Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor ndav in Blessing and Visil We begin with Mass in Killaroue Church at 2.3Qpm followed by the Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Killaroue Old Cemetery at 3,15pm approximately & in Killaroue New Cemetery at 4.00pm approximately A Collection will be taken up in all graveyards for continuing upkeep & maintenance. ### Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Cloonlouaher Cemetery will also take place today, Sunday 30th June, beginning at 5.00pm. fW fW IV f\*IM AJIV (TW /V A/ Blessing & Visitation of Graves in Newtownmanor Sunday 11th August 2013 beginning with Mass at 5.30pm GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES, [A] Mass & Blessing of Graves in Creevelea Abbey & Killery Cemetries, which was to have taken place today, has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. The ceremonies will be re-scheduled for later date. [B] The Pope's Collection 2013 is due today, Sunday 30th June. If you have forgotten, please bring it in next Sunday, if at all possible. You will find the Red Special Collection Envelope in your Dues packet or simply use a plain envelope and put your name and parish area on it Thanks for your generosity. [C] ACCORD " Cavan: Getting married in 2013 or 2014? Contact ACCORD for your Pre-Marriage Application Form. Courses should be undertaken at least 6 months or preferably one year before your marriage. ACCORD also offers Marriage & Relationship Counselling in strict confidence. To book your Pre-Marriage Course or speak with a Counsellor, please contact Anne or Grainne on 049 - 4375004. E-mail: Information on other Accord Centres can be obtained from: Telephone: 01 - 5053112. [D] In October 2014 there will be a Diocesan Assembly in Kilmore ~ a gathering of the Bishop, priests and representatives from all the parishes ~ to discuss and take decisions on important issues facing the Church in the Diocese. In preparation, Diocesan representatives wish to meet people from every parish to discuss a relevant topic. Our parish has been asked to put together a group of people to give their views on the topic of: People living alone ~aae 65plus. The meeting will be an informal chat over a cup of tea. Thanks to all to those who agreed to take part. The Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council, Kieran Kelly will be in touch soon about the venue, time and date. You can contact him on 086 - 8583648 or E -mail: [EJNigeria Mission Collection ~ st. Patrick's Day 2013; Dromahair ~€1,513 [€1,185]; Killaraue^ €l,105r€7901: Newtownmanor ~€951 [€828]. Total; €3,569 [€2,803], Last year's amounts are in brackets. Sincere thanks! • [F] Trocaire Collection 2013: Dromahair~€4,829 [€3,811]; Killargue -€2,060 [€2,375]; Newtownmanor"€1,478 [€1,637]. Total: €8,367 [€7,823]. Last year's amounts are given in brackets, Thanks for your generosity. [G] Friday next is the First Friday. However, due to special circumstances, visitation will not begin this month until Monday 15* July. All will be contacted beforehand. [H] Weremember Dorothy Linnane (mother of Bernie McBride, Drumlease Rd) whose funeral took place on Sunday 23rd3une; Hugh Hamilton, Ballintogher, whose funeral takes place today in Ballintoghe at 11.30 & Tom Harte, late of Lisgorman & Portlaoise (brother of Brian Harte, Killargue) whose funeral took place on Saturday 22nd June 2013. May they rest inpeace. All - Ireland Rally for Life At 2.00pm on Saturday 6th July 2013 in Parnell Square. Dublin. Website: E-mail: or contact Katie on 01 - 8730463 or 087 - 7020255 for details on buses. This is a forum to make your views heard! Contact 086 - 8213806 if you wish to book a seat on a bus travelling from the local area. