Dame ~ Cost €530. Apply to Fr. Kevin Fay: 049 - 4330018 or 087 - 8579968 [C] ACCORD ~ Cavan: Getting married in 2013 or 2014? Contact ACCORD for your Pre-Marriage Application Form. Courses should be undertaken at least 6 months or preferably one year before your marriage. ACCORD also offers Marriage & Relationship Counselling in strict confidence. To book your Pre-Marriage Course or speak with a counsellor, please contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004. E-mail: [D] Knock Pilgrimage Season: April 28th - October 13th 2013. See your church notice - board for details. [E] Year of Faith ~ Lough Derg Pilgrimages & Retreats: Why not take part in a 1,000 year old tradition celebrating your Faith with people from every parish in Ireland? Contact your Diocesan representative, Fr. Michael Router, 049 - 4375004 or Email: You can also contact Maureen in the Lough Derg Office 071- 9861518 or E - mail: info@iouqhderq.orQ [F] The Graan - Novena of Hope 2013 from Saturday 27th April - Monday 6th May 2013. For details see the website: or telephone 048 66322272. See details on church notice - boards. [G] Friday next is the First Friday. Visitation will begin on Friday and continue next week. All concerned will be contacted beforehand to arrange time and day. [H] First Confession ~ Leekaun N.S: Wednesday 1st May at 11.45am. [I] May Rosary: Will be recited in all 3 churches before Vigil / Sunday Masses. Please begin 20 minutes before Mass. [J] Full Day of Eucharistic Adoration on 1st May in Killargue Church. See boxed details next page under Killaraue. [K] We remember: Mary Me Padden, Dargoon, Dowra (mother of Kathleen Walters, Dromahair & sister of Mick Feeney, Killargue) whose funeral took place on Thursday 18th April & Bernard Me Glinchey (uncle of Derek Me Glinchey, Churchfield) whose funeral took place in Letterkenny on Sunday 14th April. May they rest in peace! ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR, 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.3Qam; Friday S.QOpm.Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for. - P(atridk) Ward, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28th April at 11.15am, Sheila Finn, Sligo, Mass Monday 29th April at 9.30am. John Me Gowan, Dooneal, Dromore West, Mass Tuesday 30th April at 9.30am. All our Faithful Departed, Wednesday 1st May at 9.30am. Deceased members of St Felim's Society, Mass Friday 3rd May at 8.00pm. Brendan Brady, Dromahair, Mass Sunday 5th May at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for May: Readers; Sarah Haddow & Martin Dolan. Collectors: John Me Morrow, Kevin Me Goldrick & Tommy Sweeney. Altar Society: Chris Me Goldrick. fcHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Thursday 8.00pm; Sunday ~ 10.00am. 2. Pray for:-. John P. (Sonny) Reynolds, Carrickfad, his parents Celia & John and deceased of the Reynolds family, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28* April at 10.00am. Fr. Peter Me Partland & All the Faithful Departed, Mass Thursday 2nd May at 8.00pm. Margaret Devaney, husband Martin & Patsy Devaney, Corrycullen, Mass Sunday 5th May at 10.00am. May they rest Inpeace! 3. Liturgy for May: Reader: Leckaun National School. Collectors: Hubert Loughlin & Paul Me Dermott. Altar Society: Bernadette Banks & Mai Devaney. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Wednesday 9.00am & 8.00pm ~ with Adoration all day; Friday 7.00pm; Vloil Mass ~ 8.00pm. 2. Pray fon- Bridget Me Goey & John Me Goey, Slieveanard and Scotland, Mass Saturday 27th April at 8.00pm. Dora & John Cloherty, Drumany and Tommy Dolan, TuNywillian, Mass Friday 3rd May at 7.00pm. Frank & Bridget Me Ternan, Mullaghmore, Mass Saturday 4th May at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for May: Readers: Aine Me Morrow & Carmel Loughlin. Collectors: John Me Morrow, Mai Gallagher, Seamus Reynolds & Paddy Fahy. Altar Society: Patsy Me Goey & Bernadette Feeney. Full Dav of Eucharistic Adoration ~ Killaraue Church. Wednesday 1st May, beginning with Mass at 9.00am and finishing with Mass at 8.00pm. A list is available at the back of your church. Please put your name in a time slot that suits you. Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. AH houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is much appreciated! 2. Set Dancing Ceili: On Sunday 5th May from 4.30pm - 7.30pm in the Blue Devon. Music: Innisfree Ceili Band. Admission €10. Your support is much appreciated! All proceeds in aid of the Newtownmanor Car Park Project, 3. Kiliargue Tennis & Basketball Club: Tennis Coaching continues each Thursday until September. One hour coaching session ~ €5 per child. Coach: Ken Bates. There is an annual club membership fee of €25 per family. Adult coaching sessions are also offered in blocks of 6 consecutive weeks. Total cost €60 for the full block. For details or to book contact Janice at 087 - 2147453. 4. The Depot, Dromahair: Office open every morning ~ except Thursday ~ for typing, photocopying, faxing and internet access. There are also On - Going Classes in The Depot: Karate on Monday & Friday; Boxercise& Aerobics on Monday & Thursday; Parent & Toddler Group on Tuesday & The Wednesday Club ~ Active Age on Wednesday morning. See notice-board outside Depot or call 071 - 9134986. E-mail: 5. Local Garda Services: Members of An Garda Siochana will be in attendance in the Depot, Dromahair on Monday evenings ~ maybe with the occasional exception ~ from 4.00pm - 5.00pm. Normal business ~ such as form filling & passport applications ~ will be transacted. Contact Sgt. Robert Conroy at 071 - 98 55041. Parish Pastoral Council There will be a full meeting of the Pastoral Council In the Depot, Dromahair at 8.30pm on Tuesday 14th May. Boards of Management Meetings; Drumlease N.S. Wednesday 1st May at 8.00pm & Leckaun N.S. Thursday 9th May at 8.30pm. Killarque & Cloonlouoher: Sunday 30th June 2013; Newtownmanor: Sunday 11th August 2013.