Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 28th June 2009 ~ The 13th Sunday in Ordinary TimeT Pope's Collection 2009 The Pope's Collection for 2009 is due this weekend, Saturday 27th / Sunday 28th June 2009. Sorry for the lack of advance notice about it this year. If you brought in your contribution today, thank you. If you have forgotten, please bring in remaining contributions next Sunday if possible. The relevant Pink Envelope is beside the June Envelope in your Dues Packet. If you have mislaid your envelope, please put your contribution in an ordinary envelope with your name and address on it. Thank you for your continuing generosity. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] The Visitation & Blessing of Graves in Killargue Old & New Cemeteries takes place after 10.30am Mass on Sunday 12? July 2009. The Blessing will begin in the Old Cemetery immediately after Mass and when that concludes we will move directly to the New Cemetery. The Visitation of Cloonlougher Cemete/vwltt take place at 5.30pm on the same day. [Saturday evening Mass on the 11th July will be celebrated as usual at 8.00pm] The Visitation of Newtownmanor Cemeteries is on Sunday 9th August 2009. Please tidy your family plots and do your best to have all cemeteries in good shape. We owe it to our deceased relatives and friends to have the cemeteries clean, tidv & respectable. [B] Vocations Promotion: Fr. Sean Mawn, Diocesan Vocations Promoter, is visiting all parish areas this weekend 27^/28^ June. He will give a short presentation ~ replacing the homily ~ on how a parish community might encourage and promote vocations. [C] Diocese of Kilmore ~ Marriage Preparation Courses: It is Diocesan policy that each couple attends an ACCORD Pre-Marriage Course. Facilitators giving these courses undergo continued in-service training and supervision. And the sacramental aspect of marriage receives appropriate attention. It is a wise practice to do a course up to a year before the date of your marriage ~ a course only weeks before your wedding has not the same value! All couples are asked to note this request and make suitable & timely arrangements. [D] Would you like to climb Croagh Patrick on Reek Sunday ~ the last Sunday of July? If you are over 18 and would like to be involved on this pilgrimage day, contact 086 8398026. We hope to organize a bus from the parish if sufficient numbers are interested. [E] Child Protection Procedures: There will be a meeting for all volunteers who are involved in all parish/church activities at 9.00pm on Tuesday 30th June in the Depot. [F] Friday next is the First Friday. The sick and housebound will be visited in the Dromahair area on Friday 3rd July and in Newtownmanor on Monday 6th July. Visitation will take place in the Killargue area from Monday 6th July to Wednesday8th July. All concerned will be contacted beforehand. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday ~ See Killargue; Friday 8.00pm; Saturday** Wedding Mass ~ 1.30pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pravfor.- Teresa Me Loughlin, Fawn, Anniversary Mass Sunday 28th June at 11.15am. Pakie McKenna, Carrickacroghery, Month's Memory Mass Friday 3rd July at 8.00pm. Jenny & Anselm Doyle, Sllgo, Anniversary Mass Sunday 5th July at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for July: Reader: Sadie Foley & Eoghan Sweeney. Collectors: John Speers, Tony Maguire, Tom Conlon & James Scott. Altar Society: Maureen Me Goldrick & Josephine Hamilton. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pravfor.-. Tessie, Brigid & Thomas Healy, Fawnlion, Fivemilebourne, Mass Sunday 28th June at 10.00am. Joe Me Loughlin, Fawnlion, Fivemilebourne, Anniversary Mass Sunday 5th July at 10.00am. May they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for July: Reader: Siobhan Mullarkey. Collectors: John Loughlin & Charlie McDermott. Altar Society: Clara Boylan & Mary Darcy. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Wednesday 7.OOpm; Saturday ~ ViailMass~8.00pm. 2. Pravfor.- John & Bridget O'Rourke and deceased family members, Mass Saturday 27th June at 8.00pm. Hugh McTernan, Sheskin & Florrie Sharpe, Mass Wednesday 1st July at 7.00pm. Teresa McPartlin, Larkfield Barr, Mass Saturday 4th July at 8.00pm. Mav they rest in peace. 3. We need more people in Killargue to volunteer as readers. Why not help out in your local church? Please give your name to Brian Harte, Carmel Loughlin, John McMorrow or Hughie Harte. 4. Liturgy for July: Reader: Sheila Boles. Collectors: Jim Kelly, Michael Hannon, Padraig Banks & Donal Gallagher. Altar Society: Mary McGovern & Bernadette Walpole. Community Notices. 1. Support your Local Bingo every Monday night in the Abbey Manor Hotel at 9.00pm sharp. 2. Dromahair Festival started this Saturday 27th June and continues this evening with dancing, music & children's events. 3. Tennis Coaching continues each Thursday evening at Killargue Tennis and Basketball Court. Sessions from 6pm - 7pm & 7pm - 8pm. We welcome our new coach Adam Donaldson. Details ~ including adult coaching from committee members at the court. 4. Dromahair Red Cross ~ Defibrillator Group: Next meeting Tuesday 30th June at 9.00pm in The Depot. 5. Children's Fun Day: Sunday 4th July from 1.00pm - 4.00pm at Leitrim Gaels Community Field, Leitrim Village. For further information and booking phone 071 9640870. Knock Summer Youth Festival ~ You are the Light of the World. A festival of Faith, Fun, Music & Hope. Strictly 18 - 35 years. €70/ Free Buses. Bring sleeping - bag. Book now. Places limited. Youth Ministry Office: 094 - 9375035. Shrine Office: 094 - 9388100. Mobile: 087 - 6927850. Clothing Collection Facility A Container has been placed in the grounds of The Depot Dromahair ^v the collection of unwanted clothing ~ ladies', gents' and children's ~ shoes in pairs, leather goods, sheets, blankets & curtains. Please put the above items in plastic bags. Access to the facility is from the Backline and through the steel door leading into the Depot grounds. Only the right - hand door of the container opens. Turn the lever fully to the left before pulling the door open ~ and you'll need to use a little strength! Proceeds from these collections will aid parish funds You think becauseyou don't find prayer easy; because attendance at Mass is not congenial; because your record in the service of God is not a good one, that the tilings of God are not for you. Can't you see that the more inadequate you feel you are, the more you need God's help? Cardinal Basil Hume.