Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071- 9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071 - 9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 30th March 2014 ~ Fourth Sunday in Lent. Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of our Lenten Journey For ail of us, may Lent be a time to pray again as a family, a time to re-assess our own lives, to care for body and soul, a time to reach out to people in need too. Today. Sunday 30th March, is Mothers7 Day / Mothering Sunday. We ask God1 to bless all mothers and to give us all the grace to renew and cherish family life in a Christian Spirit. Today we remember all those special people who contribute and have contributed so much to us all. And we remember with affection the mothers who have gone before us in faith. This Wednesday, 2nd April 2014 there will again be an Early Morning Mass for Lent in Dromahair Church at 7.00am. During Lent, the Rosary will be recited 20 minutes before Saturday Vigil / Sunday Mass in each ! church. Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of your church. Please take one home. I Change of Mass Time ~ Killaroue From and including Saturday 5th April 2014 the Saturday Evening Vigil Mass will be at 8.00pm. CHURCH NOTICES. [A] An Important Date for your Diarv: Sacrament of Reconciliation / Penitential Service for Easter. Dromahair Church Wednesday 15th April at 8.00pm. [B] This coming Friday evening. In Dromahair Church, there will be Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.30pm followed by Mass at 8.00pm. [C] The Offertory Collection for St. Patrick's Day supports Kilmore Missionaries abroad ~ especially those in Nigeria ~ in providing education, healthcare and building up Christian Communities. If you have still to make your contribution, please do so next week. There is a dedicated envelope in your Offertory Envelope Pack ~ or just use an ordinary envelope marked St. Patrick's Dav Collection. Please give as generously as you can. N.B. Again this year, one quarter of the collection goes to the SIA Services ~ Supporting the Irish Abroad ~ our vitally important emigrant services in various countries. [D] Would you like to climb Croagh Patrick, get a bit of exercise while taking part in a good humoured parish pilgrimage? It is proposed to run this event on Bank Holiday Monday, 5th May 2014. It's time to decide! Give your name to Frances in the Post Office. Tel 071 - 9164106. Names must be in by Wednesday 16th April. [E] Kilmore Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishop Leo O'Reilly from Tuesday 27th May - Sunday 1st June 2014. Hotel Pilgrims: €690/€710; Ring Me Ginnity Travel 049 - 4331811 for details. Assisted Pilgrims stay in Accueil Notre Dame. Fare €520. Contact Fr. Kevin Fay on 049 - 4330018. Mobile: 087 8579968. [F] Friday next is the First Friday. Visitation will take place as usual. [G] Parish Pastoral Council: Next Meeting at 9.00pm on Thursday 3rd April in the Depot. [H] Practice for Confirmation ~ Wednesday 9th April at 8.00pm in Dromahair Church. [I] Kilmore Cursillo ~ Annual Church Gate Collection: Next weekend, 5* & 6th April. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday 9.30am; Tuesday 9.30am; Wednesday 7.00am <««N.B.; Thursday