Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 29th March 2009 ~ The Fifth Sunday in Lent Lent is a time of Reflection in preparation for Easter ~ the Passionf Death & Resurrection Jesus. It is a time to think of our relationship with Cod, to make a spacefor prayer and reflect again on the importance of Mass and the spiritual in our lives. It is an opportunity to care for those in need ~ especially by contributing to Trocaire. Next Sunday is Palm/Passion Sunday. Palms will be blessed before all Masses and it would be nice to do this blessing outside if weather permits. On Wednesday next. 1st April there will be an early morning Mass at 730am in Dromahair. This is an opportunity to do something extra for Lent and to prepare for Easter. Mass will be over by 7.55am at the latest. Many people will then have lots of time to complete thejourney to their place of work. During Lent TheRosary will be recited in each church after weekend Masses ~for those who wish to remain on and participate. Time -Table for Holy Week ~ Easter Ceremonies Holy Thursday ~ Mass of the Lord's Supper > Killargue 7.00pm; Dromahair 8.00pm; Newtownmanor 8.30pm. Good Friday ~ TheLord's Passion >Dromahair 3.00pm; Killargue 5.00pm; Newtownmanor 7.00pm. Holy Saturday ~Easter Viail~ Dromahair-only at 9.00pm. Easter Sunday ~ Celebrating the Resurrect/on of the Lord ~ Massin all 3 Churches as follows: Newtownmanor 10.00am; Killargue 10.30am; Dromahair 11.15am. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] A Date for your Diary! Sacrament of Reconciliation / Penitential Service for Easter: Dromahair Church, Tuesday 7th April 2009 at 8.00pm. This service will follow the same pattern as our Christmas celebration and priests from outside the parish will be present. [B] Have you made your contribution to the Offertory Collection for St. Patrick's Day? This Collection supports Kilmore Missionaries abroad ~ especially those in Nigeria ~ in providing education, healthcare and building up Christian Communities. Contributions still most welcome,, There is a dedicated envelope in vour Offertory Collection Pack. And if you haven't got a dedicated envelope, please put your contribution in a plain envelope marked St. Patrick's Day. [C] Trocaire: Lent is a time to think of others who are less well off than ourselves. One of the most practical ways is to contribute to Trocaire and the amount usually suggested is the cost of one family meal per week. Trocaire Boxes~available at the hack of your church. [D] Kilmore Pilgrimage to Lourdes ~ 27th May -1st June 2009. Hotel Pilgrims should contact Me Ginnitv Travel 049 - 4331811. Assisted Pilgrims contact Fr. Colm Hurley 049 - 4334155. [E] From & including the!8th April the Saturday Evening Mass in Killamue will be at 8.00pm. [F] Friday next is the first Friday. All to be visited will be contacted about a suitable time and date. We offer our prayers for and extend good wishes to all the young people from Leckaun N.S. & Drumlease N.S. who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 21st March in St. Patrick's Church, Dromahair. Sincere thanks to the staff of both schools for their hard work and dedication. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 930am: Tuesday 930 am; Wednesday ~ early morning Mass ~ 730am; Friday 8.00pm; Sunday ~ 11.15am. First Confessions: Dromahair^ This Thursday at 8.00pm. 2. Pray for.Frank & Mary Creed, Dromahair, Anniversary Mass Sunday 29th March at 11.15am. Mary & Frank O'Rourke, Tullynascreena and deceased family members, Mass Sun 5th April at 11.15am. Mav they rest in peace 3. Liturgy for April: Readers: Joseph McGoldrick. Collectors: Ray McGoldrick, Frances Dolan, Frank McGill & Domhnall McLoughlin. Altar Society: Mary E. Ward & Christina Haddow. CHURCH OF MARY. MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Prav for.-. Bertie Cunningham, Fawnlion, Anniversary Mass Sunday 29th March at 10.00am. Lorcan Feehily, Hill House, Leckaun, Anniversary Mass Sunday 5th April at 10.00am. Mav they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for April: Reader: Frank Dolan. Altar Society: P J. Martin & Jimmy Dolan. Altar Society: Mary & Cathy Me Morrow & Lily Dolan. ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH. KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: Monday 7.00pm; Wednesday 7.00pm; Friday 7.00pm; Saturday* Vigil Mass ~ 7.00pm. 2. Pray for.Bernie Dolan, Corrasra & his parents Bernard and Bridget, Anniversary Mass Saturday 28th March at 7.00pm. Francie & Dora Me Goey, Annaghboy, Anniversay Mass Monday March 30th at 7.00pm. Hubert, Mae & Deirdre Feeney, Curry & Meath, Mass Wednesday 1st April at 7.00pm. John & Winnie McNulty, Curry & Katie Rooney & Nellie Feeney, Killargue, Mass Friday 3rd April at 7.00pm. Pauline Rooney, Tullycreevy, Anniversary Mass Saturday 4th April at 7.00pm. May they rest in peace. 3. Liturgy for April: Reader: Helen Dolan & Padraig Flanagan. Collectors: Joe Me Ternan, P J. Feeney, Joe Sheridan & Joe Harkin. Altar Society: Marie Sheridan & Martina Hannon. Community Notices. 1. Support your Local Bingo every Monday night in the Abbey Manor Hotel at 9 JQOpm sharp. 2. Multiple Sclerosis Church Gate Collection: Weekend 4th / 5th April. 3. Congratulations to Sarah Comiskey, Conor Dolan, Kevin Rooney & Bryan Bird from Leckaun N.S. who recently won the Kilmore Diocesan Pioneer Quiz. Good luck in the Ulster Final this Saturday 28th March 2009. 4. Best wishes to St. Patrick's GAA Club in the next round of Celebrity Bainisteoir\ 5. A Cake Sale ~ The Annual Fundraising event organized by the Parents Association of Leckaun N.S. ~ will be held in the Manor Hall on Sunday 29th March following 10.00am Mass. Do support this Cake Sale which assists in financing events for children at the school. 6. Leitrim Co. Council ~ Floral Pride Competition: Categories for community, school & village groups. Special category for estates. Contact Michelle Reynolds at 071 9650496. E - Mail: Closing date: Friday 3rd April 2009. St Paul ~An Introduction Two lectures for the Lenten Season to celebrate the 2000th Anniversary of the birth of St. Paul. Venue: St Clare's Primary School, Manorhamilton. Dates:Thursday 26th March & Thursday 2nd April. Time: 8.30pm. Speaker: Fr. Ultan Me Goohan. Admission free. All welcome. Sponsored by Manorhamilton Deanery Pastoral Council. Sincere thanks to all parents who encourage & have encouraged their children to serve at Mass. However, to ensure best practice, it would be appreciated if parents could arrange among themselves that one of their number could be present in the sacristy before and after Mass