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DROMAHAIR, 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday B3fomrf Sunday** 11.15am. 2. Pray for: - John Harvey, Drumlease, Anniversary Mass Sunday 30th June at 11.15am. Dorothy Linnane, Galway, Mass Monday 1st July at 9.30am. Benny Winston, The Line & Jack McGee, Crossboy, Mass Tuesday 2nd July at 9.30am. Tommy Bradley, Mass Wednesday 3rd July at 9.30am. Tom & Kate - Ann Me Goldrick, Killaleen, Anniversary Mass Sunday 7**1 July at 11.15am. 3. Liturgy for July: Readers: Sadie Foley & Eoghan Sweeney. Collectors: John Speers, Tony Maguire & Tom Conlon, Altar Society: Josephine Hamilton. CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Sunday 10.00am. 2. Pray for:-. Joe Me Loughlin, Fawnlion, Fivemilebourne & Mary Ellen, Sr. Eithne and Br. Nessan, Mass Sunday 30th June at 10.00am. Deceased of the McTernan family, Gortnaskeagh, Mass Sunday 7* July at 10.00am. May they rest in peace! 3. Liturgy for July: Reader: Siobhan Mullarkey. Collectors: John Loughlin & Charlie McDermott. Aitar Society: Mary Darcy ST. BRIGID'S CHURCH, KILLARGUE. 1. Mass: /vytfay 7.00pm; Saturday** Vigil Mass ~ 8.00pm. Sunday ~ Mass for Blessing of Graves ~ 2.30pm. 2. Pray for:Teresa McPartlin, Larkfield Barr, Mass Saturday 29th June at 8.00pm. Tom Harte, late of Lisgorman & Portlaoise (brother of Brian Harte), Mass Friday 5th July at 7.00pm. Deceased members of the Feely family, Tullinwillan & the Gallagher family, Gortahork, Mass Saturday 6th July at 8.00pm. Mav they rest inpeace! 3. EucharisticAdoration: Killargue Church on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Padre Pio Novena ~ First Tuesday tf every month. 4. Liturgy for July: Reader: Sheila Boles. Collectors: Jim Kelly, Michael Harmon, Padraig Banks & Donal Gallagher. Alltar Society: Mary McGovern & Bernadette Walpole. Community Notices 1. Bingo: Every Monday night at 9.00pm in The Blue Devon. All lines €30, except games 5 &10 which are €50. All houses €100 and last game €200. Your support is muchappreciated! 2. The Depot, Dromahair: Office open every morning ~ except Thursday ~ for typing, photocopying, laminating, faxing and internet access. Very reasonable rates. Passport forms are also available. Telephone: 071 - 9134986. E-mail: 3. Clean - up in Dromahair Village: Thanks to everyone who helped. Your effort is much appreciated and makes a big difference. 4. Dromahair Playschool: A few places are still available for September. Children from 2 years 10 months up to 5 years are welcome. Contact Teresa Cassidy at 071 9164345 or 071 9164776. 5. Your help would be greatly appreciated in keeping Dromahair Litter Free because there is a major problem at the moment. Business owners and residents are asked to pick up the litter in front of their properties to improve the situation. Thanks for your co-operation. 6. Niall Mellon Trust: Gerard Fowley thanks all who supported the recent fundraiser. A special word of thanks to all who took part in the event, bought or sold tickets and who made the event a success. A total of €3,560 was raised. 7. Fr. Maurice Me Morrow will celebrate Mass on the Silver Jubilee of his Ordination in Kiltyclogher Church on Sunday T^July at 4.00pm. Parishioners and friends from the parishes in which he served are cordially invited. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Community Centre. 8. A Meeting will take place in Newtownmanor Hall on Wednesday 10th July at 8.30pm with a view to setting up a Local Historical Society. Anyone interested is invited to come along. Killarque Gathering On Thursday 15th August there will be Mass at the Holv Well at 6.00pm followed by a Social in the Community Centre. On Friday 16th August, there is a Race Night in Reynold's Public House at 9.00pm. On Saturday 17th August there is the School Reunion starting at 9.00pm in the Community Centre. There will be supper & bar with a live band and dancing afterwards. Former students of schools in the parish are all invited. Subscription €15. Year of Faith 2013. It is hoped to run a bus to Croaqh Patrick on 28th July ~ Reek Sunday. This event should appeal especially to younger people. Please indicate your interest by phoning Maria at 071 - 9134848 or 086 - 2530007. We need to get an idea of numbers very soon.