Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor\ Parish Website: www.drumlease-killargue.com Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. -Sunday 28st October 2007 ~ 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time- This Thursday, 1st November ~ The Feast of All Saints ~ is a Holy Day of Obligation. Friday 2nd November ~ TheFeast of All Souls - is a special day when we remember the Faithful Departed. Everyone should try to get to Mass on this day to remember their loved ones. For each of these feasts there will be only one Mass - in the evenings in each church: vigil Masses in Killargue and on the day of the feasts themselves in Newtownmanor & Dromahair. Details of Mass times for both days are given below at Note [B] ~ this page. Don'tforget your Lists for the Dead / November Offering Envelopes 'which you will find beside your November Dues envelope. The Lists for the Dead will beplaced on the Altar for all Masses during November &December. Please bring in your Lists for the Feast of All Souls ~ or as soon as possible Indulgences for All Souls ~ see details on Church Notice boards. ^^r"<^i-^r*^r*^/~^r*^f~^i~^f*^i~**r~^rr**sr**tf~~ti~^f**f?*»sr~*ji^*ir^jt~»^ GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] If you haveforgotten to bring in your Mission Sunday Collection, please do so next weekend. Do help your fellow Missionaries for Christ in their work for the needy of this world. They depend on your continuinggenerosity in helping bring the light of Gospel hope to the poorest emerging Christian Communities across the globe. Thanks for your continuing generosity. [B] Mass times for All Saints Day: Killargue - Vigil Mass Wednesday 31st October at 7.00pm: Newtownmanor - Mass Thursday 1st November at 7.00pm: Dromahair ~ Mass Thursday 1st November at 8.00pm. Mass Times for All Souls /Faithful Departed: Killargue ~ Vigil Mass Thursday 1st November at 7.00pm; Newtownmanor ~ Mass Friday 2nd November at 7.00pm; Dromahair ~ Mass Friday 2nd November at 8.00pm. [C] Pope's collection 2007: Dromahair €590 [€665]; Killarzue €450 [€450]; Newtownmanor €315 [€265]. Total €1,355 [€1,380]. Amounts for 2006 are given in brackets. Thanks to all who contributed~ and sorry for the late publication of returns1 [D] Confessions: Newtownmanor ~ this Friday evening at 6.30pm ~ before Mass for All Souls; Killargue ~ this Saturday at 6.30pm - before the Vigil Mass; Dromahair ~ this Saturday evening at 7.00 pm. [E] Liturgy Course for Advent & Easter: St. Clare's N.S., Manorhamilton , Monday 19th Nov at 8.00pm. [F] Friday next is the First Friday. As many as possible of the sick and house - bound will be visited on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday of this week - and the remainder will be visited early next week. All concerned will be contacted by phone to arrange the most suitable time and day ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday & Tuesday 9.30am; Thursday - All Saints 8.00pm; Friday ~ All Souls 8.00pm; Sunday 11.15am. 2. Pray for:Josephine Dorman, Mullagh, Dromahair & Hillingdon, Middlesex, Mass Sunday 28th October at 11.15am. Bernie McCormack & Alice O'Neill, Mass Monday 29th October at 9.30am. John Me Partland, Drumkeeran, Mass Tuesday 30th October at 9.30am. Mary & Peter O'Connor, Ballinameen, Boyle, Anniversary Mass Thursday 1st November at 8.00pm. Jim Fowley, Kilmore and Michael & Kate Cunningham, Cartron, Mass Friday 2nd November at 8.00pm. Edward & Nora Lynch, Kilcoosey /Drumlease & deceased of McGovern family, Mass Sunday 4th November 11.15am. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for November: Readers: Frances Downey. Collectors: Mary E. Ward, Tommy Sweeney & Domhnall McLoughlin. Altar Society: Mary McMahon. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD. NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Thursday ~ All Saints 7.00pm; Friday ~ All Souls - 7.00pm; Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:Jim & Bridie McDermott, Leckaun, Mass Sunday 28th October at 10.00am. Mary Kate & Patrick McTernan, Moragh and deceased family members, Mass Thursday 1st November at 7.00pm. William Martin, Margurk and deceased family members, Mass Friday 2nd November at 7.00pm. Mary & Christie Feehily, Moragh and deceased family members, Mass Sunday 4th November at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for November: Reader: Martin & Mary McMorrow. Collectors: Seamus O'Brien & Eugene Fowley. Altar Society: Teresa Mullarkey & Mary Murray. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Wednesday - Vigil Mass ~ All Saints 7.00pm; Thursday ~ Vigil Mass ~ All Souls 7.00pm; Saturday ~ Vigil Mass at 7.00pm. 2. Pray for:- Francis & Margaret Lynch and Teresa Lynch, Cloonaquin, Mass Saturday 27th October at 7.00pm. Julia & Patrick Sheridan, Lisgorman and deceased family members, Mass Wednesday 31st October at 7.00pm. Terence Kelly, Killargue and deceased family members, Mass Saturday 3rd November at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for November: Readers: Carmel Gallagher & John Me Morrow. Collectors: Bridie Boles, Hubert Me Namara, Detta Me Niffe & Tony Feeney. Altar Society: Teresa Mullarkey. Community Notices, 1. Support your local Bingo ~ this Monday night at 9.00pm in the Abbey Manor Hotel. 2. Knock Marriage Introduction Bureau ~ for information contact write to the Bureau at Knock, Co. Mayo or ring 094 - 9375960. Website: www.knockmarriagebureau.com .t 3. Killargue Development Association: Meeting Tuesday 30 October from 7pm - 8pm. This is an open meeting for all the members of the community. Come along and see what is being done. 4. Killargue Tennis & Basketball Club ~ People in Need Event 2007 - raised over €800 last Sunday. The Committee wishes to thank all who contributed and helped in any way. 5. Want to Stop Smoking? Free advice & help - HSE Smoking Cessation Service at 1 850 200 687 6. Influenza Vaccine Campaign 2007: If you are aged over 65 years or if you are a younger person with heart or asthma problems, diabetes or kidney disease, contact your GP to receive vaccination. 7. Leitrim Co. Council ~ Mass for deceased members and staff~ St Mary's Church, Carrick-on- Shannon on Mon 5th Nov 2007 at 8pm. 8. Progressive 25 Card - Game: Resumes in Manor Hall this Friday night, 2nd October, at 9.00pm. Connecting with Christianity ~ Adult Faith Formation Talks. St.Clare's N.S., Manorhamilton. Each Thursday from 15th November -6th December at 8.00pm 15th November: Images of God by Fr. Michael Router; 22nd November: The Church by Fr. Liam Kelly. 29th November: The Person of Jesus by Fr. Eamonn Bredin; 6th December: Prayer by Paula Gallagher. Why not try to understand yourfaith in an adult way! Doput these dates in your diary.